Ashyln was always into her books.She always hoped that she'd be the first out of her family to go to college & make something of her self until ..... Trey.
Ashyln ^ " mom I'm packing now .... yes .... yes ... yes ... yes mom everything is in the box I told you I got this ." I rolled my eyes as my mom kept going through a checklist she had made , I laughed in my head that was my mom for you, always going the extra mile .
Today was my last day in Shreveport, Louisiana . I'd be attending college at LSU in Baton Rouge , it's been my dream since I was younger to go there .
" yes I'll call you soon as I get there .... ok love you too. " i hung up the phone & slipped it in my pocket.
I slipped on a simple Nike suit & a tube top with my white forces. I wouldn't over due it today it was just moving day.
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I grabbed my phone & texted Zila, my bestfriend . Me & her had been close since my 7th grade year. She was attending LSU also , so she'd be meeting me there.
To Zila : wya babes ? Sent at 12:42 pm
" Auntie Ellen I'm about to go." I yelled throughout the house, she was the one driving me to LSU. We barely had money , so I couldn't afford a car & the job working at the bookstore only pays enough to put clothes on my back. I always split my check into two one half for needs the other half for college books.
"Ashlyn I'm outisde !" I heard my loud ass ghetto auntie scream. I hauled my last box down the stairs and outside to see her kiss a man I had never seen before. They were leaning on a white Ford Fusion.
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I just shook my head at my Auntie Ella & loaded my last box into the trunk of her car. I felt my phone vibrate letting me know I had a message.
From Zila : b, I'm already hea ! The niggas down hea hotter than Louisiana hot sauce Recieved at 1:12 pm
" How you like it Ashlyn ?" My auntie asked me. " like what auntie ?" I sighed. " your new car of course dumpling " she said with a wide smile as she pointed to the Fusion .My eyes bust open the strange man must have seen my facial expression because he laughed.
" Auntie Ella, I know you lying ! " I shrieked as I jumped on her giving her a billion hugs & kisses . " nope it's all yours " she fished the keys of her pocket & handed them to me.
" but how did you do it ?" I said as I looked in awe at my new car. " I didn't do nothing thank Mr. Martin over there." She told me as she pointed to the man , that had been standing there for a while. He was tall , darkskin & had a nice haircut that consisted of smooth deep waves. " Thanks ." I said shyly , all I received was a simple head nod .
After I said my goodbyes & moving my luggage to my new car , I started a new path .... college.
Zila I sat in my car for about ten minutes looking at my surroundings , the boys here was hella fine . It was so many & so so so fine . It was like a ice cream convention . From chocolate , to vanilla , to caramel . It was like play boy mansion , ZILA EDITION .
" damn this shit heavy. " I said to my self a little louder than I had expected because somebody had heard me.
"Need some help ?" Heard a deep voice sound from behind me. I turned around to him he was so bright lmao & sexy.
I stumbled over my words " su- sure." He laughed so sexy & grabbed two of the boxes " My name is Chris by the way ma."
Lord , first of all if you know me I love when a dude calls me ma. That shit drives me crazy . But second off I don't usually feel for light skins , but him right here can get it whenever. Today , tomorrow & should've got it yesterday.
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I looked down at my paper & read off the dorm number " D69" ... lmao what a coincidence. I headed in one direction and he grabbed my waist sending chills through my body .
" it's this way ma" he said as he looked in my eyes & licked his lips.
" oh okay ..." I said kind of embarrassed. " it's okay , you can lead the way just go straight ahead and make a right at before the coffee stand until you see D building.
I felt his eyes glued to my ass , so I decided to give him a lil show and put a lil umph in my step. On our way up the stairs I heard him talking so I guess he was on the phone.
" wassup ma ? .... yea ... oh fr ? ... mmm ... I'll be there in a minute then . " I felt stupid that must have been his girlfriend wondering where he had wandered off too .
Once we reached my dorm , I walked in first with him following me . " you can just set the stuff over there I guess" I pointed at the corner I had said with more of an attitude than intended .
" seem like somebody got a lil attitude" he said as he came closer to me , making me back against the wall.
" nah you can go now though " I said . He pinned my arms to the wall & whispered in my ear.
" I'll go when I want to." I looked at him & he had so much lust in his eyes , he must've knew he had my lil kit kat dripping . Next thing I know he stuck his hand down my panties, stuck two inside of me multiple times . Which caused me two moan softly. He pulled them off and sucked his fingers clean.
I thought he was done until he whispered in my ear .... " as long as you here don't give my pussy up to nobody ma." He said that before kissing my neck & walked out the door. Chris
I got to admit lil shawty Zila was fine but shit I ain't trying to do nothing but fuck. She ain't my type to get in a relationship with I like my girls lighter than her. Im hoping she wasn't a virgin because my dick magical. Meaning once I hit that thang I'd have that lil flipper hanging on my neck like a gold chain.
Me and the lord both knows I ain't trying to have another freshman on me like that especially after what happened to the last one.