Chapter 5

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Hello my friends are you ready for Chapter 5?!?!?!?!? Well I am... I'm also taking suggestions for new stories so just leave it on my MB thanks!

Legacy Day was only two weeks away and Emma wasn't prepaird. She knew she didn't want to follow her destiny nor did she want to upset her Royal friends but she was determined to flip the script.

"Crumblina I'm going for a walk in The Enchanted hext you later." she said walking out of there dorm. Down the steps and behind Ever After High. When she entered The Enchanted Forest she heard two people talking she didn't know what they were talking about or who they were until she heard a voice that sounded like Asylnn Ella. She ducked down into the bushes and started looking for her. She finally spotted Ashylnn and Hunter cuddling. "Wait a splinter are two dating?!?" (We all know what episode this is from ) But before Emma could get any words out Hunter took his arm off of Ashylnn and they both said guiltly "No.". It wasn't  long until Ashylnn and began to speak "We couldn't we all know its against the rules." "Then how come this tree says AE+HH?" she said hopeing that they would finally give in but let words slip out of her mouth "Don't worry I won't tell anyone."  she said walking away.

She left the forest and ran into Blondie Lockes. "Well here she is." Blondie had said pointing her mirror pad to Emma. "Do you know anything about someone ruining Legacy Day Emma?" she said questioning her after what happend to Cerise she didn't feel like starting anymore drama. "Nope haven't heard anything. she said thinking about Raven Queen. "What a fairy-fail alright hext you later Emma!" "Hext you later Blondie." she said headding towards the dorms.

She wanted to talk to Cupid. "Just my luck." she said spotting Cupid half way to her dorm. "Hey can I have some advise?" "Sure what do you need Emma." she said kindly "What do you do when your in love with someone who isn't from your story?" she said thinking about Ashylnn and Hunter."Hm can get back to you on that." she said thinking "Ok hext you later Cupid." she said going to her dorm. "Hext you later." Cupid shouted. Emma walked to her dorm and sighed."Long Day Emma?" Crumblina said "We can talk about it over cupcakes."


( Chapter 6 coming right up.)

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