Natalie's Camera

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Natalie was the shy type. She never stood out in a crowd, and would never speak up in class. She had good enough grades but nothing really great. Her looks were neither ugly nor pretty, she was cute in a normal way. She had blonde hair, black eyes, freckles, olive skin and a pointy nose. The easiest way to explain Natalie was average and plain. Still, this story is about the average girl, the best friend of the main person in a story, and the person no one really thinks about after reading a book.

Her best friend was called Penelope; she was the typical cheerleader. She was actually the cheerleader captain and her boyfriend was the football quarterback. Everyone at the school thought she was beautiful with her striking blue eyes and black hair. There was only one reason that Penelope and Natalie were actually friends, and the reason was because they grew up together. Friends forever they had promised when they were five, and as Natalie knew, Penelope would never break a promise. Even though they were in total different clicks, they would still hang out at school. If they walked through the hallways together someone would always point out to them, and whisper gossip, about why such a grey mouse would hang out with one of the popular girls.

The thing that Natalie had always loved, was taking photos. She would take photos of a couple's hands, the moon when it shone in the glistening snow in the winter and of everything she thought was beautiful. Everyone thought she was very talented. Nikon D7200 was her camera, she would bring the camera everywhere, to school, out in the city and when she stayed over at a friend's house. She would also take photos of people, especially her friends. Naturally Penelope had to be taken picture of every third second, so her beauty could "be stored for eternity" as she would say.

One day when Natalie was in the well-lit, white, people stuffed cafeteria getting some food, Penelope came up to her and said, "Hey Natalie! What are you doing today?" Natalie started muttering an answer, but before she could answer Penelope started talking again, "Oh, why am I even asking? I know what you are doing. You are not doing anything. Do you want to come with me to the mall?" There was an undecided look on Natalie's face, until she nodded in agreement. Penelope's face lit up. Excitement clearly visible in her tone as she said, "Great! I have a surprise for you there."

People crowded the bus. The girls barely had any space to breath, and all the passengers were squeezed together. "Stop!" Penelope screamed to the bus driver. They were here, at the mall. To say they were pushed off the bus was an understatement. Every person on the bus had to move to get them out of the bus, and when they finally were in front of the doors everyone on the bus did everything they could to get them off. Tumbling they landed on the hard asphalt. Bus doors closed behind them before they could even turn around, and then the crowded bus was gone. In front of them was the mall, it was a big mall, red brick walls with a huge sign that read 'Greenforest city mall'.

"What?!" Natalie screamed out, something that was unusual for Natalie. "You are seriously the best! I can't believe this!" Natalie continued while jumping up and down in excitement. "I know. I am the best." Penelope said with a huge grin plastered over her face. In Natalie's arms there was an old camera in the model Pentax MX SLR. "I know you love old vintage cameras, and I was over in this thrift store looking for something I can use as a costume for my play when I saw this!" A small smirk was on her face as she brought Natalie up to the cashier. "I'm buying you this, it is a present to you for always being by my side, even when I'm a total pain in the ... um, you know." She said as she discreetly pointed her finger at her butt. Natalie started to burst out in laughter. "You seriously can't say a-" "Don't say it! We both know, what I mean." She said, interrupting Natalie. There was a moment of silence before they started laughing so loudly everyone who was in the store started staring.

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