Cats and Crows

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DISCLAIMER: Depending on where you are in the One Piece story, there may be spoilers contained in this story. You have been warned.

Over the past few days, the seemingly peaceful Cocoyasi Village had become anything but; you and the other villagers had been living under the "care" of the Fishman Arlong and his pirate crew ever since you were a kid but now you were finally free. It all started when your childhood friend Nami came back from her travels. You and she had been "recruited" by Arlong at a young age, Nami for her cartography skills and you because you were above average in a fight for a ten-year-old. Eventually, Arlong decided to strike a deal with the two of you; you would be allowed to live with Nami's sister Nojiko instead of in Arlong Park as long as you acted as an enforcer regarding the collection of Arlong's monthly fee and Nami could buy Cocoyasi's freedom for the price of 100 Million Berries. Nami had been working on this ever since the deal was struck and apparently was very close to finishing it before her friends the Straw Hat Pirate Crew came to bring her back.

Once the Straw Hats landed and learned of the situation they quickly dealt with Arlong and his crew, his park and tower now lying in ruins before the rest of the town took care of a corrupt Navy officer that intended to steal all the money that Nami had collected for the town. The next day, after thanking the Straw Hats for dealing with Arlong, the five pirates got back on their ship and headed off to the Grand Line. You were happy to see Nami again and a part of you was glad to see her happy and with friends but another part of you was sad that she had to go so quickly. Nojiko often joked that you had a crush on Nami, and while you said you didn't while you were younger now you found yourself thinking about Nami more often than before.

The days stretched into weeks since you last saw Nami as you and the town got back into a normal groove. Nojiko went back to her tangerine farm and Genzo kept up his job as sheriff. You, however, almost felt lost in the village you called home.The only thing that really gave you comfort was a little routine you had developed in Nami's absence. Taking a tangerine you had bought from Nojiko, you headed to a cliff outside of town where a grave marker for Bell-mére, Nami & Nojiko's adoptive mother, was set. Sitting down on the cliff in front of the marker you felt the wind blowing through your (h/c) hair as you watched the clouds rolled by.

"Back again son?" You heard behind you

Turning around you saw Nojiko and Genzo standing by the road, smiles on their faces as you stood up and headed in their direction.

"You've been coming to this spot every day for a few weeks now huh?" Nojiko said

"Well, it's calm out here. Helps clear my mind."

"Miss Nami that much?"

"Maybe." You said quickly as you looked down to try and hide the blush on your cheeks

"Why don't we head back to my office?" Genzo suggested, "I have news that may be just what you need (y/n)."

About a half hour later, you, Nojiko, and Genzo were standing in Genzo's office as he riffled through some papers before grabbing a rather large sheet and rolling it out on his desk.

"What is this?" You asked

"A map. Specifically, a very crude map of the Grand Line. Some of my Navy connections gave it to me since we're so close." Genzo said as he pointed to an island group in the bottom-right corner labeled "Conomi Islands", "In a few days, a navy ship will be stopping here to resupply before traveling the Grand Line to their base in the Sabaody Archipelago," he continued pointing to another group of islands right in front of the Red Line, "and I've cleared you to join them, provided you pull your weight like I raised you to."

Nojiko giggled at Genzo's comment, since you, her and Nami didn't have real parents growing up after Bell-mére died so he took the role of father figure for the three of you. You, on the other hand, were excited since Nami would have to reach this island eventually so you could see her and the other Straw Hats again.

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