1. New Cutie

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Sighing softly, I walked back up to Dylan's side as we all walked to the front of the dreaded high school.

I followed as we walked to our normal table outside. I sat in my usual spot and watched as Dylan pulled Matt onto his lap.

Jordon and George should be getting here soon, George spent the night with Jordon so they're walking pretty slow to school. Ew.

My eyes wandered over the crowd of awkward teenagers. They're all so similar and so boring that it irritates me.

I waved to Jordon as they came into view. Within two minutes they sat down in their spots and greeted us.

Soon they all began a conversation, but I paid no attention for it was boring. I don't know why everything is so boring today.

I put my chin in my hand and looked back at the crowd. I noticed one body standing on the edge of the sidewalk alone.

One glance wasn't enough, I stared at the sight.

A young boy, looking terrified. He wore a baby blue sweater and a white skirt, with baby blue thigh highs and white vans. His hair was brown and simple brushed to the side but seemed to be falling out of place. He clutched a few books tightly and was carrying what seemed to be a pink backpack.

He had such a pretty face, and big brown eyes that looked soft from here.

Some kid walked by him and knocked the books out of his hand, from what I could see he said something as well. He beautiful boy look frightened and very uncomfortable.

"Jaayyyyy!" Jordon snapped.

I turned my attention to them but quickly stood up. All eyes were on me as I walked over to the new boy without even thinking twice.

He was about to get on his knees and pick up the books.

"Allow me," I heard myself say.

I bend down and picked up the books for him, I dusted them off and stood back up. With a smile I handed them back to him. I would say he smells so sweet but that would be kind of weird.

He smiled shyly and took them from me.

"Th-thank you, sir," he said quietly, looking down shyly, "You didn't have to."

"And you don't have to call me sir, my name is Jorel. But you can call me Jay," I said, sticking my hand out.

He shyly took it and shook it.

"M-My name is Danny," he said.

He's so cute, I thought to myself.

"So I see you're new, can I see your schedule?" I asked, trying to not seem to pushy.

He smiled widely and nodded, he turned his back towards me and stuck his butt out a little bit.

"It's in the front pocket, can you get it out for me please?" He asked, still smiling.

"Of course," I said.

I opened the zipper to see stuff like lotion and perfume and a few other things and finally I found the folded up piece of paper. I handed it to him as I zipped his backpack back up.

He turned back around with a small whirl and looked at his schedule.

"Where's your first class?" I asked, peaking over his paper slightly.

"I have math first hour," he said.

"No way, with who?" I asked, sounding way more excited than I should have.

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