Chapter One: A New Beginning To Hell!

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It was end of summer 2007; I was eleven soon to be twelve in December. I was excited, nervous and shy at the same time, being a new girl can be great, meet new teachers, new students and make friends with them. I stare at the window of my new home, it was hard since my parents announce we are moving, the house I lived in was something I've always loved ever since I was a kid, my old house has two floors, on the first floor had a fairly big living room with a chimney, that I love. And next to the living room were the kitchen/dining room, on the right of the kitchen door is the laundry room along with the spices and food we buy from the market except the cold ones, they are specifically in the fridge/freezer. Inside the laundry room has a door that leads to the garage, it was fairly big which in many garage can fit a big car. In the garage it has an attic, but I can't go in detail what is in the attic. Outside the laudry room there is three doors which the one on the right which is next to the laundry room is my parents room, and the middle door it has a bathroom with sink, and next to the bathroom was the toilet. It has an extended staircase in the living room, that leads to the left my brothers room, David's room is on the left and to the far right on the left is Stefan's room, my room was next to Stefan's we also have a bathroom in the middle. I always remember playing in the garden and watch the cloud, but my favorite spot was the beautiful view of my small room, whenever it was almost time for bed, I always look at my small window and watch the stars, the mountains and the city lights. It was one of my favorite thing, however there was construction that came in on the next street of my home, my mom told me in a dream that she saw us moving in a new home, and explain to me that at first she thought only was a 'dream' but both mom and dad visited the house dealer ship, and showed them a house that is being in construction.

And that was when, we sold the house I grew to love, and move to another home, my parents sold the house too fast since my new home was still in construction. So we have to move in another home which is right next to where my mom best friend lives, the construction only finished in December 2007 where we can finally move all of our stuff. But we have to wait until the new house to be completely done.

I stare at the window, I heard knocking. "Xenia, are you ready? The school taxi can be here any minute."

My name is Xenia (Kse-Ny-A), I am soon to be twelve years old. Well since we are in 2016 soon 2017 I am going to be twenty-one, I have two older brother the eldest is Stefan he is around 1m74cm and he just finished his master degree in the university of Geneva, in 2007 Stefan is soon to be sixteen in november. Stefan has dark hair and brown eyes, his skin is pale white. Then here is David...I would say one word David wasn't the kindest nor the good brother type, I won't say more, all will be explain in the story, David has dark hair like Stefan and black eyes. In this year (2016) David is still studying as a electrician, but in 2007 he just recently started his first year at his new school. As for me, I am starting my first year in David favorite school. "La Voie Lactée" in translation means "The Milky Way" Thinking about it now, I realized that there is a chocolate brand called "Milky Way".

Anyway, I quickly took my dark purple bag-pack, and reply to my mom: "Yes, I'm ready." Opening the door, I stare at my mom noticing that I am growing slightly taller than her; she was 1m62 while I stop growing up at 1m64 at age sixteen, which she always wear (well not always) high heels in order for her to feel confident that she is taller than anyone. Her dark brown eyes stare at me, and she smile softly, which I smile back. She went downstairs, while I told myself in my thoughts that I'll be alright. Nothing bad will happen to me.

I went downstairs, and directly to the kitchen I grab a banana and ate it. "Are you excited for your new day at school?" My mom asks with a soft smile, my dad wasn't around for the moment, since he had to go a lot of business trip for his work, though today he didn't need to go on another business trip because my new school held a meeting on my first day of school, and they want every parent to be there.
I ate quietly my banana looking down like a nervous dog, mom chuckle and engulf me in a hug. "Everything will be alright sweetie, I'm sure you'll fit in." I didn't open my mouth and smile sadly, the only reply I said was. "I miss my friends." Patting my head softly, she hummed and told me that I'll make new ones. "...And beside, you're still in contact with Aurélie." I nod my head, with a big smile.

