Horrible Kids (Law and Order: SVU)

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I looked out the window through my white hair with a tear rolling down my face and looked up to the front seat at my abductors. Andriy and Bohdon i don't know there last names but they've been doing this to me since i turned 10. I'm now 17. My mom died last year and i moved in with my father and they stopped hurting me, i thought i was finally free. Guess luck doesnt run in my veins. i sighed and looked down at my hands and tried getting them out of the rope. the rope started cutting into my wrists as i tried to wriggle my way out of them and i stared to see blood. Well that's no use.

"Zupynyty borotʹbu, tse ne vykorystovuvaty. Ty moya." Andriy spat at me.(STOP STRUGGLING, IT'S NO USE. YOU'RE MINE)

"Chy ne navitʹ u vy nay̆smilyvishi mriï." i spat back.(NOT EVEN IN IN YOUR WILDEST DREAMS)

He back handed me and slammed my head into the window. i took a shap breathe in trying to ignore the pain but it didn't hurt bad enough to not know that i spit in his face.

"Vy chertovsky suka." he hissed.(YOU FUCKING BITCH).

The anger rising in his face made me shiver, the car stopped in an empty lot. It looked like the beginning to a construction site or demolition site, either way there was gravel everywhere and chunks of concrete along with wood. Andriy and Bohdon were arguing outside of the car i couldn't make out what they were saying due to the pain in my head. i felt something roll down my hairline, it was sticky and thick. i touched my hairline with my tied up hands and started to cry at my hand seeing it covered in blood. Why is it me they're after, couldn't they pick another one? I already surrendered, i'm on bended knee. What makes them hate me so much i don't understand what i ever did to them i never saw them or anything until they started doing this to me. Why?

i heard the door open and i felt Andriy grab a chunk of my hair and pulled me out of the car, my face getting torn apart by the gravel as he dragged me i tried grabbing his hands to try to free myself. it was no use but i managed to flip onto my back as i felt something collide with my face breaking on imact. the sting of the hit felt hot on my cheek as i started crying harder. i could hear them calling me pathetic, useless, and a whore in my native tongue. i took a handful of gravel once they kicked me onto my stomach and whipped around throwing the gravel at them. i jumped up and started running, to where i don't know yet. I ran as fast as i possibly could but it wasn't good enough. He grabbed a chunck of my hair jerking me back making my body hit the concrete slab under me hard enough to where my head bounced off it and i lost by breath. i heard my shirt rip and felt the cool chill of the november air dance aross my skin as i felt my jeans get involuntarily get ripped off. i screamed out for help but they just laughed. They knew as well as i did no one is coming, no one cares. the seconds i felt my panties get ripped off i started screaming and i i tried hitting them and getting them away but they fought back and i slapped Andriy so hard my nail scratched him. he stood upa dn kicked me onto my side and over to my back he did this until my face was jammed into the gravel. Bohdon put his foot on my right cheek making the gravel involuntarily enter my cheek. i felt the hot tears sting the skin that ripped open from the gravel as i felt sharp pain between my legs i screamed out in pain as Bohdon continued to press harder on my cheek. i started to feel lightheaded as i opened my eyes and saw the blood pool around my head. the tears got worse only making my light headedness more extreme as i felt him pulsate inside of me, stealing my childhood.  i heard some noises, it sounded like kids around my age.

"Hey! what are you doing to her?" that male voice sounds familiar.

Andriv and Bohdon threw a tarp over me and peeled away in their car, the gravel whipped me in the face as they drove away. i heard footsteps sounded like they were running coming towrds me. i started to pannick, what if they were coming to hurt me too. it's not fair, why does god hate me? i felt a hand on my shoulder and my eyes shot open i started to scream.

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