Chapter 8

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That Same Night

Red's POV:

After Green had gone to bed, I kept thinking to myself how attractive he's gotten. My crush had gotten worse. It's bad enough that I share a bed with him! Last night I saw him sleeping peacefully, I couldn't help but caress his cheek. He's changed so much since we were kids. I've always liked him more than a friend, I just never really knew how to deal with it. I decided to go back inside. Pikachu slept outside with all of the other Pokémon. I walked into the bedroom and saw Green asleep watching Professor Juniper's tv show. I took a shower and crawled into bed. I stopped and watch Green sleep peacefully once again. I noticed he was only wearing his boxers. I took my hand and stroked his side, feeling every muscle. He tensed up so I pulled my hand back and went to sleep.

     I woke up sweating at about 7:00. I stopped breathing when I realized Green's body was against mine and his arms wrapped around me. I turned my head to see him sound asleep. I slowly turned to face him and noticed something digging into my leg. I went to grab it. Holy fuck, it was his dick! Green yelped as he woke up. I looked at him terrified, mortified. "Oh my god! I'm so sorry!" I yelled. I decided to hide under the blankets so he wouldn't see me. Green started scrambling to sit up. "What the fuck, Red!" He yelled. "You had your body pressed up to mine! I felt something digging into my leg! I didn't know it was your dick!" I explained. "Why'd you grab it!" He shouted back. "Why was it touching me!" I answered. Green didn't say anything after that. He picked up the blankets off of me and made me look at him. "Look, I'm sorry, I don't know why I was on you, let's just forget about this. I'll sleep on the couch for the rest of the summer." Green explained. Green left the room right after he told me, leaving me all alone in the bedroom. I couldn't believe what had happened, he's straight, I probably traumatized him. I felt sick to my stomach just thinking about your crush wanting nothing to do with you. I went outside to study the Pokémon Professor Oak sent over. I didn't talk or hang out with Green for a long time after that. I started to feel lonely again.

Five Weeks Later

Green's POV:

It was now the end of July, Red and I haven't talked or even looked at each other for weeks. I missed hanging out with him. I started to get irritated when Red would duck his head just so he wouldn't look at me. I was tired of sleeping on this horrible couch. I proceeded to eat dinner outside everyday while Red ate at the table.  The seasons are different in Sinnoh than Kanto, making it chilly in July. I went inside to warm up. Me coming in startled Red, causing him to run to the room. "Fucking Red." I said quietly. I watched a movie and tried to go to sleep.

   It was freezing in the lab. My single blanket wasn't enough to keep me warm and comfortable. "Fuck this." I said. I got up and stomped over to the room Red was sleeping in. I opened the door to find him watching some children's movie. He froze when he saw me enter the room. He stared at me as he watched me go to the other side of the bed and lay down. "What?!" I asked as I saw him still staring at me. "Um uh.. aren't you still uh.. upset with me?" Red asked. "No." I said sternly trying to fall asleep. "You don't care that I grabbed your.. you know.." Red quietly asked. "No, I don't care, it wasn't even that bad!" I shouted in frustration. I froze when I realized what I said. Uh oh. "Wasn't that bad? What do you mean?" Red asked. Fuck, he knows. "Well, er.. uh.." Abort! Abort! "Green, did you snuggle up against me on purpose that night ?" "Why did you stoke your hand against me that night!" I asked immediately after. Red's face instantly flushed deep red. "You know that I did that?" He asked while looking away from me. "I also know that you touched my cheek also!" I added. Red was quiet for awhile until he eventually said, "Well, then I guess that I have to tell you something." Red paused. My heart was beating fast. I felt like panicking! Was he going to confess! "Green, I've always had a crush on you, ever since we were kids. If you don't feel the same way, I understand. I'll go back to Kanto." I was shocked. Red looked at me waiting for me to say something. He frowned and sighed. He started to get up and walk out the door. You idiot! Stop him! Tell him how you feel! "Wait, Red!" Red stopped to look at me. "I have to tell you something also."

     Red walked over to where he was sitting. I took a deep breath and said, "Red, I don't know how this started, I thought I wasn't into guys, but you've made me rethink it. I kept catching myself checking you out. You look way different than you did 5 years ago. You've grown up a lot. I get so nervous around you. And yes, I did snuggle up to you that night. And yes, I kind of liked it when you grabbed me." I can't believe I was saying all this. I couldn't even look at him. I didn't know what to say. Red smiled at me and said, "How about we go to sleep and talk about this in the morning." I agreed and laid down. Shortly after I felt 2 arms wrap around me, I couldn't help but smile like an idiot.

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