Aurélie was my childhood best friend, when we first met well...we weren't at first in terms 'best friends' it was 'best enemies' when she first came in my first school, it was hate at first sight, we always picked fight, we didn't want to sit next to each other. However it all change one day when we both fought over a Barbie doll, Aurélie got braces a week after she first came to the school. I wore my grandmother made wool, I couldn't remember all the colors, but I only remember was red and a shape of a dog...
We did what most girls did, fight we were in a room and the teachers nor the students was there; they were either busy playing the computers at the school or... yeah... busy playing computers...
We clawed at each other, and in the end of the fight, we both stopped. Aurélie was behind me and she manages to get her braces to get stuck on one of the wool of my shirt. It was embarrassing for the both of us, but luckily not one student had saw us otherwise it would have been an even more embarrassment. We found a teacher and she was shocked and surprise the teacher ask us how did she managed to get her braces stuck, we told her the truth, which we got a lectured after Aurélie braces were off of my back, and that is how we became best friends, all of a Barbie...

With a big smile I hug mom back, and gave me a small peck on the top of my head. "Now your father and I will be there after you are done at school, and don't worry you'll do great in school." I nod my head feeling myself load of confidence, and I heard the honk of a car, my golden retriever dog Laika was barking when she heard the honk. "Oh, your school taxi is here. Good luck!" I nod my head at my mom and said to her a 'bye' and hug Laika, normally for mom she would come out with me and introduce herself at the taxi driver, but since she knew already the school after all my brother went there before me; she didn't feel like to do this.
As I came out of the front door, I saw a cubicle taxi car, and in the front of wheel was a woman with orange blonde hair with a big smile, which she reminded me of my grandmother. As an soon to be twelve, well most kids know how to open the door of the car; climbing into the car I've noticed there was no one in the car, the women turn her head and with her smile introduce herself:
"Hi, my name is Isabelle. You must be Xenia if I am not mistaken?" Shyly I nod my head, which she chuckled and told me to buckle up. I look out the window and watch the scenery pass by, until we got onto our next stop, where a boy lives a few houses down to my once house. He had oval shape glasses, blond hair with blue eyes and his skin was pale pink, and I knew immediately that it was my brother friend Yohan. He held a smile knowing that he wasn't the first one to be pick up at home, getting in he introduced himself to the taxi and he stare at me for a few seconds then look out the window, he was taller than me and I realize he was in his second or third year. He got on onto the front seat and buckle up, and the pickup continued, we arrived at our third stop where I met a boy whom I thought looks my age but he was in fact eight, but I'll get the part at how old he is in a moment.

The boy looks Caucasian, he also looks a bit taller than me, since I was still growing up I was 1cm47 but he looks 1cm50, he has short black hair and brown eyes and held a look of an innocent child like. Isabelle, held a big smile and the boy wasn't alone, he was with his mom which she tells him good luck and got onto the car where he introduce to the taxi as Lukas. He held a small smile and stare at me, where I shyly introduce myself, I look out the window and it continued the taxi stop where a girl came out, her name was Juliette, she was a very nice kid and like to make friends, energetic she got onto the car and wave her mother bye, where she look at me with a small smile and shake my hand. "Hi, my name is Juliette! Nice to meet you!" Which I giggle and introduce myself, Isabelle chuckle and announce us that we will being going to the school. Juliette then talks to me, which I shyly talk back and minutes goes by, that we all arrived at the specialized school...La Voie Lactée.
The school building looks old, and since it was built in the 90's it can be understandable. It didn't have a second floor just a one floor divided with four classes, named with planets:
The first one was Pluton which has those who are or have low very low grades, the second was Neptune those who has a low grade, the third one Pegasus which has those of good grades and Venus the very good grades. That school isn't like all school, it has classes true, but not how middle school or high school works. We don't have lockers only our desk are our lockers, and the class schedule are followed in the same classroom, now they have also strict rules the old ones and the new ones that was add in following year.

The rules are:

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