Jake's Adoption info part two

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Adoption Info #2:
Old Name-Jake Ryan Young
New Name-Jake Reed Michael Kushner
Adopted Parents-Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump
Adopted Family-Trump 
Up for adoption-yes
Adoption Status-Awaiting adoption
Date Adopted-January 2nd, 2016
Age at the time of Adoption-2 months old
Baby or toddler-baby
Current age-2 months old
Awaiting Adoption-yes
Who Jake wants to be held by-Ivanka

Requirements for Jared and Ivanka to adopt Jake:
He has to be fed his breast milk every day.
He has to be held so he can go to sleep.
He has to sleep in Ivanka and Jared's bedroom.
He has to sleep with a baby monitor at night.
Jake has to have a nursery in the house.
Jake has to have a playroom to play in.
Jake has to have a lot of toys to play with.
Jake has to have bath toys.

Things that Jake likes:
Bath toys
Playing with his toys
Laying down with Ivanka in bed.
Stuffed Animals
Watching T.V.

Adoption Questions pertaining to Jake for Jared and Ivanka:
Do you want to breast feed him-yes
Do you intend on spoiling him-yes
Do you want to buy him anything he wants-yes
Do you intend to have a playroom for him-yes
Do you intend to come up with a nickname for him-yes
Do you want to snuggle with him-yes
Do you want him to live with you-yes
Do you want to bring him on family vacations-yes
How long do you plan on breast feeding Jake-whenever he wants

Environment Questions:
Do you live in a safe environment-yes
Do you live in a gated community-yes
Do you live in a harmful environment-no

Ownership Questions:
Do you own a car-yes
Do you own a private plane-yes
Do you own a mansion-yes
Do you live in New York City-yes
Do you have a job-yes
When Jake grows up do you want him to be apart of the family business-yes

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