Dylan's POV
"How do we plan on getting Stiles back?" I asked the Alpha as I rode on his back through the forest. The is and amazing feeling, don't get me wrong but I need to get back to my universe for everyone's sake. They say good things never last and as that may be true I will never forget what happened in this place. There is no one that could change that.
"We need to go see Lydia. With her banshee abilities she could possibly be able to connect Yours and Stiles' minds. It's a long shot but I think she can maybe do it." Oh my god! I'm going to get to meet the real Lydia Martin! Holland is going to be so jelly when I get back and tell her. She may even hit me for it but the look on her face will be priceless.
"Sure thing. It's possible." We arrived at a large home right after I said that. I was in aw until we were suddenly at her door. I hopped down and rang the doorbell, waiting for a response that never came. Um, am I doing this right? Do doorbells work differently here or something?
"Hmph, she should be here. LYDIA OPEN UP! IT'S SCOTT AND-" he looked at me for a minute before adding "STILES! ITS SCOTT AND STILES!" We sat there for a moment until the front door open wide with a fearful looking Lydia on the other side.
"Um, S-Scott... St-Stiles... I uh... what- what are you doing here?" Me and Scott shared a glance before looking back at the banshee.
"Lydia, is there something wrong?" I asked, placing a hand on her shoulder. I didn't expect to see what I saw next. I saw a vision of Lydia yet it wasn't Lydia, it was Holland. She was frightened out of her mind and didn't know where she was or what house she was in. Her best guess was that she was drugged until she looked around the house to see the set in real life plus up in real life. She's thinking she dreaming yet part of know it was no dream and it all started with her getting knocked out by a stranger.
"NO! GO AWAY!-" she pulled away from me, rushed inside and slammed the door in our faces. I know from that one time I could see monsters true but I didn't know I could see other things besides that. Being a seer is so confusing.
Scott was about to barge in to see what was wrong until I held him back and shook my head. He took the hint and stepped back letting me do the honors.
"Holland..." there was a awkward silence and pause before the door opened and she peeked out.
"Dylan?" I nodded and the door fully opened to show the weeping girl standing there looking surprised. She jumped at me and tangled our bodies with a huge stronger than the jaws of life.
"Don't worry Holland, I've got you. It okay, don't be scared." She cried into my shoulder for a good five minutes before Scott interrupted. We both looked at him with a smile but for different reasons.
"So- sniff- this is Tyler then?" Scott cocked his head and shook it.
"Who is Tyler? I'm guessing he's from the other world." She nodded with a smile then soon realized what that meant.
"That means you're a real were-" His eyes flashed red and fangs came out.
"Werewolf." He then went back to normal. "By the way we need to have you guys blend in until we can find some answers, meaning school and lacrosse tomorrow." He laughed making us groan.
"This is going to be hell."I whimpered.
"Mhmm." Holland added.

What Is Reality? (Sciles/ O'Brosey) (Shiz Version)
FanfictionWhen Dylan O'Brien gets hit by a car and falls into a coma, he wakes up to find that his position on the Teen Wolf cast has come to life. He wasn't the only one effected. His counterpart, Stiles Stilinski, got put into Dylan's position. What happens...