Across The Mirror Part 2 : Their World

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A broken world....filled with broken people

where broke people...stay broken


Murashige turn around and run back down

Sakura push Kodama away with all the energy she have left

"s-sakura I'm sorry i just--" Kodama tried to speak but Sakura ignored her and chase murashige

Sakura running as fast as her clumsy feet could run, people staring at her, but she keep running and running, search for Shige to every corner, even when her lung felt burning from the lack of oxygen, she keep running and searching, until she heard a faint crying sound from inside the rest room in the far end of the building

"Shige--" but sakura stoping her self, and walk back out to behind the door, she find Murashige inside the rest room, crying, but some other girls are there too

"she is a nasty girl shige I've told you so many times, don't befriend her!"

"we tried to stop you remember! when you arrive at class, asking what happen, beating up Jurina with your bag, and chasing that girl out"

"she probably sold her body to all of those other student, thats why they are so crazy about her"

"she must be tricked Kodama senpai too Shige, that girl have a lot of nasty trick"

"I...I tursted her" Sakura could feel her heart dropping, as she heard Murashige voice "i told her...i told her that I like Kodama senpai...but she...she"

"she must be just seducing Kodama senpai so you never been with kodama! so she could have you as her friend forever!"

"yes i bet she is !! she is so cunning!"


sakura could feel the time stop when she heard Murashige saying

"I wish she just die"

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sakura dragging her feet to her locker, she had enough of that day...she had enough of school, she want to go home

her hands shaking when she open her locker, the cleaning man still not cleaning up the rest of the love letters there and sakura abruptly taking it out from her locker


sakura draw her hand back, a fresh big slash wound spreading bloods all over the floor from her hand... at the letters piles, she catch a glimpse of shining metal object hidden there

Sakura pressed her wounds with her handkerchief

its not her first time finding hidden blades and razors in those letters piles, it just that she is too tired this time to avoiding it... like she always did

'this is a broken world....filled with broken people'

sakura just left all her stuff and walk home, she don't care...she just don't care anymore

she arrive at her house and locked herself in her room, lean on the door as the door closed, slowly fall on her feet

'I'm your friend sakura! and I always will'

'i wish..she just die'

her phone buzzing, 'is it shige???'sakura pick it up right away

her shaking and bleeding hand accidentally opening all the incoming notification

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