Sad : "I Finally Won"

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This story is quite sad for me. Hope you enjoy. :)


Today was the Tranton Chess Tournament in Tranton Middle School. Simon, a 4th grader, was one of the participants and he was running late. In the street corner before the school, there was a huge crowd and the sound of an ambulance. Simon didn't quite care right now though. He wanted to be 1st place on the Chess Tournament this year. 

He tried squeezing through the crowd, but the adults were so into the ambulance that they didn't move. 

Then, he noticed his neighbor, Ms. Hampter and her dog just at the back of the crowd, also struggling to see. 

"Simon! Hello," Ms. Hampter greeted. 

"Hi, Ms. Hampter! Hi, Romy!" Simon kneeled down to pet the dog, but before he could make contact, Romy growled at him. Simon jerked back.

Ms. Hampter also looked quite shocked. "That's strange. Romy loves you. I don't understand why he would growl at you."

Simon shook his head. "It's alright. I'm quite of in a hurry."

"Oh, that's right! Today's the Tranton Chess Tournament! Good luck getting number one this year. Geez, you're only a 4th grader and already in the Chess games. Have fun!"

"Yep! Gotta go! Bye, Ms. Hampter!" Simon gave a quick wave and squeezed his way through one more time and successfully made it through. 

Simon finally made it to the Multi-Purpose Room where the Tranton Chess Tournament was held. Thankfully, he made it just in time. 

Time went by and Simon beat his first opponent. Then the second. Then the third. Then the fourth. On his fifth game though, his opponent made a remark that he was getting pale. Simon said it was probably from that running, but his opponent was still suspicious.

In just a few more hours, he made it to the Semi-Finals. And there he met the winner from last year that he didn't beat. 5th grader, Jackson. 

"Nice to see you again, Simon." Jackson held out his hand. 

Simon smiled. "You too, Jackson." He met Jackson's hand. And at that moment, Simon didn't notice, but Jackson could've sworn he saw Simon's hand go transparent. 

"G-Good luck," Jackson stuttered, still thinking if he was hallucinating. 

"Yep!" And with that, they sat down and began their game. 

A girl that got beaten by Simon earlier grew tired of watching the game, so she started watching the television they installed in the waiting room on the other side of the Multi-Purpose Room. 

And there, she learned a shocking truth.

Back to Jackson and Simon's game, there still wasn't a clear winner. The game was in tension with each player only having a few pieces left. 

Suddenly, the girl burst open the door and her panicked stare landed straight at Simon. 

"W-What's wrong?" asked Jackson and Simon at the same time. 

The girl's pointer finger made its way slowly at Simon. "Y-Yo-You d-d-died."

Everyone's gaze traveled to Simon whose face was as shocked as theirs. Then he remembered what happened. 

His mother forgot to wake him up at the biggest day of his life! After grabbing just a piece of toast, he ran out the door. 

Since he was in such a hurry, he crossed the street without noticing the walk sign. And as he crossed the busy road, he heard a loud honk. 

Without even turning fully to that noise, everything went black. 

After realizing what had happened, Simon started to fade little by little, pieces of his soul going up and through the ceiling. 

Simon looked at his hands in panic, but calmed a bit when he saw the chess board. He moved his piece and looked up at Jackson. 

"It's your turn," he said.

Jackson was still shocked by the news, but regained his consciousness a second later. He looked down at the chess board and his eyes grew wide. He whispered something under his breath.

"What?" Simon questioned, straining to hear.

Jackson's eyes met Simon's. "I-I lost. Y-You've won."

Simon's spirit started to shine brightly as he smiled and teared up with joy. "I won! I finally won!" He held his hands up as he started glowing brighter and brighter. 

Everyone started applauding one by one until the whole Multi-Purpose Room was filled with the sound of clapping. 

"Thank you, everyone." He smiled once more... before fading with the air. 

Even though he was gone, everyone still clapped for him. 

Jackson couldn't help but let a tear escape his eyes as well. "Congratulations, Simon." 

Although they were inside a building, a gust of wind blew and whispered. 

"Thank you." 


Later, they found out Simon won at the same time as when he died in the hospital. 


Author's Note : Congratulations, Simon. ^^ 


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