Day 261 - 270

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DAY 261

When I looked out the window, the sun had long since risen.
Apparently we have overdone, and walked all night.
During the battle with the boss, we stayed awake all night, which was quite a normal thing, but to spend the whole night on the flight idle .. long time since I don't do it often.
After drinking a golden liquid with a pleasant aroma from the glass in his right hand, I felt like at my throat spreads, fermented alcohol, similar to Japanese sake, with a sophisticated taste.
Tastes are certainly different, but for me personally, of all types to try this drink is included in the top five.
But it is quite natural, a good drink poured into a glass, it was one of those that I have received for the execution of [History] [demonic spirits [inexhaustible demonic hop]].
In truth, she did not give in, first to try me with dragon meat demon drink [demonic spirits [lunar cherry drop]].
When you drink it, warming from the top down, the lips themselves sprawled in Blazhnov smile and comes harmony. And slowly drinking it, you can enjoy it for a long time flavor.
Yet sake, a good thing.
Only I was a little annoyed that he could not sleep.
Well, this discontent is quite trivial think I hide it inside, as the drink even better.
Oh, what to do, was over. That's really sad.
So, how prepared the bottle is empty, lifeless land,
First -chan, -kun, -chan, the group resistant to alcohol, as well all night talking to me.
As a result of the night banquet, next to the table, lay a mountain of barrels of booze.
According to approximate estimates, the number of empty drums already exceeded half a hundred.
Like wooden mountain. Wine barrels usually made of special wood, for special requirements, because they looked almost the same.
Because of this, it was stable, and even if it be taken away, it was not fear that the mountain collapse.
Although near the mountain and rose from the barrels, but now with me at the table sat -kun, -chan, drinking wine straight from the barrel of the labyrinth, and no doubt still could easily continue.
I wonder how much they will get? Well for starters it would be necessary to remove accumulated a mountain in the glove box.
-kun and -chan heroically poured a drink, but -chan behaved differently.
She elegantly enjoyed a drink out of the maze, the similarity of wine from the wine glass.
Her movements and gestures exuded elegance, this spectacle is worthy to be printed on the picture.
She now has become a member of the race, standing at the head of all kinds [of vampires], and now came from her the constant aura of [the governor].
Not because of the [Adverse Effects] but because of her beauty.
Here, just right behind her, as if trying to hide it from others, to wash an entire tower of wine bottles, despite the fact that each of them was of the highest quality, and cost a king's ransom.
Outside elegance resides greed. We can assume so.
All this, she drank alone. And now she drinks [shanburu.dunessa], a little sweet wine that is produced from underground kumashiro class [Divine Spirit], with the bosses of the lower level.

Because of the difficulty of obtaining the price for a single bottle easily exceed several gold plates.

And if you do not know where to take, and that is expensive.
And a lot of content and such expensive even for the nobility bottles now rested in her stomach.

She very well liked it, for it was difficult to obtain expensive wines, thus it will be necessary again to plan the conquest.
Try to drink from many other places, in itself is not bad.

Yet, as we drank BuraSato-san, was not here. She suffered Census Supesei-san, like a princess on the arms, into her room.

Of course, it was late at night, but it took several hours, but she never came back. And in vain, we have so many drinks left. Maybe it certainly census and fell where neither. Yet what happened ...

Of course, she could, from fatigue to change his mind and go to bed, the room was good of her very close to the bathroom Supesei-san.

Yesterday, the day after they conquered the labyrinth, we probably felt tired.

That's just at a time when she was carrying Supesei-san, I happened to notice on her face, seductive smile. Because that can happen.
Now, so the probability of this is quite high.

This clearly had the eyes of the hunter. Or the eyes of a predator, staring at the weakened prey.

Well, whatever it was, I personally will not climb into their problems.
We're comrades, because the family.
Personal tastes are different, we need to respect them, while maintaining the freedom of each.

Because who would be there than not engaged until asked to help, personally, I will not climb.
Clone your I too led there, because the details are not known.

