The Beginning

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Paisley AnaLise Renard lived with her aunt and uncle. She moved in with them about three years ago. She was 13.

She lived there because her mother had died. A tragic death, truly. Filled with pain, blood, and misery. It rained for days after that.

Mary, Paisleys mother, had just gone out to the garden to get a bundle of rosemary. Paisley, of course, stayed behind and sweeped up the house. She sweeped the dusty dirt out the front door, when she heard a ill shriek from the garden. After dropping the broom, she ran out, to see her mother laying on the ground, bloody. A few wolves looked up at Paisley, then walked back into the dark forest.

The neighbours called Paisleys grandparents, who told her to stay with her Aunt and Uncle.

Her bag was packed the next day. She had jars filled with dried herbs, amulets and charms in satchets, and a binded notebook of her mothers, filled with her charms, hexs, enchantments, curses and so much more. Paisley had enjoyed her mother, and how she used her gift to her fullest ability, but now Paisley was frightened.

She did not want to go with her Aunt. Her Aunt was jealous of Mary and Paisley, because she did not get the gift they possessed. Grandmother told Paisley once, only one female of each generation gets the gift, and the reason Mother got the powers instead of Aunt Theresa, is because Aunt Theresa would use them for harmful things, unlike Mother.

At that moment, Paisley didn't understand, but as soon as she walked through the front door or her Aunt and Uncles house, she knew exactly what her Grandmother meant.

"Oh dear, isn't the little witch going to clean up around here? She must earn her keep if she will stay in my house!" Aunt Theresa snapped in Paisleys face, small bits of saliva hitting her freckled cheeks.
"Take your bags upstairs and come quickly back down, you have work to do!" Paisley followed her Aunt orders and quickly made her way upstairs, dragging her bags along. She had only two bags, each normally sized.

Her Aunt shoved a broom in her face, and pointed to the floor. "I know you know how to use one of these, filthy Witch!" Paisley started to sweep, and bit the inside of her lip, to try and hold back the tears. "And don't even try to use one of your nasty spells on me, girl!" Her Uncle stood behind her Aunt, watching her get tormented.

Once she finished brooming the house, she walked from the kitchen, into the main room. Aunt and Uncle watched the television, laughing at the contestants on the reality game show.
"Aunt Theresa, what is for dinner?" Paisleys voice cracked, unwilling to speak.
"Oh? She thinks she deserves dinner? After barely sweeping the floor? Go up to your room and sleep! You have school in the morning!"
She retreated to the cold room at the end of the hall. She took a close look at it, for the first time. It had two windows, and crimson red curtains. The bed was against the wall, and on the wall opposite of it was a desk. She emptied her clothing filled bag into the wooden wardrobe against the wall along the door, and hung the outfit she planned to wear on the far end of the rod.

She spotted a dusty shelf above the desk, and put her jars of dried herbs among it. Lastly, she hid her mothers journal under the mattress, which was soft enough for comfort.

Awoken to the sound of her Aunt and Uncle screaming at each other from below, What a wonderful start to a terrible day. She scratched at her messy bed hair, and opened the bedroom door, basically dragging her feet downstairs.
"You're up. How pleasant. Please go get ready for school, and quickly, the bus will be here any minute." After seeing an at least cheery side of her Uncle, she made her way back up the stairs, and changed into her picked out clothes. Her Aunt called for her from the bottom of the stairs, and she quickly grabbed one of her mothers amulets from the dusty wooden desk.

She made her way up the steps of the bus, toting a old backpack that her Aunt gave her before she headed out the door.

She sat near the front, about two seats back from the bus driver, on the right side. The typically grey seat was marked up with signatures, and more illegible inky words. After inching her thighs closer to the window, Paisley swing the old backpack over them, and opened the largest pockett. She removed the folder, and flipped through the few notebooks her Aunt provided her with. She reached into the bag, pulling out a smaller black bag. Before she could even place her small, pale fingers over the zipper, an unknown person slid into her seat.

"Hi! I'm Amanda! What's your name?" The cheery brunette screeched. Paisley touched the bottom of her ear, just above the lobe.
"Paisley. My name is Paisley." She tried to slide further away from the other girl, who was too close to be comfortable.
"Paisley. Cute name! This is Alexander, and that's Tae." Amanda first to a male, with a beautiful mix of brown and black hair, and a shade of auburn for eyes. His glasses shaded his cheeks, which pushed up into his eyes when he smiled at Paisley. Amandas finger moved to the other girl, whos name was Tae. She was a beautiful girl, whos deep eyes reflected her naturally black hair, with blue highlights. She waved at Paisley.

"Don't mind the Seniors," Tae gestured with a swift head motion towards the far back of the bus, where about four males, and two females sat, laughing about an unknown topic. One of the boys peered over the seat at Paisley. She awkwardly crouched under her seat, and Amanda slid into her original seat, across from Paisley.

"So, where you from?" Amanda spoke, looking straight at Paisley.
"Hudson, Canada." Paisley had to gulp before speaking.

Next, Tae decided to talk, "You're from Canada!? Awesome!"
"Yeah, I guess."

The bus screeched to a halt, infront of a large brick building that looked two story.

"Sesang-e." Paisley mumbled, but Amanda still heard.
"What did you say?" It was as if she peered into Paisleys soul.
"It's Korean. For 'Oh My God.'"

They entered the school, and the boys went one way, the girls the opposite. Paisley followed Tae, and they started talking about some of their favourite korean boy bands. Amanda kept trying to change the subject, but the other girls would always begin back to the start.

Once Paisley, Tae, and Amanda got their schedules, they met up with Alexander at the library. They compared notes.

"Alex, you have english and math with Paisley, science with Tae, art with me, and we all have lunch and gym together. Tae and Paisley, you both have choir and dance together, and I have astrology and my free block with Paisley. Tae, the only class I have with you is lunch and gym. I'm sorry.." Amanda made a fake pouty face, and puppy dog eyes towards Tae.
"So, thirteen blocks?" Paisley asked.
Tae nodded and bit her lip. "Thirty minutes each. Except for lunch. Fourty-five. Let's head to our first period. I have math."
"Science." Paisley said, double checking the inky page.
"I have art, with Alexander, see y'all later?"
They all nodded and headed seperate ways.

As soon as Paisley walked into her first period, Room 275, Mr. Dartiels class she met eyes with a familiar, but unfimiliar face. The senior from the bus.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2016 ⏰

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