Take Me Home/Have Mercy on My Heart

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Inspiration: "Take Me Home" ~ Jess Glynne

"Came to you with a broken faith,

Gave me more than a hand to hold

Caught before I hit the ground
Tell me I'm safe, you've got me now


Could you take care of a broken soul?

Oh, will you hold me now?

Oh, will you take me home?"


Another night of getting shitfaced and absently fucking some already forgotten person. Another night of pretending my life isn't spiraling out of control. Another night of pretending I'm not a complete failure while all my friends are out graduating college, getting married, having families and living their dreams. Another night of temporarily drugging my demons and pretending I don't hear them scream. Another night of struggling to hold my head above the water; it's another night of failing to pretend my problems away.

Every voice around me is muffled. The party shows no signs of ending soon. People are attached by the face and hip in every corner; I'd see more modesty in a brothel. Navigating the sea of alcoholic debauchery, I manage to find my way to the front porch. The cold air bathes my overheated skin and for one small moment, I can breathe. I lift my thick curly hair from the nape of my neck and close my eyes to savor the fleeting peace. Opening my eyes, I fumble in my jeans pocket for my phone. It's 2:48am. I can barely focus. With nothing but sheer drunken will, I locate the one name I'm always looking for. Isaac Lahey. Sleep is beginning to overtake me; my eyelids have never felt so heavy. Pressing the call button, I bring the phone to my ear. It rings twice before a sleepy voice picks up.

"Hello?" How does one person bring me so much comfort? Even in my drunken stupor, his voice resonates in my soul. Isaac is home.

"I need you," I whisper. The scent of rain fills the air and the wind blows in warning.

"Where are you?" He's completely awake now. I can actually hear him rushing out of bed to put on pants. His keys jingle softly in the background. He's coming.

"Brett's. There was a party. I don't want to be here anymore. Please." My throat constricts and my chest fills with an aching emptiness I might never be able to fill.

"I'll be there in 15 minutes." The line goes dead and a sigh of relief escapes my weary body. Sinking onto the porch bench, the party rages loudly in the house behind me. I look up at the moon with sleep laden eyes; so full and beautiful. Lying down, I try to take small comfort in knowing I'll see him again.

It's been 3 years since I broke up with him. It was the worst decision I ever made, but I did it for him. It killed me every day. He deserved better than me; the broken girl with no idea how to make her dreams come true. Eventually he started dating again. Allison Argent seemed like the best thing that ever happened to him...until she died. I saw him at the funeral. I've only ever seen that look of despair on his face once, the night I stupidly shattered his heart because I was afraid he'd leave me. It was the worst decision I ever made, but I thought I was doing it for him.

I don't remember calling him. I don't remember passing out on that uncomfortable rickety bench. I don't remember Isaac picking me up, kissing my forehead and tucking me into the front seat of his car. I don't remember making him pull over and vomiting on the side of the road. I don't remember him making me drinking my favorite Gatorade to keep me from getting too dehydrated. I don't remember him carrying me to his shower and helping me wash the night away. I don't remember him drying me off, dressing me and tucking me into his bed. I don't remember him whispering "you're safe now" into my ear as I fell asleep in a bed full of heartbreaking memories. But he does.

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