It all started once the first girl was infected.. no one panicked.. then the second person got infected.. people started to get concern.. then more than 6 got infected.. everyone panicked.. scientists and doctors up all night trying to find a cure...
Alex: *gasps loudly waking up in a hospital bed* S-shit... *sits up slowly looking around the room* N-nurse? Doctor? Anyone!? *shrugs getting up slowly grabbing onto the IV bag pole walking slowly over to the window and freezes in shock seeing the other buildings all rotten and old* what the hell?! *takes a step back tripping and groans when I hit the ground* DOCTOR!! *looks around slowly getting back up* the doctors are shit here.. *peaks outside of the hospital room and sees lights hanging from the ceiling and blood all over the walls* ew.. *steps out and gasps in horror seeing a body torn apart on the ground* what the fuck?!? *walks up to desk* HELLO?!? IS ANYBODY HERE?!? *passes room seeing a man laying there* sir! Wake up we're in danger! *sighs and shakes head Walking off unhooking The IV out of my arm* what happened..? How long have I've been sleeping..? Or is this just a bad nightmare?! Oh please be a nightmare... *runs hand threw my hair*
-as Alex passes threw the hospital halls he walks by the cafeteria that happens to be locked down with big words that says "DONT OPEN DEAD INSIDE"-
Alex: *furrows eyebrows in confusion and jumps back when doors start to move and a finger slides threw between the doors* what the hell is happening..?!
-after hours later Alex finds a way out of the hospital to seeing the dead empty city of Miami.. this was so strange.. Miami was always busy especially around the hospitals but it's Dead.. literally-
Alex; *takes a deep breath and coughing immediately to the deadly scent of rotten bodies* jeez *shakes head and goes into a store nearby finding clothes to change into*
-another person.. Watches from the corner-
Alex: *pulls out cellphone and tries to call my mom* Mom?! *hears it go to voicemail and tries to call everyone else only getting the same response* FUCK! *throws phone*
Joji: shhh!
Alex: *jumps and looks over*
Joji: *whispers* they're nearby! *goes over to him quietly*
Alex: what the fuck is nearby? What's happening?!
Joji: *smacks him and whispers again* shut up *pulls him down behind the shelf*
Alex: *peaks to see what's coming*
Joji: *looks over* Got a weapon?
Alex: w-what?! I-I don't kill!
-snaring in distance-
Alex: *peaks over seeing my very first walker horrified*
Joji: *runs up to the walker stabbing a machete in its head*
Alex: *flinches and vomits* WHAT THE HELL?!?
Joji: It had to be done! *looks over seeing a bunch more walkers come threw* we gotta go NOW! Are you with me?! *looks over*
Alex: uhhh I guess?!?
Joji: *grabs his arm running out the store*
Alex: *running besides him*
Joji: *pulls out walkie talkie* PULL UP BY THE WALGREENS NOW!
Alex: W-what the hell is happening?!
Joji: no time to explain just keep running!! *looks behind seeing walkers follow after us* shit yeah keep running don't look back! *runs faster*
Alex: *shakes head confused as hell but continues to run fast*
-A huge truck pulls up slamming the horn-
Alex; *falls back* HOLY SHIT!
Joji: *helps him up*
Mateo: *pulls up the back door* HURRY!!
Joji: *hops in*
Alex: *gets in*
Mateo: *pulls door down* THEY'RE SAFE!
Craig: *speeds off*
Suzy: *looks back* Who is he?
Joji: yeah.. who are you? *looks over*
Alex: I-I'm Alex
Suzy: *nods* im Suzy this is Craig driving and that's joji who saved You I'm guessing?
Alex: *nods softly* thanks buddy
Joji: *nods*
Jack: *scoffs* forgot I existed?
Suzy: well your just sitting there in the corner in the dark
Jack: true *shrugs* my name is Jack
Alex: *nods* ok so... I'm pretty sure I might've just waken up from a coma.. what the hell is all this around us..?
Suzy: *sighs and looks ahead*
Joji: the world is infected.. its basically the zombie apocalypse
Alex: *looks over*
Joji: it started out when this one chick got infected.. then everyone else got infected.. there's no cure *looks down*
Alex: *shakes head* I-I need to find my family and girlfriend-
Joji: we can't
Alex: what the fuck do you mean we can't?!
Suzy: what's their names?
Alex: ...Abby is my girlfriend my mom is Jen and I had a small sister named Rose
Suzy: *looks over at Craig* don't you have a Abby at Alexandrea?!
Craig: uhh I think so
Suzy: *looks back* I think your girlfriend might be with us..!
Alex: what about my mom and sister?
Suzy: maybe they are too.. don't give up hope just yet Alex.. it took me 8 months to finally find out if my friend was alive out here
Alex: ..was she?
Suzy: *grins and nods* she's back home
Alex: where's "Home"
Jack; Washington DC
Alex: ..we're in Florida.. right?
Craig: yepp it's a 15 hour drive if I remember correctly
Alex: what the hell you guys doing here then?!
Suzy: supply run we're changing trucks as we go along
Alex: is it really that hard to find supplies?
Suzy: right now..? *nods* yes at the moment it is cause there's a group... The saviors..
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