A "Prelude" to before they left high school.

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-Third person POV-

Mello just got her school lunch, after waiting in the line for about twenty minutes and getting pissed after hundreds of kids were allowed to cut in front of her and skip the line entirely. She walked to the portable that her, and a bunch of other sort of anti-social nerdy internet friend type people also ate lunch. She walked in, of course after having difficulty getting in the door because of everything she was carrying, and sat down in Ambers usual seat, just to piss her off when she got there. Mello began to eat the disgusting things they called chicken pieces, and continued onto eating the sugar free applesauce. A few moments after she ate a flimsy plastic spoon full of the applesauce, the door to the portable opened, a tall slightly large figure filling the doorway. Mello looked towards Amber, immediately smiling smugly and chuckling as Amber glared at her. Amber walked over and sat down in the seat next to Mello, and after setting her stuff down, facing Mello and glaring intently into Mello's eyes. Mello started to laugh hysterically at Ambers attempt to intimidate her.
"You know I do this just to piss you off, right?" Said Mello in contentment with her success of aggravating Amber.
"Yeah, I know, but you do know I'm just going to be more of an asshole, right." Said Amber as she poked Mello in the side.
"You? More of an asshole? How could that be possible?" Mello said as she realized Amber staring at her with an odd look in her eye and a small smile on her lips.
Amber said nothing as she stared into Mello's eyes, analyzing her face and smugly smiling, as if she was imagining something sinister in her head. Mello chuckled with the smallest hint of nervousness in her voice and concluded that she could try and continue to annoy Amber and dig a deeper hole for herself. Mello started laughing as she poked Amber in the stomach and side and Amber started laughing to. They both stopped laughing as the bell rung, signaling the end of the lunch time. Mello poked Amber a last time and ran out the door before Amber could poke her back.

To be continued into the actual story.

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