As for Akaki, she was tired after the party, and I took her to his room, and now she is fast asleep hugging Oppsi. Auro and the oncoming Ordzhente Onizaka also went to rest in their rooms.

And at this time, they may already awake, but on the training ground still quiet, probably because they are still at home.

On a large sofa, a little away from us, not worse napivshiysya Supesei-san, with a blissful face slept with SeiOsama-kun. On both sides of him, slept AyKusa-chan and KugiMe-tyan. Ryadom them slept a few more girls demons. They were in love with him ladies, in other words members of his harem.

SeyOsama Coon and was popular before, so this is not surprising. Honest and good, looks nice and has a high status in some sense, we can say that falling in love with him was quite natural.

Moreover, received fatal injuries in training, seeing SeyOsamu Kuna carefully treated the wounds that trigger effect, "suspension bridge", it is quite natural in love with him in that situation.

It is a kind of levity, he does not hesitate, saying very constraining phrase. In the eyes of the girls is worth a lot.
The trembling girl's heart, SeyOsama kun catches naturally, without any calculation.

Fall in love with the natural gigolo SeyOsama Kuna girls demons, likely will bring us more problems.

But because of the head of the list and KugiMe AiKusa chan chan, with their overpowering skills close to him, and because of the fact that if all this into something extreme, I intervened, the girl demons, consultation, took the iron rule because currently, there is no strife.

Because, basking in the aura make unpopular party members, SeyOsama kuna to maintain peace and order.

Well, in this direction, deeper is better not to go. Troublesome fact.
It's SeyOsama kun, he however be overcome.

Next Princess tomboy kid knight, first queen, and dark character that result and we were nachevat.
Though I had them prepared private rooms as SeyOsama kun now, on adjacent walls sofas.

Furniture is top class, because even a sofa bed and inferior, but it is easy and comfortable you can sleep through the night.

Sleepy person who got on this sofa, a young couple, and the boy tomboy Princess Knight is now blue.
Apparently in his sleep they suffered from nightmares.

Perhaps the reason for it was the fact that they slept in the clothes, but most likely it is the effect of alcohol drunk.
They're still children, because I treated them just fruit juice labyrinth.

But apparently fascinated by the atmosphere of the holiday, or leaning on someone or some provocation, drunk as a lord. Or maybe it's because they breathe in the smell of wine permeated the entire ballroom. Yet the last reason, most likely.

Fortunately, this time, especially popular drink and dragon meat.

Dragon meat just fine, nothing to complain about, but with the drink, it becomes simply unbeatable.
Delicious thing I want to do even tastier.

In addition, we, that is race [demons] was originally much like alcohol. Many of us drink it like water.
But if the amount of alcohol in the drink is too small, or if the pass certain thresholds,
we just stop getting drunk.

Previous topics we opyaneem, most of the alcohol just degrades in the body.

One of the examples I have given, I have [the absorption capacity], because the cases when I got drunk at least a little, it was pretty small. This is one of these days.

Fortunately, in today's drinking, amount of alcohol was just a horse, and all his carefree drinking. One of them, MinoKichi kuna, which devastated the barrels one by one.

Thanks to his efforts, at this banquet drunk alcohol, enough to swim freely. For so much I was drunk. Especially in a drunken state, it was easy to throw a drink, because of course in the room was stifling fumes.

One only kumara, weak could easily get drunk.
And he is not getting weaker, but rather accumulated.
Among affected by alcohol, it was not only a young man and a tomboy Princess Knight. By passing reached its chapels elders, were "Sorchudo" team under the tutelage of Commander punks.

All the younger group, almost immediately sold the rooms, but the group headed by the commander of hoodlums escaped this fate.
Greedy before eating punks and the company commander, not even drinking, probably did not have time to escape.

Surrounded by older comrades, perhaps even watered them, but at their age, it is not contrary to the laws of the kingdom, because I will not be punished.

Well, whatever it was.
Drunken Princess tomboy and the company felt unwell.

