(Harry's point of view )
'' Hello love '' u said as u walked over to kiss louis on the cheek. He smiled and stoped u in ur tracks and kissed u soft and passionately on the lips. '' I love u hazza '' he said i smiled and said '' I love u too boo bear '' He just smiled and walked off to make up. We had a concert in an hour so we have to get ready now because zayn takes so long.
30min later
'' im not ready and besides management will never let us'' louis said i kinda feel bad for him because i know he would like to come out like i would to tell the world about our love but he just is not ready for all the hate ''hazza'' louis said breaking me out of thought '' why do u want people to know '' he said shyly and quietly. '' well lou i want people to know how much i care about u and how u are my true love and that i would do anything for u and that we can show the world we arent afarid to be who we are i love u so much my dear and it would mean alot if i could let people see how much i love u'' i say with strong hope and happiness. I ment every word i said. Louid is just smileing his cheeks are a little red. '' aww boo bear are u blushing'' i said whlie winking at him only makeing him blush more . '' what no! I dont know what u are talking about hazza '' he said winking back . I hugged him and said '' love u lou you are my life'' i know he said and '' same to u my love'' all i could do was smile. '' SHOW TIME BOYS'' paul yelled '' ok'' all five boys said at the same time. ''Lets go lou '' i said he looked at me and said '' you're not telling the world are you?'' '' not yet lou hun not yet'' all he did was fake smile and walk out on stage.