Stone Layers

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Thanks to my Beta reader, Phobiakat. You are awesome and couldn't have done it without you!

Chapter 1

All of the Above

Love. Love? What's it good for?

Absolutely nothing.

Love is exaggerated by romance novels and rom-com movies. It's purely a propaganda for the media and day dreams. I'm sorry. I'm not normally this cynical; well actually I am, but it's been a hell of a day. And it's only 10 in the morning!

The way I deal with stress is to choose one of the following:

A. Punch someone

B. Kick a man where the sun don't shine

C. Steal a Harley

D. Almost get struck by lightening

E. Crash said Harley.

Or you can do what I did and choose the Option that doesn't even exist. F. F can stand for many thing. Many many things. Anything you could possibly think of. But for me it stands for: All of the above.

I chose to do all of the above, why, because I'm weird and ran out of my medication.

--6 hours earlier--

"Wait what?"

"Your card has been denied. I'm sorry miss." The woman at the counter gave me a fake look a sympathy. I hope her fake boob leaks.

"Nevermind," I leave the trinket on the counter and let her keep my despot credit card.

All I wanted to do was buy a tourist souvenir, like a Queen of England Keychain or an eraser of one of those funny hats the guys in red wear. I had more than enough when I left three days ago and I've only bought a postcard which only cost a pound.

I walk from the gift shop and find my group. They are all standing by a fountain and are waving me over. Smiling, I run over to them. When I get closer their faces fall sour.

"What's wrong?" They all blink and tear their eyes from behind me.

"Nothing." They all smile. I turn my head to get a look. But almost all of them reach out to stop me.

"What's going on?" I demand. This is getting ridiculous.

"Nothing." They all start blurting and stumbling out excuses. Uh huh. Sure.

"We just missed you." My best friend, Ronnie, says. She tries for a convincing smile but her lying skills are as natural as the sales lady's breast.

"I was gone for five minutes." I roll my eyes and turn around as they protest.

My eyes bulge and my mouth falls open some. My heart breaks. Shatters. Rips. All of the above.

My boyfriend, Clay and I recently got back together. We've been dating since the beginning of freshman year, we are now in our senior year, and we broke up before the trip. Yesterday we got back together. Per my request. I love him, so what if I wanted to get back together. No harm. No foul. I spoke too soon.

But now, I see him groping some girl in a cafe. As I walk towards them I can hear my friends yelling at me to stop. Getting closer I can hear the twos smacking of tongues.

Excuse me while I vomit.

I clear my throat a few times before she pulls away. She wipes her mouth and pulls her top up. He, Clay, slowly turns to me.

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