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I walked out of my old broken down house with a water pot in hand. I was dressed in a loose gray shirt and black training pants. My pink hair was tied in a ponytail and ended just above my waist line. My green eyes shined like emeralds as I walked to the river close to my house. As you might have already guessed, I live outside of the Leaf Village. But you don't know why. You see, At night, I turn into a bloody seeking monster. At least, that's what the villagers told the Hokage, who told me. So I moved out of the village and cut all ties with everyone. Missions stopped coming to me, people were afraid of me, I was clearly not wanted in the world. I filled my pot and walked back to my house. The door had wood planks nailed across the middle, so I have to bend down every time I enter. The inside is much better that the outside, trust me. I replaced all the bad parts and redid the paints. I brought all my belongings and placed it in the house to make myself at home. But that was months ago, so I look forward to the future and ignore the looks from villagers. No one knows I am here, not even the Hokage. The Akatsuki have stayed here a couple of times and want me to join their group, but I keep on rejecting them. I trained the rest of the day, only stopping to hunt for lunch and dinner. Once the sun started to set, I locked myself in a room just for my transformations. Once the sun was out of sight, I started to twitch and my eyes started to change into a darker green. My teeth changed into fangs and my nails turned into claws. My wardrobe ripped and tore open. The band in my hair broke, leaving my long pink hair touching the floor. I was on my knees as I took deep breaths to steady myself. I smiled evilly and stood up. I NEEDED BLOOD!

I broke a hole in the wall and walked out. Time to find some prey. I jumped onto a tree branch and ran towards the direction were I smelled human. I saw smoke as I got closer. My desire for blood grew as I spotted people. I licked my lips in hunger and smiled. This was sure going to be fun. I hid in the bushes closest to the camp and waited for the right moment. I peeked through a small opening and saw a bit of red. 'Who would wear red when there is a blood thirsty monster on the loose?' I asked myself as I studied them. There were at least 4 people at the camp, maybe one female. I know for sure that there was a tall male with orange hair. I was just about to move to a tree until someone said "Sasuke-kun! That idiot is being mean to me!" I stopped and thought 'So annoying.' I quickly moved to a tree,making sure to be quiet. I peeked from the tree and saw four people sitting around a fire. One of the males was exactly like I described. Another one of the males looked oddly familiar, but I didn't remember a face like that. One of the people in the group was bleeding, which made me hungry, hungry for blood. I didn't hesitate to jump out and hop onto the female member. She screamed so loud, I thought  my ear drums were going to break. Before I was able to slash her throat, I heard deep breathing. I quickly turned my head and saw what I believe is a curse mark transformation. I squeezed the woman's neck until she went limp in my arms. I only made her pass out because I like watching my victims suffer as they die. I threw her to the ground and got into a fighting position. "Let her go." The man with a katana said. "What if I say no?" I said with a smirk. "You asked for it." He said as he charged at me. I teleported behind him and started to punch his back, but he disappeared before I could hit him. The next thing I knew, I was holding the blade of his katana. Little did I know, the sun was rising. So once the sun was in view, I dropped to my knees and placed my hands on the ground.

Once the transformation finished, I stood up to face three men. My clothe were ripped up, but I didn't care. "Are you going to run away like the others? Insult me? Hurt me? If you are, just get it over with." I said with clenched fists. "Sakura." the man with a duck butt hair style said. "Aren't you going to yell at me?!" I yelled. "Sakura." he said again. I looked at him and said "What?!" "You don't remember, huh?" he said as he put his blade away. "Who are you and what do you want?" I said getting into a fighting stance. Because no one made a move, I teleported to my house. 'Who was that guy and why did he know my name?' I thought as I laid down on my bed.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2016 ⏰

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