A Game Of Paper, Scissor, Rock.

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        I felt so alone, Rock and i used to have so much fun together, back before physics/society told us we couldn't be friends, things were hard after that.... then slowly we grew apart then one day a new kid showed up. She was smooth, flexible, and with skin as white as porcelain. She was what physics/society said would be the perfect match for Rock, but I loved Rock... I loved him more than she could!
         I started to avoid him, not bc I hated him for loving someone else. No, I was happy for him,
even tho I was heartbroken. I avoided him because I still loved him and it hurt to see them together like that. All happy and over the DAMN FUCKING moon! This isn't fair!  I loved him since we were kids and she just waltzes in and takes him with all that perfect porcelain skin, smooth body!
She's everything I am not. Then all these damn rules came that forid scissors and rocks falling in love.

       One day the three sat together after gym. I watched Rock... so beautiful...
"Hey im leaving to get a drink anyone want anything?" Rock asked.
"Sweet tea" Paper said in a sweeter than sweet tea voice.
"Okay. Sciss the usual?" Rock asked.
Hearing my old namd hurt but I loved the sound of his voice saying it.
   "Yeah" I muttered out.
    Shortly after Rock left Paper turned to me with red eyes.
"Dont get comfy with MY Rock just because you were childhood friends!" She snapped in a tone way worse than a chalk scraping on a chalkboard.
   "He's my Rock too!"I threw back.
   "Says who?"
     "Rock would" I yelled "we're friends! He would never want me to be uncomfortable or feel unwelcomed"
  "I bet he'd tell you he hates you"
   "He would never-"
    "He would if I told him to" a wicked little smile came over her face.
    "Why..... what!" I gasped "are you-are you using him!!!???"
     He gave a short chuckle then answered "yes!"
  I felt anger and rage swell up and burn inside. My vision became blurred. I couldn't stop myself... I shredded and tore the wretched porcelain apart....
I turned and saw Rock standing there... the drinks lay spilled on the ground.
  Pain and suffering swelled up and dripped from his eyes.... he rushed to her body and held her.....
    After a moment he uttered these words"you!..." he turned towards me, "you did this to her".
  He sauntered towards me and before I could utter a word he sent me to the ground with blunt blow. I laid there dying.
    "Why...? .....why!" He cried
   " Because I *cough cough* love you......" I sputtered.... "she was using yo-*COUGH COUGH"
  Tears streamed down his face. Remorse poured from his eyes....
      He embraced me.... "I-..... I-I love you-u......*inhales*im... SOOOO sorry! Sciss.... dont leave me...."
  "I can't stay-.... goodbye Rock...."

     Tragedy.... pain.... betrayel...... all bc of someone.... some society's greedy, manipulative, stereo typical judgmental ways had lead to endless suffering of forbidden love between the three races... so tell me do you want to play a game of Paper, Scissor,  Rock?

Paper. Scissor. Rock. DEATH!Where stories live. Discover now