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The next day Yoongi wakes up with the familiar, dull ache in his forearm and he groans in annoyance. Hiding in plain sight is a great idea but the pain and irritation that comes along as the heavy baggage does make him question whether or not it is truly worth it.

Outside the sky is dark grey, menacing clouds loom over the streets and Yoongi frowns; he really hopes it does not rain before he gets to college. Despite being old enough, Yoongi has not got a license and so he cannot drive. Taking the test means you must be registered using a scanner and your barcode which is something Yoongi would rather avoid where possible.

The house is silent as he moves about his daily routine, getting ready for college and leaving the house with his headphones in and thoughts running wild. Who was he thinking about? Jimin.

Jimin had been filling Yoongi's thoughts ever since the boy had called him "hyung" and a "fluff ball". Yoongi had no idea why but for some reason those words had affected more than he is willing to admit, in the best way, and now Jimin is the only one he can think of.

Yoongi wonders why Jimin finds school such a terrible place, who is the one making the happy boy feel that way? Who is the one making Jimin insecure? Even if he wouldn't admit it, Yoongi could see Jimin was insecure and nervous about himself which is something Yoongi wishes he could take away for the sweet boy.

Outside Yoongi locks the front door and turns around to see two girls huddled closely and one girl looks as if she is crying. Being a kind hearted person. seeing such a sight causes Yoongi to feel sad and so he walks over to the girls.

"Hey, are you okay?" He ask gently and the girl crying shakes her head while her friend looks cautious,

"What's wrong?" He asks again,

The girl crying however, just points to her wrist and that is when Yoongi looks down and sees a blank wrist, just like his own. Instantly the girl's friend tries to make excuses but stops when Yoongi raises his sleeve a little and shows both girls that he is the same as them; he has no barcode either.

"H-how do you do it?" The girl crying whispers and Yoongi smiles sympathetically,

"You have to be strong. I know it is difficult but you can do this as long as you keep going, it gets easier"

Yoongi continues to reassure the girl for a few minutes before the girls thank him and leave and Yoongi then walks away himself. The words that he told the girl are not all true; it does not get easier, it gets more difficult as you get older because you are more aware of all the consequences. However with time comes experience and that is the most valuable asset that those without barcodes have.


Jimin runs across the street to catch up to Yoongi who stops when he hears the younger's voice. He smiles softly as Jimin joins his side and the pair falls into perfect step making Jimin laugh quietly,

"How are you hyung?"

"Good thank you and you?"

Jimin smiles, "I'm okay. Where are you heading to?"

"Train station so that I can get to college, where are you going?" Yoongi asks and sees how Jimin's smile falters slightly,

"I'm going to school sadly"

Yoongi doesn't respond for a moment, trying to think of something to say that will make Jimin smile. Jimin stays silent too as he can clearly see that the elder is in thought and breaking someone from that can be very difficult.

"Want me to show you some of my music after school today? I finish at two so I could come and meet you?" Yoongi suggests and the way Jimin's entire face lights up is enough to tell him that the younger is excited,

"That would be amazing! I finish at three today, where shall I meet you?"

The two arrange a time to meet and Yoongi doesn't give the opportunity to say no when he suggests meeting Jimin at the edge of the school grounds. In reality, Yoongi really wishes to find out why Jimin hates school so much and who is making him feel that way; being in the school is his best option.

With a newfound spring in his step, Jimin skips away and Yoongi watches with a fond expression as they split and he makes his way to the train station. Today will be an interesting day.


The day passes quickly, luckily for Yoongi, and he soon finds himself back on the train heading to the other side of the city to meet Jimin at school. He agreed to meet the latter on the school ground but since he finished early, Yoongi decides to wait inside the school instead.

Jimin attends the same school Yoongi did and so he knows exactly how lax they are about security and letting strangers in. It's quite scary if Yoongi is honest.

The journey is boring and Yoongi texts Hoseok the whole time, not wanting to disturb Jimin in lesson, and naturally Hoseok spends the entire time making jokes about the pair.

'Make sure to condamise if you want to slip between the thighs' and 'don't be a fool, cover your tool' were only a few of the sentences and "helpful advice" Hoseok sent him.

Yoongi was blushing scarlet for the whole train ride.

Finally, Yoong reaches the school and spots a boy with blonde hair and bright eyes. He hums along to a random song as he walks and has a smile on his face. Yoongi grins and walks over stopping the boy,

"Hello, my name is Yoongi and I'm looking for Park Jimin's class. Do you know where that is?"

The boy smiles back and shakes Yoongi's hand happily,

"Hi! I'm Taehyung and yeah sure, want me to walk you there? Jimin and I are friends"

The pair walk together and Yoongi finds himself laughing hysterically; Taehyung's happiness is contagious. Turns out that Taehyung has a crush on Jungkook, Jimin thinks Jungkook likes him back and is trying to set them up.

"Thank you so much Taehyung"

"No problem Yoongi hyung, I hope you and Jimin have fun"

He leaves with a wink and Yoongi blushes while leaning against the lockers. Something tells him that he will be seeing a lot more of Taehyung.

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