Duty Calls

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Jade POV

Wembley London England
Harry and Jade's Apartment
February 2016

I woke up in haste due to my aggravating phone alarm ringing on my bedside table. The obnoxious ringing took over all of my thoughts and began giving me a slight headache. I rolled over in a hurry to turn the irritating noise off.
4:30 AM.

Me & the girls had an early photoshoot with Notion this morning that we were all actually really excited about. We just weren't too keen on the idea of getting to the studio at 5:30 in the morning. But then again, we would all sleep in until 12 PM everyday if we had the choice.

However, the worst part about getting up every morning, wasn't the time, it was having to leave Harry's arms. As cheese on toast as it sounds, it was genuinely the hardest thing for me to do every single day. Every morning I woke up wrapped tightly in his arms. Every morning I woke up feeling secure and safe. And every morning I have to get up and leave that safety--much to my dismay.

His arms were wound tightly around my much smaller body as we just laid there in peace. But Harry always somehow managed to feel my presence & know I'm awake. He started squirming a bit and I watched him closely as he slowly began to wake up. His eyes gently opened on my face and the corners of my mouth immediately upturned.

"Morning love." One of the little things I truly loved about him was his deep & slow, yet raspy voice. Whenever he spoke, it was with ease. His voice was always calm & peaceful, yet at the same time, alluring.

"Good morning." I said enthusiastically.

"Time is it? It's still dark out, babe." Harry asked. He hated when I had to get up & leave bed so early.

"'Round 4:30. We have a really fun photoshoot for Notion this morning. So that's exciting. But I would rather stay here with you all day." I cuddled him even more.

"Well I won't be here all day anyway. I have to go meet with the lads at the studio to finish up a couple of things for the album. So lucky for me, I won't be completely bored without you all day." Harry informed me.

"'Bout what time do you think you'll be finished?" I asked. I knew I should be done with the shoot around 12 in the afternoon & also knew that I had nothing scheduled until later that night so I was hopeful that we could get lunch or something.
"Well they want to get started at about 10, so I'd say at about 12."
"Perfect! Lunch date at Costa Vida around 12:30?"
"Sounds amazing." He smirked.

I realized the time & figured I should start getting dressed so that I'm not late. I threw on a mesh white t shirt with some boyfriend jeans and decided to dress things up a bit with a pair of simple black strappy heels.

I ran to the kitchen & quickly made some tea to take with me in order to wake myself up for this shoot.

As I was pouring the tea from the pot into my cup, strong muscular arms wrapped around my waist. Harry placed his chin on my shoulder & continued to snuggle me. Just as I set my cup down on the kitchen counter, Harry spun me around to face him. He was dressed in just the boxers he slept in. Damn, my guy was hot.

"You're so beautiful. You know that?" Harry spoke with such delicacy.

"I love you so much. You know that?" Harry knew how much I lacked confidence, so whenever he had the chance, he was always complimenting me. And I loved him for always making me feel so loved. "But I really have to go or I'm going to be late."

As I was going in for just a kiss on the lips goodbye, Harry put both hands on either sides of my face & began leading the kiss to something a whole lot more than just a goodbye peck. His tongue caressed my lips as if asking permission to enter my mouth. My lips parted & and our tongues began dancing together in unison. After about 10 seconds of this, I finally managed to part from his alluring charm. "I completely wish this could turn into something more right now... but duty calls." I said with a wink.

I gave him one last quick peck on the lips and ducked under his arms to walk to the front door. I heard him yell, "Have a great photoshoot, babe. I know you'll look smoking, you always do."

"Thanks baby." I blushed.

"Don't forget, lunch today at 12:30 at Costa Vida." I reminded him.

"Can't wait. Bye. I love you."

"Love you forever, Haz."

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