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the signs as who they would in a kpop GROUP


Aries -
the one that is flirting with the other members

Taurus -
the mother of all the members

Gemini -
the one that has the most scandals

Cancer -
the one that is sexy on stage except shy and awkward in real life

Leo -
the one that is just done with every member

Virgo -
the one that writes songs and talks about deep shite

Libra -
the one that does aegyo

Scorpio -
the swag rapper that is actually a loser

Sagittarius -
the bias-list ruiner

Capricorn -
the one that barely speaks during interviews

Aquarius -
the one that doesn't know what the fuck is going on

Pisces -
the cold one that is actually a cinnamon roll


TUMBLR: @boochenle

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