Chapter 2

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John took the babies inside careful to make sure he wasn't being followed. As he entered the room the light from side shun in Sam and Deans faces.

"Hi dad " dean said

""Hum...Dad you're back!"tired relief and happiness to see his father back home.
"What are those?" he asked

"Their babies we found them on the hunt." john said.

"What are we gonna do with them Dad?" dean said sitting up in his bed

"We are gonna keep them the Demons wanted them for something, they where doing some sort of ritual with them."

Hearing this filled dean with dread he had one baby to take care of and that was Sammy. Even though he loved him it was hard work John didnt always leave them money for food and even when he did sometimes it wasn't enough. But he knew that the babies had to stay even if he didn't want them too. Dean didn't want them not because He was selfish or didn't want the responsibility but new cause their had to be a better life this life wasn't a life for a child or for anyone for that matter. They where young and had a chance even if they where apart of a Demon ritual.

"Does that mean we are gonna have little bothers!?" Sam yelled out with exitment.

"We actually don't know yet we'll find out when we change their dipers."
John got a wif of a unpleasant odder that was coming from the babies.

"I think we better change them right now. Come here dean." the 15 year old boy got up and walked to his father and stood by his side

"Watch careful so you can do this when I'm gone I want you to know how to take care of them. You to Sam."

"Yes dad" they both replied. John care fully in wrapped the baby wrapped in black.

The baby was sleeping peacefuly even though dean didn't want to take this baby he watched his fsther. John undid the diaper and cleaned the baby off gently with baby whipes.
"Is it a boy!?" Sam said with exitememt
"No sorry Sam it looks like you got a little sister maybe the second one will be."
The small baby was a woken by the coldness of not having a blanket or diaper on. But it didn't yell or cry.

"Dean put a new diaper on her while I check the other baby." John said.

Dean grabbed a new diaper and looked down at the baby who was now a wake. She looked up at him and cooed. Dean didn't think much of it and leaned down to put on the baby's diaper. When dean leaned down she reached up and grabed his necklace his bother gave him. She laughed and cooed at her bother.

"Hey stop that that's mine not yours." the baby looked and dean and laughed and gave his necklase a tug. Dean continued to put the diaper on the baby, he gently lifter her legs and placed the diaper it under her then fastened it around her.

"Can I have my necklace back please" Dean said gently tugging the necklace out of the baby's hand.

"What are we gonna name them" Sammy asked looking at his brother and father

"We can name the one in white emily. That's a girls name." dean said not really caring.

Sam sat down by the baby wrapped in black carefully and looked at the baby, she looked up at her new brother and smiled. She was still laying on her blanket moving her arms and legs. She cooed at Sam trying to get his attention.

"I what we should name her. We should name her Amia my teacher read us a story and the girls name is Amia."

"That's a pretty name that's what we'll call them until we figure out what to do with them. I've gotta go drive Bobby back to his truck and tie up some loose ends." John Walked back to his car and drove away.

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