What a business ... Thinking a little to alleviate the suffering of the collapsed here and there, punks, to start using the [Lord of all], I got rid of vomit.

By controlling fluids and gravity, I vomit squeezed into a small bowl. Freeze it, I sent the ball into the bin. A very simple action, and did not have to get dirty.

It seemed a bit strange to use such a powerful skill, so cleaning vomit, but it was clearly faster.
Painfully, it is convenient.

Unlike Princess tomboy and companies are on the other sofa and heroine first Queen of Darkness, though drunk, but the stomach does not empty, so I pretended saw nothing. Saliva flowing from his mouth, and sliding wear, it's nothing yet.

Sloppiness is in each, because of their vulnerable species, do nothing.

To breast she pressed used my knife and fork like a treasure or something.

Wiping handkerchief flowing out of her mouth and drooling snot, heard "Eheehe" and her face appeared depraved smile. See it was hard.

As if under the influence of dangerous drugs magical. It was difficult to do something.

Typically, following in the shadow of the elegant first queen, full [heroine] now look worse than Princess tomboy.

The same is true around her maids. At that point, they would just go on stage, but not only drunk hostess and her servants.

Therefore, I personally did not see anything.
Touch it's dangerous. Thus, it is possible to receive a fatal moral damage ...

At the same time, suddenly a lot of our friends fell asleep on the floor and tables.
Approximately 7/10 3/10 on the floor and the tables, that is, on the floor there were more.
But the floor of the great hall was covered with a magnificent carpet, and is likely to sleep on it was nicer than a bed or the medium.

This carpet, stained with food and drink, vomit, saliva and mud, it will be difficult to clean.
Well, nothing, to force to do it, those who have smeared it.

Well, in this way, with the dawn of the feast was over.

With the end of the holiday, still were in consciousness, do the cleaning.

Remove the mountains of empty wine barrels and bottles, sending them in the glove box.

But, in order to remove the heavy tables, push apart the past behind them sleeping comrades.

And while they were sleeping with happy faces, but it is a help to get out of the owed.

Because elbowed their kicks, using the lasso water, poured their faces.
After this they immediately woke up, and can certainly harsh treatment, but compared to conventional training, it is still very soft, because the problem should not be.

But among some sleep comrades attended the maids and butlers, in their case, I acted softer.

The maids and butlers were engaged in service, but apparently intoxicated by the smell of one.

As expected, for people today drink was probably too strong.
Well, that has not someone been poisoned.

Awakened and fellow professionals, maids and butlers, significantly helped with the cleaning because we managed quite quickly.

I think that at least for the sake of cost to hire professionals.
Before returning to the great forest, you need to send Princess tomboy kid knight, the first queen of darkness and heroin into the palace.

Last night, a messenger was sent, not to intermarry because of panic, but it would be better to send them quickly.

Loose tomboy princess and the boy knight, shining first queen and heroine of darkness, giving them with them with the remains of food in the lunch box, I sent them home for the group bone spiders.

It was a bit strange, rest the remains of the royal family meal, but all meals were of dragon meat.

Albeit cooled, but still tasty, albeit balances, but for those who appreciate this kind of thing for which you can sell your soul ...
Moreover, it is likely that the problem here declared nobles willing to take over this meat, but I think that in this case, the tomboy princess and the queen first, neither let him take.

Well, if they are too annoying, they have probably disappear. That certainly can happen, but it's better to avoid it.
Not for us, but for them also themselves.

Finished with trouble, we began to prepare for departure to the great forest.

As usual, in the morning should be training, but after yesterday we had a lot of suffering a hangover, because today is the day off. At this time, returning the group was collecting belongings.

We were able to go only after 3 o'clock in the afternoon, due to the fact that many went to buy souvenirs.

Initially, I wanted to leave a woman warrior in the capital's shops, but then decided to take her with him, so she hastily gathered belongings.

I carry out its part of the training, using the [supreme call demonic races], made up for the missing store personnel.

