Update on copyright infringement

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I realized that I never really told you guys what happened with the whole copyright situation. Basically I reported her, and in my fit of anger I posted in her comments that she had copied my book and she knew she had been found out. Its my fault, but anyway, by the time Wattpad support got back to me she had deleted the chapter that was copied so when the Wattpad support team went to look for what I had reported it wasn't there.

In the end I learned to go to the support team right away and not to give the accused the chance to delete evidence, and that in the end I achieved the same goal of having my work remain my work, and not anyone else's.

She took down what she copied so the end result was all the same, I'm putting this out now as I am still getting comments and such on my original post and remembered that I never told the end of the story, you all have the right to know.

I don't want anyone to go out of their way to go after and message this author, she made her mistakes and I made mine. In the end we share the same platform and I am one of many to have my content stolen, yet I am one of the luckiest ones because there are those who go without justice for their stolen work and their content is stolen on a daily basis.

The experience has given me a new respect for authors who have also shared the same experiences, and if this accused author continues to steal content I think eventually she will be caught, even if it wasn't because of me.

Have a lovely day and stay positive -k

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2016 ⏰

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