Nina the killer

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I get a crown

Joey: what the fuck it's a crown

????: that would be mine

The girl was beautiful she had black hair cut smile purple shirt and had a huge booty and butt too

Offender: okay you 2 have fun

ME and the girl walked into the closet and offender closed the closet

Joey: hi what's your name

Nina: I'm nina

Joey: so how do you kill

Nina: oh I'm the torture I'm just used for sexual stuff

Joey: oh uhhhhh cool

Nina pulled down my pants and started to stroke my dick

Joey: *moans*

Nina started to suck your dick and you were moaning when she was doing it

Offender was said that they had 1 more minute left

You put your dick in nina pussy cause you we're horny as fuck and nina was moaning and everyone heard the moans from the closet

Nina sucked your dick a little more and then both of you guys put your clothes back on cause they had 20 sec left and then offender opened the door and they were just staring at offender

Offender: well time for you guys to go upstairs

*joey and nina went upstairs and in nina bedroom*

Jeff the killer: thare ganna you know *winks*

Me and nina took of our clothes and then I pushed her on her bed and started thrusting her hard and fast

Nina was moaning and I was moaning too

Then she pushed me on the bed and started suck my dick and I was moaning and then she put hey big juicy boobs between my dick and it just felt so good that's all I can say

Then I started to suck on her boobs and she started stroking my dick while I was sucking her boobs and then we both cummed my cum went on her face and her cum when in my mouth and I swallowed the cum

Me and nina layed on the ground tired, while we we're laying on the ground I so 2 cigarettes under nina bed and I gave her one and I had one and then we went down

????: looks like someone had a good time

A girl said with black hair and white mask with black eyes and wearing Black shirt

Offender: just choose in the hat who's next

Joey: okay

I put my hand in the hat and I got a teddy bear

Joey: really who's is this

?????: that would be mine

Offender: sally this is yours? Well hope fully you don't  have sex cause that's abuse

Offender says sexually

Offender: just go in the closet and you got 8 min

Offender closes the door

To be continued

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2016 ⏰

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