Family First

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       I was laying on the couch by the door, my arms cradling my stomach as I waited. I was waiting for that doorbell to ring and see Kellin or Tony. Tony still hasn’t come back from his visit with Stephanie and it’s kind of getting scary now. Kellin texted me and told me he was on his way and we’d go home. Sure I was sad to leave the guys but we’ll still probably come over every weekend. So for the past hour I’ve been laying here with my bags all packed and just waiting. Jaime and Vic were playing video games as well so I had some company but I wasn’t saying much. I just watched the game that they were playing, it was just FIFA but it was someone entertaining to watch.

     Soon 30 more minutes past. Then an hour. Before I could blink it felt like, another 2 hours past. I wasn’t aware of my surroundings but I focused on that door. I let another 10 minutes pass then I got up. I came to the conclusion none of them were coming. But right as my back was facing the door I heard it creak open. I quickly whipped my head around to see. I started to see black hair with some blonde poking through and then I saw those green eyes. I smiled and quickly ran into his arms. He held me tightly and I did the same. I took in his scent and nuzzled my face in the nook of his neck.

“I missed you so much.” He mumbled as he placed a soft kiss on the side of my neck. I smiled softly and said the same. He looked at me then planted a sweet kiss on my lips. I felt myself get hoisted up to where my legs are wrapped around his waist. I laughed as his hands started to cress my butt. I gently slapped his hand away and jumped down.

“Well that was hot.” I suddenly heard Jaime say from behind me as he wolf whistled. I blushed and slowly started to walk behind Kellin. “We’re going to miss you so much!” Jaime started to fake cry as he pulled me away from Kellin and into a tight hug. “I’ll miss you too, thank you for everything!” He gave me a signature smile and let Vic say his goodbye.  I was standing with my hand in Kellin’s and we were awkwardly standing there.

“I guess we should go.” Kellin whispered in my ear. I sighed and nodded, kind of disappointed that I couldn’t say bye to Tony. We started out the door and to the car but right as I opened the car door, Tony was parking his car. I smiled to myself as Kellin was getting into the car. I quickly turned around to see Tone scrambling out of the car,

“You’re leaving?” He said, still fumbling to put the keys in his pocket. I sadly nodded with a smile and he pulled me in to a tight hug. “You better text me and come over when you can!” I whined as he laughed and patted my back. “I will I promise! You take care of yourself and I swear to god if Kellin hurts you I’ll fuck him up.” He someone seriously said. I laughed as I broke away from the hug, “I’ll be fine, Kel is an angel and we’ve been together 2 years I think we got this” he just smiled and shook his head.

             “I’m going to miss you.”

            “I’m going to miss you too, remember our promise!” I hollered as I start to make my way back to my car.

            “Always, and hey, me and Steph we're done! Finally!” He cheered as he walked towards the house. “Congratulations, I’m happy you for you. Bye now!” I started open the car door and Tony wave before he disappeared into the house. As I was buckling my seat belt I noticed Kellin didn’t seem annoyed or anything, I think he’s finally warming up to Tony.

           The drive was only about 10 minutes and me and Kellin made small talk about tour and stuff. When we finally got home, the first thing Kellin did was collapse on the couch. He let out a groan then scooted over making room for me. I softly smiled and walked over to lay next to him. I felt his hands slowly snake around my stomach. His fingers slightly drummed over it as his arms settled underneath Audrey. It only brought tears to pry at my eyes but I blinked them back, I want to carry through the full pregnancy to see if by any chance our daughter would make it and Audrey will still grow like a normal baby. I would give anything for Audrey to have a save delivery.

“How are you holding up dear?” His breath hit my neck making me shutter. I placed my hand over his and gave it a squeeze, “I’m happy you’re here with me.”  He planted a small kiss on my neck and set his head in the nook of my neck. We sat like that for a while until Kellin says, “I’m going to call that doctor, I don’t believe her. How could she just tell us were going to miscarry?”

         “Kel she’s doctor, she knows better than us.” I tried to reason as he sat up, already pulling his phone out. I tried to stop him but he carefully stepped over me and walked to another room. I let out a sigh and could only hope he doesn’t do anything stupid.

 Kellin’s PoV

        I walked over into a random room as I started to dial the number of the doctor. In all truth I just didn’t want to believe that we weren’t going to have our baby girl we’ve been anticipating. There had to be a way to still be able to have her.


I suddenly was brought out of my thought bubble and said, “Hello Dr. Song, this is Kellin, Iris’ fiancée.”

      “Ah yes, she has told me lots about you. What can I do for you?”

     “I wanted to know if you could review the files and if there is any what of a chance for her not to miscarry.” I heard a small chuckle,

“I had a feeling this call would be about that. Sir I’m sorry but there is only a 10% chance of her having a successful child birth.”

“10% though, that’s still something right?!” I exclaimed letting my eternal optimism show.

“It’s a chance but not a good one. Sir, I also want to suggest that you do not have Iris carry through the pregnancy to avoid getting to attached to something you can’t have.”

“So your trying to tell us to get an abortion even though we still have a possibility!?!” I wanted to scream but I had to keep it down so Iris wouldn’t hear.

“Mr. Quinn just listen-“

“Goodbye.” I spat and rudely hung up. Maybe we should get a second opinion or something, I don’t trust that doctor. Or maybe I’m in denial. How am I supposed to tell Iris, she’s already so fragile this topic is like a fresh wound, I couldn’t tell her anything else to make it worse. But she’ll ask what the doctor said. I’ll just have to lie to her, it would only prolong the pain but anything to somewhat help her.

       I sighed and tugged a hand through my hair.

                 ‘Time to put on the show’ I thought to myself. This is going to hurt me or her . . . or both. I pulled on a fake smile and walked back over to the living room. She smiled and scooted over on the couch to make room for me. I laid next to her and wrapped my arm around her shoulder. I felt her softly cuddle into my chest as her smooth voice asked, “What did she say?”

“You’re going to be fine and Audrey is going to be fine, isn’t that wonderful!?” I fake cheered as I gave her shoulders a squeeze. I saw her eye go wide as a smile was started to blossom on her face. It seemed like all her features were getting a warm and happy look. “Are you kidding!?” She happily scoffed in disbelief. It truly hurt to lie to her like this, I hope what I’m doing is right. I mean I just want to protect her.

“No I mean it,” I lied through my teeth. She squealed in joy making me feel a pang of guilt. I felt her plant a kiss on my lips as she mumbled against them, “Isn’t this just wonderful!”

Just freaking dandy . . . .


I’m so so sorry for how short this is! Thank you for reading and voting. Once again please share and all that shiz. And usually I don’t do this but SHOUTOUT TO THIS ONE STORY BY THE LOVELY Danica_Ray, HER STORY IS EPIC ITS CALLED Chosen: A Sea of Secrets Academy Novel TOTALL CHECK IT OUTT! And this is random but if you like Mod Sun comment below because I’ve been obsessing over him recently. Also comment feedback because I love hearing it. Well, Bye then.

p.s. not edited


Title Credit: Family First – Woe, Is Me 

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