Varia are visiting?!

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Disclaimer: I do not own any KHR characters.

'Ahhh, what a peaceful day it is today, there is no fights or anything weird happening...' , Tsuna thought as he gave a sigh of relief, before he started to drift off to dreamland with the rest of the class as Nezu continued talking about how smart he was...

"Nezu-sensei! It's an emergency!!!" , came a shouting, waking everyone out from their dreamland as the principal ran into the class panting.

"Principal! What brings you to this class?" , Nezu asked.

"Varia, a branch of the company, Vongola, is coming to this class for a sudden visit! Class 3A will have to be on their best behavior or you will take responsibility and be fired! Is that clear?"

"H-hai!" , Nezu stammered. 'Ehhh?' , everyone thought in shock at why the biggest company that sold everything that they ever wanted in their lives would like to visit their class.

As the principal left the get ready to greet the varia, Tsuna nearly fainted, thinking to himself what he did to deserve all this. "Dame-Tsuna!! Your better be on your best behavior! You understand?" , Nezu said, glaring at him.

"How dare you say that to Jyuudaime!!! I will blow you apart!!!" Gokudera threatened, standing up.

"Hahaha, isn't that too much? Nezu-sensei..." Yamamoto asked,as the whole class shivered at how their class idols were acting with Chrome giving the death glare unlike how she usually was like.

"Enough, please stop it," Tsuna said, using a little of his boss tone.

"Hai, Jyuudaime!", Gokudera said, seating down.

"VOOIIIIIIIIIIII!", came the loud voice as the door slammed open, revealing the Varia.

"W-welcome to Class 3A, I'll be taking my leave now...", the principal said as he walked back to his office. 

"Good morning, Varia, I'm Nezu and this is my class. We feel very honored to have all of you visit."

"Ushishishi! Of course, you better give me a treatment that a prince should receive!", Bel said, grinning.

"Bel-senpai, didn't you mean a fake prince? With that tiara of yours" , Fran asked in a monotone voice, earning a few knives in his frog hat.

"Ouch! That was so mean!"


"Mahhh! Stop fighting already! Oh there are so many cute boys here! I want to bring one of them home!" Lussuria commented as all the boys in the class shivered.

"Boss, is there anything that you need?" Levi asked.

"Hahaha Squalo! Long time no see!"


"Hahaha, of course", Yamamoto said while grinning, as Tsuna sighed, thinking of the paperwork that he was sure he had to do after this visit.

"Shut up! Trash!" Xanxus said while taking out his guns."

'HIEEE!' Tsuna screamed internally while keeping a calm face.

"Erm, Varia members, please, would you take at seat at the back of the class?", Nezu asked.

"We came here for other business and not to see how you teach the class, right Bel-senpai?"

"Ushishishi, of course and who are you to give the prince an order?!"

Nezu and the class looked at the Varia in fear as they took out their weapons to remove the 'trash'. "AHHHHHHH, PLEASE DON'T KILL ME!!!!!", the class screamed as the Varia started to destroy the classroom with their weapons.

Suddenly, the door slammed open. "Anyone who disturb the peace of Namimori shall be bitten to death!" Hibari exclaimed while taking out his tonfas.

"Ahhh, Hibari, these people were going to kill us, please help," Nezu said as he internally grinned, thinking that the Varia were going to be bitten to death.

"Hn, you think I should help this class which always bully the omnivore?! You shall be bitten to death!"

"Kufufufu, the little birdie is right for once," Mukuro agreed as he appeared in front of the classroom.

"EXTREME!!!!! IS THERE A FIGHT GOING ON HERE?!!!" Ryohei shouted as he ran into the class.

"We are going to kill these people here, would you like to join?" Fran asked.


'NOOOOO!!! WE DON'T WANT TO DIE YET!!! HELP US!!!' everyone thought in despair as they Varia started to remove the 'trash', while the Vongola took revenge for what the class had done to their beloved Tsuna.

Tsuna looked at the state of the class and started shivering in anger, standing up at once. "Enough! If anyone of you continue, you will take over my paperwork for a month! Do you all understand me?!!!" Tsuna asked while grinning sadistically.

"Hai!", all the Varia and Vongola members nodded their heads in fear as the whole Class 3A and Nezu looked at Tsuna, not believing that he was able to stop the fight.

After a few minutes of clearing everything up...

 "Ok, so why is the Varia here?" Tsuna asked.

"Ushishishi, wow, that hyper intuition of yours. We came here because of an emergency," Bel said as the Varia nodded in agreement.

"What is it?" Tsuna asked nervously.











"We have ran out of meat."






"EHHH? That's the emergency???!" Tsuna cried internally while thinking of the paperwork cause by the Varia and Vongola that he had to do because of meat running out.

'Why meeeeeee?!!!' Tsuna thought as he fainted.


Hope that you enjoyed this short story that I wrote and feel free to give any comments! Do check out my other fanfics too! Thank you!!! :)

Varia visits Class 3AWhere stories live. Discover now