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Harry's POV

As I finished paying for our meal, (much to Jade's dismay), we walked hand in hand through the inside dining area to exit the restaurant. As we were beginning to walk out the front doors, we noticed a lot of paparazzi. Someone inside must have announced our whereabouts to the media.

As Jade & I were making our way through the big crowd together outside, a male paparazzi called out, "Jade! Looking a little bony! Maybe you should stop starving yourself and eat some more!" As soon as the words left his mouth, I heard a faint gasp fall out of Jade's mouth.

I'm gonna kill him.

Right as I was about to turn around & snap at the guy and make a fool of myself, Jade already knew what I was about to do & stopped me in my tracks. She grabbed both of my arms & was attempting to stop me from turning around. She yelled to me, "Hey! Hey!" I stubbornly turned my face back to hers. She put her hands on either sides of my face and spoke smoothly in hopes of calming me down. "Don't do something you'll regret. This won't solve anything. Please. Let's just go home."

I am so mad I could punch this guy for putting hurtful thoughts into my girl's head. All I wanted so desperately to do in that moment was to stick up for Jade. However, I knew that as much as she would love for me to be able to do that for her, it was far from what she actually wanted me to do in this moment.

I resentfully agreed & we continued walking to her car. As we reached the Range Rover, Jade unlocked the doors and hopped in the drivers seat. I occupied the open space in between the open door and her settled body then grabbed both of her hands in mine. "J, are you okay?" I asked with concern. I know how much Jade let their taunting remarks get in her head.
"Babe. I'm fine." She said with a slight giggle acting as if it was nothing, but I knew that it was just another comment that dug it's way under her skin. "Hey, relax." She spoke softly as her delicate hands made their way up to my cheeks. "I'm okay. I promise." She said as if trying to convince me.
Until she spoke, I hadn't realized that I was still biting the insides of my mouth to keep myself from screaming at that guy.

I released the tense grip that my teeth had on my cheek & nodded at her response. "Please drive carefully." She said with care. "Do you just want to leave your car here and have me drive?" She asked with much concern.

"No, I'll be fine. I'll see you at home." I gave her a delicate kiss to the lips & shut her car door.

My car wasn't much further then where Jade was parked, but it took all of my strength not to go back & give those paps a piece of my mind.

I unlocked the door to my Mercedes-Benz G63 & got in the drivers seat. I took a couple minutes to recollect myself & continued breathing to calm myself down a little bit. I don't know how Jade always manages to act so collected & peaceful after having such harsh words thrown her way. But then again, anything and everything she does is done with grace & with ease. It helps a lot for me too because when she is calm & steady, it makes it easier for me to do the same in those situations.

I have no idea where or who I would be without Jade. That girl is my rock. And it absolutely kills me to think that she may be hurting inside.

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