Chapter 3

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While she was asleep, Shantel had a very weird dream.... She was falling. And while she was falling, she saw Naomi. Naomi kept screaming to her, "Save me, Shantel!" Shantel kept falling and even if she tried reaching out, she couldn't. She then saw Naomi's dad with his cunning smile. She saw the scene of Naomi's death in front of her eyes and she kept falling.. Suddenly, she felt some jerks on her shoulder and a splash of water on her face. "Shantel, are you okay, hon?" Shantel saw her mom in front of her with a glass of water. "Mom." Shantel hugged her mother and started crying. "What happened, love?" asked her mom sitting beside her . "Naomi needs me. Her soul needs peace" said Shantel sipping on the water. "Love. I know you're upset, but, you need rest. I know you got a bad dream, let's sleep for a while again. Okay?" said her mom putting her back to bed. Shantel knew her mom was worried, but what upset her was that she wasn't ready to believe that Naomi wanted to tell something to Shantel. Having no other option, Shantel lay down on the bed hoping she won't get that dream again and even if she did, she'd get some answers.

After some time she woke up and texted Jayden -
'Need to meet you urgently, babe. Cya at Starbucks at 5 x'

She wanted to meet Jayden so that she could go and talk to Naomi's mom about her death. She went to the washroom, freshened up and went to the hall where her sister, Sonia was playing with her toys. "Having fun, Sonia?" Shantel said, picking Sonia up and hugging her while she struggled to get out of her arms. "Hmm, young pusher!" said Shantel giggling. She searched for her parents and found them asleep. She went to her room again and dressed up to go meet Jayden. She wore ripped jeans and a crop tee. She quickly wrote a note to her parents -
'Going to meet Jayden. Didn't want to wake  you up. Will be back by 7. Love you x'

She then left home and started
started her way off to Starbucks. She noticed some people staring at her and giving her off shoulder glances. Shantel knew what they were talking about. The fact that she's a killer, which she was not. She ignored the glances and the comments. She knew that she hadn't done anything and that was all that mattered. When she reached Starbucks, she saw Jayden and quickly sat beside him. "Hey! What's up?" Jayden said whole hugging Shantel. "We have to meet Aunty Dona." said Shantel. "Why?" asked Jayden wondering why Shantel would want to go to the play gee best friend was killed. "I know there's something in that place. It's pulling me." Shantel replied to him, telling him further about her dream. "You sure, you wanna do this, baby?" Jayden asked as he wasn't sure if what they were doing was safe, keeping in mind Shantel's illness. "It's the only way we can give Naomi the happiness her soul wants." said Shantel assuring Jayden assuring would be okay. "Okay, then, let's do this." Jayden said. He then started his bike and they went to Dona Dennis' house. Dona Dennis, the mother of late Naomi and late Michael, was strolling about in her garden when Jayden and Shantel arrived.

"Hello, aunty. " said Shantel giving Dona her sweetest smile." Hello, love. How are you kids doing? " asked Dona wiping her face off." We're good, aunty. We have just come here to see you. " said Jayden, smiling." Please come in" said Dona while guiding them to the hall. Shantel and Jayden accompanied her and as soon as they reached the hall, Shantel got a vision. She held her head tight as she saw what had happened the day Naomi was killed. She was there with them. She could see herself and Naomi with Dona as she hugged her daughter. Then, she heard a noise. A strong one, like that of a bullet with a silencer, but it sounded as if the silencer was not working. Shantel looked at the direction in which the bullet came, but when she saw the place, her vision started blurring off and she fell to the ground.

She was waken up by a splash of water. "Babe, are you okay?" said Jayden, holding her tightly. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just had a vision." said Shantel, pressing her head. "What vision? What did you see, Shantel?" asked Dona while handing her a glass of water. "The vision of Naomi's death." said Shantel. "It wasn't an incident, aunty. She was murdered." said Shantel while looking at Dona and Jayden. "By someone she knew.". There was pin drop silence for a while after which Shantel said, "If I jad the vision for some more time, I could've seen that person's face, but the vision stopped." Shantel started weeping and then she said that she only wants Naomi's killer to be punished as he killed an innocent person..

Dona sat beside Shantel and hugged her and said, "Don't worry, love, I'm sure you'll figure this out. I know you haven't done this. But, now you need rest. Go home, take a good nap, don't worry, hon.". Jayden held Shantel and took her home . they had dinner together ." I don't want to hear another word. You are sleeping, young lady " said Jayden, pushing her into her bed." Hold up, Hitler! " said Shantel pushing Jayden." You think you can push me? " Jayden said with a sarcastic smile. Shantel kicked his leg real hard and he fell off the bed." Look who's laughing now! " Shantel said with a giggle." Enough of this game, babe. It's almost 9 and you have to sleep, so, please sleep. " said Jayden getting up and laying down on the bed." Fine. You're like my mom! " said Shantel poking Jayden in his stomach." Shut up and sleep! " said Jayden opening her arms and allowing Shantel to sleep.

" Don't worry, love. It's gonna be okay. " said Jayden hugging her. Shantel nodded and dosed off in her arms. Luckily, she didn't get any bad dream this time. She was with her lucky charm after all.

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