Anyone else want to shoot me? Any takers?

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 I'm dedicating this chapter to BeautifulRose16 because she has been super supportive through the story so far. I just want to THANK YOU!!!!! Okay you can read now  :-)


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Chapter 10) Anyone else want to shoot me? Any takers?

   The the last day of my suspension was agony. I gave the bruises a complete night to develop, and they hurt more this morning then when I actually got them. But I needed to get up right now or I won't be able to do what I needed to. Which is switch my siblings schools before William shows up to it.

    Ricky lives in a 3 and a half story mansion. 15 bedrooms, each room with its own master bathroom. He also had a library, a home theatre, a living room, game room, and a kitchen. And stupid me chose the highest bedroom in the entire house to call my own. So climbing down all the stairs will not be fun. I got up and got everything ready, so I wouldn't have to make a trip back up the devil's creation called stairs.

   When I finally made it to the kitchen, I was in so much pain, I thought I was going to faint. I saw Ricky was in the kitchen already, so I walked up to him. "Hey, Ricky. Do you have any pain killers? My torso is killing me. Get it. Pain KILLER, its KILLING me. Ha Ha. Ouch." Laughing hurts.

   He ignored me trying to be funny. "Yeah, Sweetheart, I do." He said with a voice filled with a lot of sadness. "Eat something and I'll go get you some."

   "Why does your torso hurt sissy?" Lizzy asked from the kitchen table. Crap. I didn't know they were in here.

   "I got into a fight with dad, remember sweetie? He hurt sissy, and now he will never hurt any of us again." Deciding to change the subject, I asked "Do you guys have any friends?"

   Lizzy and James both gave me a curious look. Lizzy answered first. "No not really. Its only the fourth day of school. All the friends I had moved away."  "Yeah, the same for me." James added.

   "Good, because you guys are switching schools."


   After walking the kids to there class, which both of them were actually excited about, I headed over to the principal's office. "Come in." I heard right after knocking on her door.

"Oooo if it isn't my dear old friend." Mrs. Faust said with a big smile, while standing up. I couldn't help but give her the smile in return. Mrs. Faust was my 6th grade teacher, and the only person beside Jake and Ricky who ever knew about my dad. We never had any proof to stop him, but that never stopped Mrs. Faust. She would keep me after school for has late has she could or volunteer to 'babysit' us when we were younger, just to protect us. I'm so glad she became principal, it would make things so much easier.

   She gave me a big,tight hug that I sadly had to shorten. Of course, she noticed. Giving me that knowing look she said, "Pull up your sleeves and your pant legs, now Leah." 

   "You know what you're going to see. So we just skip that part?" I asked with a sweet smile. Looking like she wanted to argue, she nodded and sat back down. "And that is actually the reason why I'm here. I need your help." So we sat down, and I told her everything. By the end, she had tears in her eyes. "Your siblings are amazing students..." she paused in her sentence to get out two pink pieces of paper out of her desk, "And this school will miss them very much." I couldn't believe my ears. My plan actually worked.

   "Starting Monday, your brother and sister will be going to Cholla Elementary, where that scum will hopefully never find them." Mrs. Faust is and always will be, the coolest teacher on this planet.

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