I called [the demons merchants (Lord trade)], a race of demons is very good in the trade.

Becoming [furious god] seems to fulfill a condition that, and a sheet of creatures that could encourage the [supreme call demonic races] Ext.

And among creatures with high intelligence, which could only encourage the [supreme calling demonic races], they were the best in this regard.

Last time, I just needed qualified personnel, because they gave me quite out of place.

Because, to begin with, for the sake of the experiment, I decided to leave one of them shop in the capital. If all turn out, I replaced them all the comrades sent to the branches.

A freed workers serve for the benefit of "ready to fight Parabellum."

While I was doing this, and other routine business, it is time to go.

When finished with the preparations, we are a few carts [100 bones] and [bone spiders], happily went toward the base in the great forest.

That's just before you leave the capital, we have to wait at a small distance of the city.

Because without becoming waste time, it was decided during the movement to do advertising.

Compared to the morning, afternoon, there was a crowd in the streets, but this time outside was unusually crowded.
For advertising, it was about time.

After lunch at the beginning of the capital suddenly spread music. Easy and fun, she made to tremble in anticipation.

Before leaning out the window, faces of locals, fascinating picture appeared. Comrades, using a variety of magic and magical items, created on the streets of the parade revevshih fire lions and water army.

Some have looked at this magnificent sight from the outside, and those who came closer, comrades showed some magical items sold in our store.

Enjoying the carnival, violated an ordinary day, in one well-publicized our shop, under completion, I have created in the sky, using the [Lord of all], and dragons of light and darkness. Sitting in a carriage [100 bones], we enjoyed the spectacle.

This ad was similar to what the parade of circus or theme park or something.

In this world, not very common technique, because the effect of it was much higher than expected.
But most of all attracted the attention MinoKichi kuna with Kumadzhiro and Kurasanro.

If you ask what he was doing, it was juggling. Of course not straightforward.

MinoKichi juggled Kurasanro and Kumadzhiro.
Kumadzhiro vymahal under 10 than the tone, but thanks to the incredible power of MinoKichi kun, he easily lifted him even with Kurasanro just one hand.

He juggled, their bodies curled up in balls of wool, handmade and hand panda wolf.

This overwhelming show of force from the outside, suddenly looked pretty cute.

On all sides could be heard cheering and flying coins.
Thus, we were able to triple its advertising, at the same time earning. In addition, at the same time show our fighting force, thereby getting rid of fools willing to interfere with us.
So we were able to achieve some other purpose, in truth turned out with one shot, a whole herd of hares.
I think that if that is the case, maybe we will repeat it.

Of course prior to, I got permission from the tomboy Princess and the First Queen. As expected, arrange without permission is easy to imagine what can rise to panic.

After a while, we came to the gate, where we waited for a little inspection, but we had a pass because it was over pretty quickly and left the capital of the kingdom.
Picking up waiting outside bear MinoKichi kun, he showed us already juggling three pets.

He looked at it just fine.
Thus killing time until all the comrades did not come out, we continued our way to the top of high mountains.

Column stretching unusual vehicles, horses move more quickly, for others we looked quite strange.
Well, we are used to, because, as planned, we went by the shortest route to the city maze "propagator".
We arrived pretty quickly, did not go inside, but stopped nearby.

Among us there selected employees of the branch were higher in position, but it is not necessary for the work comrades, because they were little.

Because charges have not taken a lot of time, and quickly left the neighborhood of the city maze "propagator", heading to a slightly distant, less popular mountain range.

After a while, we arrived at the scene, KugiMe chan was convinced that no one around there, I called Tatts Jon Roe. From nearby, a few seconds later, it was already seen his huge body. Under his huge body bent around trees, but this has nothing to do about it
Then, it will be necessary to bring everything in order here using [the lord of all].

Patting playful dragon, I changed [100 bones], fixing on his back.

At the same time, I did so in order not to interfere with his wings, because of problems during the flight will not occur.

