Relationships part 1

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Jimin rolled over on one side. Openning his eyes, he watched his alarm clock tick to 8.57 am . He stayed up until 11 pm because he was rehearsing with the others. Of course he wanted to spend time with his newly made girlfriend (you) but sadly his knowledge of you was limited. He surfaced from his bed, strolled towards his bathroom and the first thing he did was stare at his mirror.

"We did organise that we're going out today," he spoke to himself.
He wasn't wearing any tops showing his ripped abs.
He stripped off his shorts and also took off his under garments, his large  genitals dangled as he moved over to the shower.

He twisted the shower nob and prepared for the spray of water to hit him. Leaning his hands on the tiled wall he glanced below him, his thoughts were all about you and what he should do to make progress in your relationship. His last girlfriend was a bitch who only wanted him for pleasure and money.

Jimin's pov.

"(Y/N)...that's a pretty name. I wonder if she's...", I looked at my  uncomfortable erection. "She, makes me...hurt...I want to..." I hesitated to reach for my joystick. "The hell! I don't even know if I really like her!" I growled and shut the shower off. I waited for my hair to drip dry with my hands on the wall and eyes focused on the ground.

Stepping into my room, I rummaged through my wardrobe looking for a suitable outfit. A white loose sleeveless shirt with a black cardigan. Looks perfect to me. Picking up a white jean to contrast with my black cardigan.

Normal pov.

"What do I do?" Jungkook looked at himself in the mirror. 'This is my...first date', he thought.
Despite the fact that Jungkook is a popular person in school, he'd never been on a date with any girl before.

The mirror, the same height as him, showed an exact replica of his clothing consisting of a white T-shirt, a black hoodie and a black jean. "A little too my opinion," he said as he looked at himself with one brow raised. 

He moved to his vanity and picked up a strawberry chap stick, hovering it over his already pink lips to give a rosy glow. "I hope I'm not overdoing it," he whispered as he puts down the object and picked up a comb. He comb his hair to the right, shaking his head he comb his locks downward. With a frustrated voice he growled, "why can't I get it right!" Finally he comb it to his left, raising his eyebrows he nodded satisfied with the position of his hair.

He swapped the comb with cologne. He sprayed himself with a tiny amount of the pleasant fragrance which left him unsatisfied, "maybe I should put a little more," he mumbled. 

After he finished, he rushed down the spacious and lengthy stairs towards what you call a vestibule. His butler Sen Zu opened the door for his young master. Jungkook was driven to the city only to be dropped off at your meeting spot. "Maybe I came too early," he said as he scanned the surrounding area for you.

You picked up your clothing...

(F/FN) - Favorite food name 

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(F/FN) - Favorite food name 

Not wanting to overdo it on your first date, you decided to wear casual clothing, something that blends in with the spring scenery. A white loose blouse with light beige shorts and sandals decorated with white shiny gems. Opening your jewelry box, you selected a bracelet that matched the gems embroidered  around your sandals. 

You ambled your way around to the living room where your mother was busy pouring your allowance for the month in your little purse and slipped it in your little yellow sling hand bag. Your father focused at cooking in the kitchen, your favorite food, (F/FN). He was whistling as if trying to lure you into staying, he was always cautious with you going out with boys, (the reason why you NEVER had a date or a boyfriend before).

"Dad stop it," you demanded laughing at the way he pouted from the kitchen counter. "(Y/N), don't spend all your money, come back before 3pm, don't drink or take anything suspicious," your mother held out your bag. "My friends aren't like that," you laughed.

(Huh? Oh, you lied to your parents and told them that you were going to hang out with some of your girl friends)

"I'm ready." You said with content plastered on your face.

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