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     Oh what to do, when your world just seems to crumble down? You seem to think ahead of what to do if your in a situation, but once you're in that situation it is nothing like what you thought of. You panic. Things don't go according to how yoiu want it, and things just begin to crumble.

     Shattered. Shattered. Shattered.

All you can think of. The same shatter that crumbled your own little world.

     It all started with a shatter.


   Went the window.

It shattered into a million pieces. It was a treacherous situation, but despite my fear I thought the glass looked beautiful, shimmering in the light and all.

     But things changed quickly and my nine year old self didn't really know what was happening.

I knew someone had broken in, shattering the window but I didn't know why.

     We are poor.

Luckier than most families, but poor.

     Not a robber, but will end up taking our stuff when his job is done anyway.

I know my parents aren't the most appealing, and not very known or liked around the neighborhood, but that's not bad is it?

  I guess this neighborhood fears antisocial neighbors?

That sounds ridiculous.

     But people are ridiculous.

As soon as the man was spotted from around the corner by a little girl known as (y/n), she knew to instantly get her parents.

     She made a dash to her parents room swiftly but quietly. "Mummy, daddy...? Somebody's shattered the glass..."

They instantly awoke, and went to their dresser and grabbed a knife that I never knew was there.

     "(Y/n)! Leave...we stand no chance against anyone. You need to run! I'll help you escape out this window, run and never look back, alright?"

"You'll be fine, right mummy, right daddy?" The little girl whispered, with a hoarse throat.

     "Of course sweetie...but you've got to go!"

With the reassurance that her parents will be alright, she nodded and let her parents hoist her up and out the window.

     She ran. She ran as fast as her legs could carry her at the moment. Since her legs were shaking, it made it difficult for her to run.

She found an empty alley way and sat down, breathing heavily. The paranoia of the scary man chasing her through the alley made her scared.

     Would her parents really be alright?

She suddenly felt worried about herself as well. She has nothing now, but the clothes she wearing and the coat she's huddling in.

     She moved the coat and heard a jingle. It was nice sounding, but where's it coming from? Maybe she has an odd sounding bell in her coat pocket. Would be the most useful thing, but maybe it would entertain her.

She dug her hand in the coats pocket and grabbed several coins out. I see mummy carrying these when we go shopping. There the currency here. I forgot what they are called but I know it could get me food.

     I'm not particularly hungry as of right now. Maybe another day? She thought, although she knows the coins will not last her forever.


     It has been four years. No place to call my own but the same alley I stumbled upon when the window shattered.

I'm not going back to my house. For all I know I could find caution tape sealing off my house.

     As you imagined my money ran out a long time ago. No one gives me money. No ones offers food.

London is cruel.

     Everyone's cruel


     My world is shattered, just like the window.

No blanket, and a small coat I out grew.

     Dirty ripped clothes.

On the brink of starvation.

     Or hypothermia. Which ever comes first to claim me dead.

I get up and walk out of the alley.

     I walk along the streets. Nobles pass by, cringing.

I don't care.

     I cringe at how nicely dressed and pampered they are. Not everyone has that luxury.

I pass by a shop. It specializes in glass.

     Vases. Spheres. Plain glass with colors splattered all across it. You name it. Glass everywhere.

Something came into contact with me as I was distracted by the glass shop.



Um hi. I'm the author of this cringey book here. I don't want to be one of those authors that talks a lot, but I don't want readers to think I don't care if they vote, comment, etc. Well just popping in to say, thanks for reading, and comments are appreciated. See ya.


Shattered Glass, Shattered time. |Ciel Phantomhive X Reader|Where stories live. Discover now