( Dance Moms ) Smile

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|Chapter Three|


|Paige's POV:|

When I got home, I ran straight into my room.

I sat down on my bed.

I had a feeling Alexa was right about me.

I tried to ignore that.

I took out my pink iPhone c.

I logged into my Instagram account.

I had my usual fans, with comments like, ILY, or Notice Me?

I looked through my feed, everything was the same, except all of my friends started following someone else.


I knew as soon as I saw the username, it was Alexa.

I looked at Alexa's posts.

When I saw her newest post I gasped.

It was her with Maddie, they were at her locker.


With my bestie, Maddie<3

I frowned. Maddie was one of my very best friends.

I decided to follow Alexa. I didn't want anyone to think I hated the new girl.

Right after I followed Alexa I got a Direct Message from her.


How's your life now? Miserable? I hope so!


What's your problem?

Alexa: You're a problem! Fat, ugly, stupid.

Another tear runs down my face.

I believed her.

I was ugly, fat, stupid, and I wanted it to change.

( Dance Moms ) SmileWhere stories live. Discover now