High School (first day)

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"MOM I know, no boys, mom I get it, now let me go, or I will be late for the bus!" Aphmau said while opening the door.
"Ok, good luck on your first day! My little girl is finally big now!" Yelled Sylvana.
At school-
"Class, we have a new student today, her name is Aphmau."
"Hi, uh, my name is Aphmau, Aph for short," Aphmau said in a shy voice.
" That girl is cute...." whispered Garroth
"Yeah" Laurence whispered back
"Hi, um can i sit here?" Aph asked
"Sure!" they both said, embarrassed.
"So what's your names?"Aph asked.(She blushes)
"Garroth, and this is Laurence"
"Nice to meet you," Aph said
"Class! Who is talking???"
(Aphmau giggled), The guys smirked. Aphmau secretly thinks that Garroth and Laurence are really cute. She soon got so bored and started texting FC.
"FC, LA is so boring, we have to write a story, but I already finished. Plus! It's 30min until class is over!"
"Shu, i can't talk right now, sorry."
"Oh ok then FC see ya"
Ugh, now what do I do? Even FC is busy.
Maybe I can try to text Travis, hopefully he doesn't get in trouble because of me.
"Travis! I am so bored!"
(No reply)
Shoot! I forgot that Travis doesn't look on his phone during class. Uugh
"Who ya texting?"
"Meep...Laurence I thought u are still writing!"
"Nah, thought I did take a break, you are pretty badass texting during class heh?"
"Hey!" Whispered Aph.
(Aphmau and Laurence both Blushes)
(Bell rings)
  "We'll see you guys later!" Waved Aph.
  "Later!" Said the guys.
       Wait?! I have Werewolf Class?! Aphmau got so confused, but she went with the flow anyways. When she got into the classroom she saw that another human was there as well. She sat next to him.
  "Hi my name is Aphmau."
  "Mine's Aaron, this is stupid why are humans in werewolf class?!"
"I was wondering the same thing!"
"So It's pronounced Aph-mau right?"
"Yep! And u are Aaron"
"Yeah, ugh here comes the teacher."(Aaron rolls eyes) (takes out phone)
"U text in class too?" Aphmau asked playfully.
"Yeah this class is useless to me anyways. WHY WOULDN'T SHE RESPOND???!"
"Who?"Aph asked, confused.
"Shu, why?"
"Wait...shu?" Aph asked,excited. (Aphmau' phone buzzed)
"You are Shu?!" Aaron asked, excited.
"And you are FC?!" Aph asked, eyes wide.
"Shu" (Aaron hugged Aph)
(Aph blushes)
"It can't be!..." Aph whispered to herself.
"I am FC, it's ok, we are best friends remember?"
"Yeah, sorry I am just shocked" Aph whispered, (she smiled)
(Bell rings)
"Bye Shu!"
"Bye FC!"
(Aaron Hugs Aph again, Aph hugs him back)
      At lunch, Aph sat by Travis, and saw Ivy, Ivy looked at Aphmau disgusted. Travis secretly stared at Katelyn for a while. Aphmau looked happy.
  "So at least someone's having a great day," Travis Laughed while saying that.
"Yeah, you?" Aph asked worried.
"I kinda like that....blue haired girl." Travis whispered.
"Katelyn? She is kinda scary but ok, I promise I won't tell."
"Thanks Not-Alone-Buddy."
(They ate)

Later that day-
"Who's that White haired guy Aphmau?!" Asked Sylvana, (She narrowed her eyes at Aphmau)
"Mom chill! He is just my Not-Alone-Buddy!
"Oh ok then, hey Travis nice to meet ya!" (Sylvana smiled at Travis)

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2016 ⏰

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