How can I hate him?

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     The first time I met Orochimaru, I was very suspicious of him, the way he moved, the way he spoke, everything he did made me wary of him. But then he spoke, and his voice lured me in and then his eyes captured mine and lastly his smile completely hypnotized me. I hated it so much and I denied how I felt because I knew he was up to no good, I could sense it. But every time I heard his voice my body failed me, and I could not think straight. His voice was so smooth, yet dark and sinister. I was addicted to his voice, following his voice were his golden eyes, they pierced through my being every time he made eye contact. They completely froze me. And that smile....... I just can't believe I've fallen for a snake like him.

   Thankfully, I don't see him often. He's usually either out on missions with Sasori or locked up in his room doing who-knows-what. That was both a good and a bad thing, good because I didn't lose control from seeing him, bad because I missed him horribly. It's like I'm obsessed with the freak of a man, I don't know how he does it. Fortunately, I don't believe he's noticed my interest in him at all, surely if he did, he would take every bit of advantage of it as he could. Though I was in the Akatsuki and surrounded by S-rank criminals daily, Orochimaru was different, he was much more evil than the others and his intentions were malicious. Some of us are starting to doubt his loyalty to the Akatsuki.

   There are rumors he's out for Itachi's Sharingan as well. He was up to no good. He had cold eyes and a malevolent grin, he fit the perfect description for a predator. And I the prey, that's how I felt around him, like a small helpless animal under the claws of a predator. Thinking of his face made me shudder in fear. Or was it pleasure? I'm a sick being if I find pleasure in his features. I guess that's what I am, mentally ill. For loving a man like him is absolute madness.

   I was sitting on the couch of the base pondering about all of this. The more I thought of him, the more I wanted to see him. The more I wanted to touch him. I became so frustrated that I couldn't get this man out of my thoughts that I decided once and for all. I was going to confront Orochimaru. I wasn't nervous or scared as I walked down the hallway to his room. I wasn't anxious and I didn't have butterflies in my stomach. I was determined and enraged all at the same time. I stomp down the hall and look at his room's door, I raise my fist and I knock confidently, not an ounce of fear in me.

   I waited for a few seconds until the door suddenly swung open. I looked up with a stern expression and opened my mouth to speak. But nothing came out. My eyes went wide as they met with his seductive ones, my knees went weak and I felt my legs tremble under me, my palms became sweaty and I suddenly felt much less confident. My heart sped up and my muscles tensed, my mouth opened and closed as my lips trembled as well.

"Hello there, do you need something darling?" His voice. It was as if it glided around the air until it reached my ears and blessed me with such a beautiful sound.

   I spoke nothing, I did not move. Neither did he. He just stared at me waiting for a response patiently. Minutes went by, and his expression became more and more sinister by the second. He gave a deep chuckle and put a hand on the side of my face, rubbing circles with his thumb onto my cheek.

"You seem very, very tense darling..." My face became so hot that there was no doubting the fact that I was blushing. 

   He began to get closer to me while placing his other hand on the other side of my face. I remained stiff as I saw him close his eyes slowly. His lips landed on mine, and my eyes shut too, both our mouths moved in sync. It was such a good feeling, it felt so right, I felt like I was floating. I raise my hands up to his chest and slowly curl my arms around his neck. The kiss was broken after a couple minutes of making out. My eyes open but remain half-lidded as I stare up at his eyes.

"Don't think I don't notice those looks you give me whenever I walk by."

I was even more breathless than before. That kiss had been everything, I don't think I was even standing up by myself, he was holding me by the waist as I lay nearly limp in his arms. I could only say one thing, and one thing only.

"I hate that I love you so much..." I whispered to him quietly as he gave me a wide smirk.

"I love that." Was all he had to say to me as he picked me up into his arms and carried me to his room.

How could you possibly hate a man like that?

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