Crazy girl.

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It's been five hours since that crazy girl went to sleep. Mr. Cabello left a few hours ago, leaving me all alone sulking in this huge mansion. I lied on my bed, which is right beside the sleeping crazy's bed. I wonder when will this girl wake up next time. I rolled over to face her. She's sleeping soundly, her front now facing me. Our beds are only a few inch apart. I reached out my hand to touch her face. Her face is quite soft.

Unconsciously, I began caressing her face. What the hell am I doing? But touching her feels nice... I stopped abruptly when the girl's eyes snapped open, her eyes scanning mine for a second before she jumped out of her bed.

"Who are you?!" She said glaring at me.

"Y-you're awake?" I sat up and stared at her incredulously. "Wait, you don't remember me?" She scanned me from head to toe, noticing our beds are only inches apart.

"What the?" She slapped her forehead and sighed. "This must be my dad's idea." She then glared at me with her arms cold. I stared at her in confusion. Is this her normal self? Or another out of character self? I'm so fucking confused!

"Who are you? Did you do anything to me while I was asleep?" She said coldly. I shook my head furiously and put up my hands in a defensive manner.

"Never! " She eyed me with a brow raised. "Really!" I held a pillow in front of me afraid that she'll try to kill me again. To my surprise she sat calmly on her bed and crossed her legs.

"Since when have you started working?" She asked, her eyes never left mine. I shifted uncomfortably under her piercing gaze. This girl is scary as fuck.

"About two days ago."

"Have I woken up since you started working?"

"Yes, about 6 hours ago."

"Is that so?" She seemed satisfied with my answer before standing up and dusted her pants.

"Erm," she glanced at me and raised brow. "Where are you going?" I asked nervously.

"Where I have to go doesn't concern you." She flipped her hair before exitting the room. What a bitch. "What is this?" I heard her say in frustration as I approached her in the kitchen.

"What's wrong?" I leaned against the kitchen island while eyeing her rummaging the cupboard hastily with amusement.

"Where is the foods It's empty in here." She slammed the cupboard close and crossed her arms.

"Well princess, I supposed you don't remember eating every single snack in the cupboard? Including the ones I bought for myself." She snapped her head at me and glared at me.

"I demand you to go and buy me food." I clenched my jaw at her tone.

"For your information princess, I am not your servant. I am here to look after you. Basically I am your babysitter." I said with a smirk. "You don't demand your babysitter to buy you things."

"You puta!" She walked to me while eyeing me coldly. I gulped but stood still on my feet. I cannot let this bratty princess intimidate me. "You're just a lowly servant of mine, you have no rights to refuse my orders."

"I refuse to follow your orders, what can you do princess?" I hovered over her since I am slightly taller than her. She ddidn't seem fazed by me at all, instead she stepped closer to me. I swallowed the lump in my throat nervously as she lifted her head, our face only a few inches apart.

"You sure you want to know?" She whispered huskily, her breath tickling my face. Instantly, I moved backwards and held both my hands up in defeat.

"Fine, how about we just call for delivery? It's pretty late now anyways." I said and without replying me, she turned and walked to the living room. I guess that's a yes then.

The delivery came 30 minutes later. I paid for it before taking the pizza to the living room. The princess is already sleeping on the couch. Oh no, you can't be serious. I shook her shoulders lightly. No reaction. I shook her her shoulders harder. Her eyes snapped open and landed on mine. When she realized our indecent position, me being on top of her, she instantly kicked my leg. I stumbled backwards and landed on my bed.

"Ouch." I rubbed my sore before glaring at her. "That hurts!"

"What were you planning to do to me?" She gave me a deadly glare.

"I-I was just trying to wake you up!" I said defensively. "I wasn't trying to do anything to you! Who would want to have anything to do with a girl who would fall asleep for who knows how long anytime-" I stopped when I realized what I've just said. I covered my mouth but it was too late.  She stared daggers at me with hurt in her eyes.

"Get out." She said coldly.

"I-I'm sorry-"

"Get out!!" She screamed, tears began streaming down her cheeks.

"I didn't mean to-" I walked up to her and she hit me continuously on the chest.

"You're just like him." That was the last thing I heard before she lost consciousness and fell into a deep slumber.


I sat on the bed beside the sleeping beauty and began to unbotton her clothes. I squeezed the cloth dry before using it to wipe her delicate body. Its been a week since that day. I'm starting to worry but Mr. Cabello said it is normal. Is it my fault that she suddenly blacked out that day? I caressed her beautiful face softly before kissing her forehead. I'm sorry Camila for hurting your feelings..

"Puta." I jolted up in surprise. I eyes widened as the princess sat upright and looked at me with her cute puppy eyes. "Princess charming." She muttered while looking at me in... admiration?


"You love me right?" She wrapped her arms around my shoulder and I blushed.

"W-wha... mmmm..." Without warning, she pressed her lips against mine and I froze. What the actual hell is happening right  now?

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