Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Jessie eyed the blankets surrounding her in the back of the wagon, a confused as to why they were there.

“Why do I need these?” she asked Colt. “It’s warm right now, and it’s only six in the morning.”

“Yeah, but haven’t you noticed how cold it gets out here at night? We keep the house relatively warm, but there won’t be a fireplace on the way to town,” Colt explained as he threw a satchel into the back of the wagon.

Jessie nodded and looked down at her leg, propped up on top of two or three blankets. She hoped it would heal soon. She was tired of being an invalid.

“How’re you feelin?” Colt’s friend Doc asked her as he approached the side of the wagon.

“I feel just dandy,” Jessie put on a sweet smile.

Doc nodded. “Maybe the doctor in Plateau will be able to do more for you. I’m sure glad you got your memory back. Hey, speaking of which, you don’t happen to remember how you ended up flat on your back with a broken leg in the middle of Arizona, do you?”

Jessie drew her eyebrows close together and thought hard. No matter how hard the thought, she couldn’t remember a thing about how she ended up in the accident. Had she ridden Sara? What had happened to the normally trustworthy horse?

“I… I honestly don’t remember a thing. I’m sorry,” Jessie said ruefully.

Doc waved her apology off with her hand. “It’s understandable. I’ve seen men get kicked by a horse and have a concussion like yourself, who never remember the accident or the events surrounding it.”

Jessie swallowed hard. Would she ever remember what happened? How else would she determine her reasoning for being out West? She couldn’t imagine never knowing the answer to that. How would she get back home?

Momma must be so worried. Daddy was probably gathering up a posse at the moment, and Jake would be at the head of it. She’d always had a protecting, good and strong Southern family, but what if they didn’t know her whereabouts?

Had she run away?

Jessie stifled a gasp. Who would give her a reason to run away? She had never been the kind to act hastily about anything, let alone run away on a whim.

The uncertainty of her past thoughts and actions enveloped and scared her. She was overcome by the feeling that someone was after her… that she was running from something. Why would she, the daughter of Jacob Steele, be running from anyone or anything? She had been taught better than that.

“You sure Sherman knows nothing about Miss Jessie, Colt?” Doc asked.

Colt nodded and glanced at her with that same kind smile that didn’t reach his eyes. “I’m sure. He has no clue.”

Just then, the dog started in on a barking fit.

“Shut up, Worthless!” Colt ground through his teeth.

The dog stopped only a moment before he started barking again. Colt rolled his eyes.

“If Granny didn’t love that mutt so much, I’d put us out of our misery,” he told her.

“Don’t you dare say such a thing about Worthless!” Carby screeched, bending down to pat the dog’s head. “He’s not worth much, but he’s a good guard dog.”

“Is that why he’s called Worthless?” Jessie asked.

Colt shook his head. “She named him that when he was a pup and refused to bark about anything. Needless to say, that wore off real quick.”

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