Can You Fall In Love With Your Enemy? or Will I Be Able To Survive This?

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Enemies are meant for hating, right? I still think that no one should have enemies. I still wonder…….

Can You Fall In Love With Your Enemy?

I was staring at my computer screen hoping that “it” wouldn’t show up, but “it” did. My huge round face showed up on my computer screen with the sentence: “YOU CALL YOURSELF FAT WHY DON’T YOU LOOK AT ME I’M A PIG.”

I don’t know why but since the first day I stepped inside the classroom people started calling me names, like Fatricia, Pig Queen, and sometimes when they’re in a good mood Fatty Maddy. I’m pretty sure most of them don’t even know my name judging by them calling me “Fatty Maddy”,  people at my old school came up with better names for me. I don’t know why but I’ve gotten used to the fact that no one will ever like me.

In my whole life I’ve only had one friend and that was Will Justice. Will’s name doesn’t do much justice for him (Hahaha did you see that pun I made about his name? Nevermind I’m pretty sure no one likes my jokes either) because his dad is pretty much the boss of the second best Mafia here in Italy. Sometimes when there was something going on at my house that I just wanted to escape from,  Will and I would go do target practice in the training area at his house.

I remember when we were little and I used to come over to his house because my parents had importaant bussiness matters with his parents. I always enjoyed going to Will's house because he and I would always go to the training area for new mafia members and play with BB guns. I remember that one time when I almost shot Will's right eye; he wouldn't stop crying for 3 whole minutes and that was the only time I saw him crying other than the time I went to his parents funeral.

Will's parents died when he was 9 because of a car accident that caused him to lose his right eye. I don't know how many hours the eye surgery took but I don't care, every single second to me felt like a day. It was complete torture to wait for him to come out of the room. When he finnaly came out Will was different he got a new glass eye that would sometimes just roll around in his head if he didn't fix it. So he needed a pair of really thick glasses that made his head look small so people wouldn't see his eyes. When I tried to ask him how he was feeling my voice cracked in the middle of my sentence and Will stared at me in disgust as if his parents dying was my fault. Will left shortly after I tride to tak to him and he acted like I didn't exist from that day on. Well he did act like I exist sometimes but those times were when he referred to me as "that thing". I still thimk he's still affected by what happend to his fams ut I know that someday he will finnaly understand and live his life normally again.

Can You Fall In Love With Your Enemy? or Will I Be Able To Survive This?Where stories live. Discover now