My Guardian Angel

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Running. I was running for my life. The shadow of my chaser jumping from tree to tree. I knew I couldn't out run him, but I needed to try.

I ran through the maze like forest taking turns to delay my chaser. I made my last turn....dead end.

I had reached the edge of a cliff. My chaser offered me mercy if I came willingly. But I knew what my fate would be if I went with him.

So I took a few steps back and let myself fall, fall to my death. Fall to my inevitably end.

Falling. I lost all sense of feeling in my body. Free falling like and angel of heaven banished to hell.

But before I felt my back hit the hard ground and hear the snapping sound of my neck, I felt my limp body caught in strong arms.

I looked up and stared into a pair of brown, golden eyes. White wings spread form his back. His golden blonde hair blew in the wind.

My angel, my saviour. The boy I've dreamt of every night. The boy who saved my life. My guardian angel.

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