No one ever undersands. People cry, people die. People yell and scream, people are blind. People dont see through the lies. People dont read between the lines. When theres someone hurting, we say "It's Okay" or "It will get better" But what help is that? Knowing that someone is hurting is one thing. But SEEING someone hurting, and not helping is another. No one sees the pain people go through. People don't see the million tears that have been shed over the years. No one sees that girl's scars, because she is too scared people will judge her. No one sees a boy's heart, because he is too scared people will see something other than what society wants him to be. What is the meaning of life? What is the meaning of people caring? What happened to people being accepted for who they are? What happened to people showing respect for those who show respect to them? Who is the one teaching us all this hate? Who is the one showing us all this judgment. Who is watching over you? Who is supporting you through every little thing you go through? Is THIS too much? Am I asking too much of you? Isnt that how it works? We take everything so full speed, so full on. We forget to STOP. We forget to listen to our hearts. We forget that the true meaning of living is to fufill what we are meant to be. Changing for someone who doesn't like the way you are,is nothing to be proud of. What happened to self respect? When girls turn 20, and they think they know everything. When boys turn 20, and they think they can get anything. When we are given too much responisblilty, we don't know what or how to react. We blame society fo our mistakes. "That model on the t.v, i should look like her!" " That bully making someone else feel bad, is cool" Society. Society. Society. WE ARE SOCIETY. We are our own enemy. We start the war. We should end it. Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't we suppose to be happy? aren't we suppose to be the ones who pick ourselves up instead of relying on someone who may, or may not be there when you really need someone the most! ARENT WE SUPPOSE TO LOVE ONE ANOTHER?