Thus, a large number of comrades will be able to comfortably travel by air.

Though so, we have here were too many, because at a time to drop off the great forest was simply impossible.

Given that we had a huge MinoKichi, as well as livestock and Kumadzhiro Kurasanro Kumakichi. Kurosanro still did not go far, but incredibly huge Kumadzhiro and less healthy Kumakichi [a great armored bear].

As expected, the break fell from a height of overload will be a problem.

Of course, I can fly in the sky, and to reduce the number of victims to an imaginary, but it will look rather silly.
Because for the comrades on bone spiders using [istesanny call dragons], I called dragons.

Of course with the force of Tatsu Jon Roe, they are not equal, but thanks to my influence, called black dragons were very strong, besides, I could call on them quite a lot, because in less than a few minutes, we left the forest in the sky.

Many comrades, first took to the air, were shocked, but quickly got used to.
Among us there were those who, like we KanaMi chan could fly, but most of them did not know how.

Although raised in the air Tatsu Jon Roe, or black dragons, but experiencing this feeling for the first time, from different sides were heard them cheering. The first experience, so he should be.

Enjoying the general reaction, I suddenly noticed among our luggage, two strangers barrels.

Lightly tapping on it when he heard some movement inside.
Based on this, I could not throw them away, because, to begin making small holes in the barrel, using [venom] created a soporific poison, vaporizing it with [the lord of all] and drove inside.

After this inside the loud snoring.
That's because, well, okay, it is also not quite a bad chance.

Thus, the mission of the terrible sky, ended in an instant, and in the evening we arrived at the base in the great forest.

DAY 262

What are the hot springs in the world?
I believe that this is the place where the soul is purified.
Caring washing sweat, tears, dirt, stench, fatigue, warming body and soul, it's a paradise on earth.
If you spend too much time here, the power will leave your legs and accumulate fatigue will disappear without a trace.
These are the hot springs in the world.
Especially if it is not artificially created and formed by the order of nature, once experienced, it is no longer possible to forget that feeling.
Fortunately, in this world, they have an incredible magic power, which was not in my previous life.
As a result, the invisible eye effect, spread, and become quite noticeable.
Among these sources, our source, he held a very high position.
Here you can recover from chronic wounds, and if you use it regularly, even to escape from deadly diseases.
Dry, desert land like skin, here is smooth, like a baby, and if you drink water from the source, it is possible to cure many diseases.
All this work is invisible to the eye of countless spirits that bestow blessings zhivim organisms, activating their vitality.
One of the products sold in our stores, comes in small bottles, water sources, a chur popular, so much so that disintegrate almost immediately after delivery.
Basic women customers, noble lady and daughter, in spite of the high price exposed, ready to buy it, bring us a solid income.
Because I want to say, the new natural hot springs found in the area adjacent to our base "Bathroom violent god" was a combination of great look and first-class hot spring. The best place to relax.
Just enter the water immediately feel pleasure, from which it seems that the soul is about to leave the body.
In the morning, go to the hot springs was so nice that there was a risk to go to heaven with pleasure. After enjoy the hot springs, I was engaged in the affairs.
For once he returned to the great forest, I have accumulated here a whole bunch of work.
From -san I received full rebirth halberd with Renkindzhitsushi san, engaged in the creation of a new drug, using the extracted materials, together with her sister, were engaged in cooking, along with a woman knight, a woman warrior, and King gladiator sword (an opponent of this level, if I hold back, do not be afraid to kill someone or something) had a workout.
Looked like there are skeletons in the disposal [in toxic pits] (those where the skeletons have fought to evolve). Checked whatever training is born, goblins, COB goblins, ogres and Half Lords. In truth, many things.
Although I came here on vacation, but before they had to start a lot of things to do.
Because of its clones, I was aware of not only external events and internal. But as a leader, I must not only be in the know, but his charisma and distribute to employees, because had to deal with such cases.
I would like to arrange another banquet with dragon meat cooked sister, but released outside the group still has not come. Because it had slightly delayed.
Because, along with the Sisters, we were working on the best way of cooking meat dragon.
Most would taste the best dishes of the dragon meat.

