지금/jigeum/Now - Translation

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Who knew we were well-matched
I was not a boy who mixed with girls
Cause I used to feel at ease when alone

I didn't feel lonely, and never stood out
You are so pretty but
I thought you would slide by as always

Whenever you do something
I like like all the things you do
When there are no dreams in other rooms
I want everything alone with you

Now, at this very moment
Please hold me and just stay there
Now, at this very moment
Please remember and recognize
The very moment when our eyes met
I want to get closer to you
What do you want girl?

I want you to be there wherever I go
I wasn't like this in the old days
But I feel something's missing in my heart
When you are not there
I want you to be bored when you are not with me
I wanna leave with you holding hands

Whenever you see me the look in your eyes
I never forget that look
And used to pass the nights without sleep
I wonder if I'm right or not but that's okay
Please listen to me, girl

Now, at this very moment
Please hold me and just stay there
Now, at this very moment
Please remember and recognize
The very moment when our eyes met
I want to get closer to you
What do you want girl?

Please close your eyes and stand there
Please don't be embarrassed by my hug
The emotions I feel now might be a moment
But it doesn't matter, I love this

Now, at this very moment
Please hold me and just stay there

Now, at this very moment
Please hold me and just stay there
Now, at this very moment
Please remember and recognize
The very moment when our eyes met
I want to get closer to you
What do you want girl?

Yongguk ➡ Líder/Rapper Líder/Compositor
Himchan ➡ Subvocal/Rapper de Apoio/Visual
Daehyun ➡ Vocalista Principal
Youngjae ➡ Vocalista Líder/Face
Jongup ➡ Subvocal/Dancer Principal
Zelo ➡ Rapper Principal/Dancer Líder/Maknae  

Lyrics/작사: 문종업, 하주호
Composer/작곡: 문종업, 하주호
Arranger/편곡: 박수석

📆 2016.11.07

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