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We proceeded further and advance on something that seems to be a lift, as it elevated upwards. I exhaled steady and deep breaths when we reached the highest level, which was meters high.

Instead of things relating to the apocalypse, there emerged various paintings and sculptures that exhibited displays of angels. Mostly representing the Four Archangels and The Nine Order of Angels. The crafted statues were magnificent, as I gazed astonishingly at the captivating sight before me.

"Here shows how the Morning Star falls, just like how humans were tempted by sin. The reason this scenery displayed was to express that even the purest heavenly beings contain evil."

"But what about the divine almighty God?"

"God has granted you emotion, the cruelest gift to have ever received. It's responsible for feelings such as despair, regret, and anger, is it not?"

"That is merely a tribute for positive emotions. Joy, generosity, laughters, they are something worthwhile and enjoyable."

Then Yanan stared into my eyes, while formng a slight smirk. Just then, his dark brown orbs suddenly flashed into red, then back to the orginal color. Perhaps I had upset or exicted him.

"Humans are masochistic as always. The truth will be revealed when the Armageddon arises. Serephim, Cherubim, Throne, Dominion, Virtue, Power, Principalities, Archangels, and Angels were arranged for a new beginning. Once the trumpets are sounded, then this sinful world shall finally vanish."

"Will you disapper as well?"

"That answers lies in hands of fate. Perhaps the Morai sisters: Atrophos, Lachesis, and Clotho; the incarnations of fate, shall determine my destiny."

He chuckled softly after such nonsense escaped from his lips. First the mentions of God, and now Greek deities? His words seemed to question me furthur.

Suddenly, we teleported into a dark chamber, and immediately heard ghastly wails and groans emitting from the surroundings. Yanan muttered a chant and the voices vanished all of the sudden.

"The noise just now were those of restless spirits; which transformed with hatred to cursed beings. Such creatures are Empusas, Lamias, Sirens, and Succubuses. Yes, mostly females because they're much more emotional and unforgiving than men."

"Why would you keep such monsters here?"

"Are you implying that I should let such malevolent creatures roam freely in your realm?"

I shook my head for an answer. At a certain checkpoint, Yanan withdraw a small pocketknife from his suit; as he sliced his wrist, letting blood drip on a queer symbol that was carved on the floor. Then the surroundings switched back into the spacious hall, that we had previously left.

TRAPPED IN YOUR EYES [Yanan Fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now