DAY 263

I woke up covered in sweat and felt sticky. I was reunited with and for the first time in a long while, I had a hot night with and companions.
While I decided to bath into the [Fierce God] hot spring, I wanted to try out the [Heat Absorption] skill. Having done so, the heat energy rushes wtihin me, and I felt like I was dissolving into water. The test from this experiment of enjoying has exceeded my expectations.
With, just "Fuuahhh", words cannot be conveyed, and my brain was dominated by happiness. My mind, was like dissolved in hot water.
Most likely, this was one of the most dangerous states upon my body. I, myself tried to get out of this situation, but I could not.
My mind fell apart and I fell into a trance. While Minokichi entered and saw me in this strange situation, called out to me.
Receiving no answer, with one hand, pulled me out of the water.
Once my mind returned back into my body, I stopped the [Heat Absorption] skill.
So I survived this crisis which was rather pathetic (which looked pretty stupid, so it was decided to keep this our little secret).
Yesterday was very busy, because of the point of the conservation, was to reconcile with the "Uninvited Guests," for which it was necessary to keep an eye on.
The "Uninvited Guests" were and .
Lulled to sleep by my poison, they suddenly appeared in two extra barrels.
In her words, "I wanted to look at the home of and his companions." But Aporou wouldn't allow them into the secret fortress. Thus she decided to secretly sneak inside! Having come to the conclusion, "while everything was going well, nobody would have thought that we were put to sleep! We were sincerely waiting for the flight across the sky on a dragon! " but it turned out something like this.
Pouting out her cheeks with scorch deification expression, she protested as she pounded on the table with both hands.
Apparently after we sent them back to the castle, there was secret passage to the mansion, and during that time while Aporou were preparing for departure, and climbed into the luggage.
Judging by the expression floating on the face of the whose currently sweating, tried to persuade the , not to go, but it was a waste of effort.
Too tired with continuous problems stacking up. Well, nothing can be done,. Yet the was somewhat like a niece, or while I look at it, I cannot. And while the secret base was discovered, I was angry with her for a long time.
But because I'd rather not even get angry and reflect upon the situation.
But if it will pass a certain line, I'll even have to get rid of the . And there will be no negotiations. For I have no pity towards enemies. But, after intimidation, I would pity. Such my emotions.
Well, think about what can not betray us and become our enemy, I was convinced, so it's useless thoughts.
Naturally, on the danger posed by the , Tomboy Princess as a member of the royal family, is well aware.
The fact that the center of this most sacred realm, moving preparation for the campaign against the [Enemy of Peace] and [Insatiable Gluttony] (me) kind of [Holy War].
And as befits [Holy War], all who prevents, considered accomplices [World of Evil], and shall be destroyed.
As it happens, the , will not be sorry. Absorbing the earth, the will invade the land, consuming everything in its path. , has much more of this kingdom. Already very big difference in the number of national forces and [Legendary Heroes], and even considering an alliance with the Empire, is still a high probability of losing.
If we add here opposing the , with the and the , we may be able to avoid total destruction, but the damage will be very severe.
Because the simply cannot leave it unattended.
First of all, the damage from the civil war is quite large, because there is simply no choice.
From the perspective of the Kingdom, the relationship with me became the purpose of [Holy War] for the Princess included in the national interest.
Because the information is sometimes worth more than a mountain of gold. Thinking about the national interest, there is an option to betray me. If I were an ordinary monster, the perhaps would have made a choice to betray me.
After the seen enough of us and our work, then that choice no longer exists. In this I am sure.
Although she is still like a baby, but her ability to look into other people's hearts, she quickly matured and collected her personal information is huge. All there she spies a candle to no good in this, and even if she did not have time she has intellect.
Because if we bring that to happen, Princess already knows.
Only a complete fool in this case, independently so decides.
This time they would not have got things in order to gather information for treason, and so learn about our fighting potential personally and make sure how best to do for the good of the kingdom. Most likely it was such were her thoughts.
Well, most likely, there is still a part of personal interest.
