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(Y/N)= Your Name (L/N)= Last Name

You were in your second year at Beacon Academy. As you walked to sign up for your next round of classes you couldn't help but worry at what was left. Most of your friends and team members had already chosen their classes and left for break. You didn't pay much mind to this due to studying for your exams before the two week long break. As you walked into the office you couldn't help but worry more as Professor Port looked up. "Ah Ms. (L/N). Your the last one left. I'm surprised you're normally the first to sign up for classes, but your friends did mention you studying quite a bit." You nodded trying to smile a bit to hide your worry. "Yeah the exams were a bit harder than most expected. I didn't want to be unprepared." You quickly walked over to the list and sighed as most of the classes you needed still had room. It was when you had one final elective class to choose that you ran into trouble. The only spot left was as a teachers assistant to Professor Ozpin. You groaned internally. Sure he was an amazing headmaster but you hardly knew him. You would much rather had been able to choose Doctor Oobleck, who you friends with. Well as much as friends as one can be with a teacher. You were the highest ranking student in his class and you already helped him with grading assignments. Even if it would have only been constant coffee runs, at least you would've been able to make a joke when he started to ramble about history being the spine. You sighed as you finalized your choices and left to grab you bag to head home.
Two weeks later
You walked out of the elevator into Professor Ozpin's office. It was spacious to say the least. The professor in question was sitting at his desk looking up politely from his paper work. "Ah Ms. (L/N). Pleasure to meet you. I've had a desk set up for you. Feel free to use this time to work on your studies. Unless I have a task for you, you are free to do your own work." You nodded and sat your stuff down at a desk on the wall adjacent to his. As you sat down and worked on your homework, you could feel his eyes on you. You looked up and kept your tone flat to hide your nervousness. "Something wrong Professor?" He chuckled a bit. "Nothing is wrong Ms. (L/N). I'm just curious as to why you've never signed up with your team for any compatitions. Your scores show that you do very well in all of your classes." You relaxed and let your tone become a bit more friendly. "I simply never had time. My team keeps a schedule for practicing and I have my studies. We all agreed that the competitions were not our top priorities. And please you can call me (Y/N). Ms. (L/N) annoys me if it's used constantly." He nodded. "Very well (Y/N)." With that you both turned back to your own work. As the weeks went by you started taking to each other more, forgetting the typical 'Howard you today' questions and resorting more to friendly banter. It was when you made a joke about how much coffee he drinks that you surprised him. "Seriously you're almost as bad as Oobleck." You laughed. He chuckled and looked at his half full coffee mug, "Almost but not quite (Y/N). Besides you spend more time than any other student I've seen bent over textbooks studying. Surely you know how much coffee can help." You shrugged. "Actually Professor, I've never had coffee." At this he paused. You should have known better when he changed the subject afterwords because when you walked in the next day a cup of coffee was being shoved into your hands. He quickly started talking while walking back to his desk. "Two sugars and milk. You've never had coffee so something simple is the best to start with." As you say down you caught him watching you as you took a sip. Not long after that it became a routine between the two of you to bring the other coffee. Before the term came close to being over your team was sent on an assignment in an outer part of Minstrel. You and your team walked quietly in the thick woods near a small village. The trees hardly let any light though for you to see. You gripped you weapon tighter as you heard a sound to your right. Before you knew what was happening a hoard of Grimm flooded the woods. You tried to call for help, but your teammates near you were having the same trouble you were as the massive amounts of Grimm charged. As you turned to attack a gryphon, a beowolf stuck your side sending you crashing into a tree. Your vision became blurred as pains hot through your body. That's when you saw it, a flash of silver and green. As your vision darkened more blurs began to attack and drive back the Grimm. It was when you felt someone pick you up and whisper softly that you finally gave out and slipped into the darkness of unconsciousness. Even there the words followed you in a voice you had grown to know so well over the past few months. "(Y/N) don't leave me. Hang in there." When you woke up in a hospital room all was silent except for the beeping of machines and the soft snores of a person next to you. You looked over to find Ozpin asleep in a chair, his clothes wrinkled ashe held your hand fingers interlaced with yours. You smiled as you let your head lay back down and closed your eyes. "Don't worry Professor," you mumbled quietly, "I won't leave you."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2016 ⏰

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