Looking in the mirror thinking the normal things I think about. I guess normal thinking for me is killing my brother, torturing my mother, and running away.
My grandmother told me that we can't live without dreaming... and those are my dreams.
I'm talking to myself about how I imagine it would be if I lived with celebrities And about the guys I like and who I love and loved.
I'm getting ready for a long ride to grandmother's house for Christmas. I we just moved and I rather have Christmas here, but it's not like anyone cares about what I have to say in a situation at my house.
I have sit in the middle being the youngest ever since my brother die.Driving 3 hours listening to One Direction's Midnight Memories, ignoring to terrible Christmas songs that my mother plays as she drives. My father isn't allowed to drive the car because my mom doesn't trust him. She doesn't trust a lot of people. Yes, that includes me, but it does make me love her more than I already hate her.
I have listen to all the songs four times and that's 3 hours and 2 minutes. I enjoy math, mostly because all my math teachers have been my favorite.
Pulling my bag up a mini hill that leads to my grandmother's which my parents, two siblings, aunt, cousin, and I with be staying in for two days. We all know that's too many people for a two bedroom house, yet somehow they figure it out. As soon as we're all settled in we open presents I some things that I liked but what fascinated with. My new phone, I din't think I would get it due to my F in language and getting In School Suspension for bad reasons.
I put all my friends numbers in it and started texting them right away. This made my break so much better.New Years should be fun for a fifteen year old... right.
I was at a party with my very best freind