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Tantum by Jessiikaa15

 Books » Harry Potter Rated: T, English, Drama & Romance, Harry P., Tom R. Jr., Words: 37k+, Favs: 1k+, Follows: 292, Published: Jul 7, 2014 121

A/N: Hey everyone, I'm back again and this is something I've been working on for a while. It came to me when I was writing Beautifully Broken (a bit of self advertisement I know, but if you haven't read that yet please check it out) and it wouldn't go away and so I began writing and this is the result. This is much more fluffy than my usual stuff, but I don't believe its sickening – I don't write sweetness or angst well in my opinion! It does have Mpreg in it and it is slash, so you have been warned, but I beg of you to keep an open mind and read it – you might be surprised.

Warnings: Mpreg, a little bit of slash and mentions of it, violence and language,

Disclaimer: Characters belong to J.K, but I'm pretty sure the plot's mine XD.



He had never expected this to happen. In actual fact, he didn't know what was going to happen, but this had never crossed his mind. He knew it could happen, it was a common thing, but he never thought it would happen to him. He should have, fate did so like to play with her favourite person, but no, he stayed wilfully blind. Harry shook his head as clenched his eyes closed before looking back at the parchment in front of him as if it was going to change; it didn't.

He was pregnant.

It explained the slight weight gain, his growing mood swings and the need to be around him more than normal. It had started off as an accident. After Sirius had died, he had gone off the rails spectacularly, going out drinking, sleeping around and doing everything Sirius would have done. It didn't matter who it was, man, woman, even creature on the odd occasion, he was there to have fun. And then he came. Charming, smooth and oh so good looking, and Harry had gone willingly. He introduced himself as Tom Gaunt, Harry replied he was Harry Black, Tom had a glamour up and Harry had his glamour down except the hiding his scar and as they continued to drink the night had become blurry. Harry had woken up in Tom's bed and he had known. How could he not have known? It was obvious with the first kiss, but it had continued and Harry had spent the night. He knew that he knew as well. They had a connection, one that could not have been replicated again, but he had also let it continue. And they had moved on.

The first time had been an accident.

But it had happened again. They had pretended they had not truly recognised each other, they were still Tom Gaunt and Harry Black, the masquerade in place and they spent the night in the same fashion without the aid of alcohol.

The second time could be counted as a mistake.

Everything after that was knowingly and willingly.

They had both kept the façade up, pretending to be someone else despite the other knowing exactly who they were; until they just stopped. They had been together too many times to even contemplate pretending anymore, they had spoken about things no one else knew about them, discussed dreams, hobbies and wishes; the pretence was something there only to fool themselves in to thinking that what was happening was ok. It was unneeded. They both knew it was wrong. That it should have stopped the moment they knew the truth. But it never had, and it was quickly becoming too late. Once the pretences fell, it was expected that everything else would fall too, when brown eyes became startling crimson, and unmarred flesh revealed a distinct lightning bolt scar, it was supposed to stop. Only it didn't. It managed to escalate. And Harry was helpless to stop it.

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