✦Ꮵer smile bites✦

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Some bare their teeth
As a warning
As a show
As a sign of aggression,
Of leadership

Her bark is a reminder
That behind her smile
Is a row of sharp
Blood stained teeth

But most are scared
Scared to show their inner growl
For they fear they'll be punished
For the power
Their enemies fear

She was scared,
but her fear is no more
Than a tiny star
In a galaxy

She can, and will
Bite at your yielding throat
Tear your soft skin into shreds
She'll watch you bleed until
You stop

She's fierce, but she hides it
She's capable of doing anything
Yet, she hides.

Beware, for this is a warning
The next time you mess with a girl
Smaller than you
Mess with a girl
Hiding in the crowd
She can, and will, snap
Her jaws at your skin
And she will, and can
Shred you into pieces.

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