chapter 17

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Patch came over to the Beast regardless of how Robin felt about him, but understood his actions since the Beast wasn't exactly nice at first towards the bird. The others soon rushed over to the Beast.

"Is he all right?" Mrs. Potts asked.

"Is he still alive?" Cherry also asked.

Atticus began to feel the Beast's pulse. "He's knocked out right now, but he's still alive." he then told the others.

"Please, please, wake up..." Belle stroked the Beast's forehead.

"Let's not gathered to--" Cogsworth was about to say until he gasped once he saw the Beast's condition. "MASTER!"

"Robin, could you please do some singing?" Patch asked.

Robin took a deep breath and then sang one of his natural melodies due to being a bird and all. And where this woke up the Beast.

"Sir...?" Cherry called nervously.

"That's beautiful...." the Beast whispered about the bird's singing as he was with Patch by the gargoyles.

"Whew!" Patch smiled out of relief.

"I was trying to tell you..." Belle warmly told the Beast.

"Such a wonderful sound." the Beast smiled.

"Not when you're trying to sleep on Sunday night before school the next day." Cherry muttered.

"This bird must never leave the castle!" the Beast demanded before he held out his paw and the bird perched onto one of his clawed fingertips. "I'll keep him in a cage in the parlor."

"What? But his wing will be better soon." Atticus said.

"He is no longer your concern." the Beast told the others, ignoring their protests as he wanted to keep the bird for his very own.

'I did not see this coming.' Patch thought to himself.

"You can't keep Robin in a cage, he needs to be free!" Mo told the Beast.

"He is free, to sing for me." the Beast ignored them.

"You can't be serious!" Atticus said.

The Beast then walked away with the bird as his own which made the others very upset, especially Belle.

"Don't lose hope, luvs," Mrs. Potts cooed. "Once you've lost that, you've lost everything."

"She's right." Mo said.

Later on...

The Beast kept the bird in the parlor and demanded for him to sing, but he refused since he was now sad to be away from Belle and the others who were really nice to him.

Drell was eating an onion as he came down the hall, then looked into the room to see what was happening. "What's going on?" he then asked.

"This bird won't sing." the Beast frowned.

"Maybe he feels trapped." Drell replied before taking another bite of his onion.

Patch was sad about the bird being caged. Drell kept eating the onion.

"Oh, Drell, that is so disgusting..." Cherry winced in disgust.

Patch went into another room to see how the enchanted objects were doing.

"Stop eating that..." Cherry cringed as Drell finished the onion and licked his fingertips now.

"Tastes pretty good to me." Drell smirked before he burped and then took a deep breath and waved his halitosis in her face.

Cherry and Atticus's Magical WorldWhere stories live. Discover now