Slightly anticipating what she was up, I put on the shoulder , pampering Opusi, as well as holding the hand of (daughter of Alchemist-san, the only one of my children belonging to the human race), gave her a tour of our homebase.
Currently, our base has grown incomparable with the previous size.
Black Skeletons significantly reduces the amount of hard work, and have been here in an amount exceeding a few thousand, moreover, it has gathered many representatives of skilled races.
Although I was not here for a few months, but due to the use of labor to the maximum, the base has grown so much that completely engulfed the whole mountain,
He reached out to gently distancing located in the mine.
Roughly speaking, the former residence of our earlier "Former Mine" was the first, then allowing to carry out large-scale military exercise "External Training Field" a place where kids Dorian san [field workers], took care of a variety of crops, "Farmlands" a place inhabited by tame horses, wolves and other rideable pets, as well as domesticated animals for food "kennel" and smezhennaya him "Farm", a place where manufactured a variety of tools and weapons, "Workshop", a place where it is constantly on duty comrades -kun "Hospital", and as established for the elves' "Parabellum Onsen".
All this greatly improved and greatly expanded, and now "Agricultural field", for example, grew so such an extent that they are better described as "great agricultural fields," but now I'm better describe the new institution.
To begin, place rasischennoe from trees where the ground was compacted earthen Half lords, so as not to fall apart, this place has become "Airport".
Here, I have tamed flying familiars, such as , as well as designed the dragons, for each day bringing products from the great forests for export, and brought here, the goods that have been hard to find here.
Most of this space is an open platform, easy-to-take-off and landing, but there were also buildings for the temporary storage of goods, pets and recreation personnel, and others to facilitate the life of the device.
One such device is scattered on the surface, like the web, the rails.
These tracks were running, protected from the sun by the black skeletons of [bone trolley]. Through empowerment, black skeletons serving material for their mass production, he not only had excellent characteristics, if they are given an order, they moved automatically to the right place, which was very convenient.
Large [Skeleton Train], at a time can transfer cargo of several tens of tons, without them, after a while we certainly would have started with the delivery problem.
Incidentally, these rails were made with the help possessed by the gnomes.
They used to use to take out of their underground dens Shah and the surface of the earth.
Using them as a prototype, by trial and error, it has been established, this system of rails and trolleys.
History has preserved quite a few examples of the use of such structures, because of their utility, they still are a matter of mines exist to this day.
When I was looking for a convenient way to transport goods on the basis of, I was lucky, and among the dwarfs appeared familiar with the methods of construction and operation of pallet designs. I think I do not work there [of luck] is.
For this reason, dwarfs black using skeleton as the driving force, resulting in a lot of stress created this system.
At the moment, all the institutions on the basis of these rails were connected, which were very useful as a transport and freight.
Further, a place where to produce goods sold in our stores, which is called "The Factory." There are usually open seven recognized as an official member of the comrades who were allowed to lead to the base, as well as lost limbs in battle, and not able to fight on the front line comrades, as well as black skeletons.
On the assembly line, the black skeleton, comrades and relatives, engaged in the production line, since they were more suited for this kind of work.
Of course, so it did not work very well related to some delicate magic potions, but whatever it was.
Receiving detailed instructions, the black skeletons showed jobs worthy as industrial machines for the manufactured goods they make, could be sold at a cheap price, and the workflow is stable, which was a very solid source of income.
From the opinion of using the Black skeletons who do not need rest, salary, and the need to eat. I began to think that, they are suitable for the job in "the Factory", rather than for fighting.
Incidentally basic manufactured products were about the same as in the "Workshop".
Furthermore, there appeared as a result of a significant increase in the number of our "Residential land".
Although now, a lot of friends were living in which we used as a shelter, "the former mine", but after our population has increased from a few dozen to a few thousand, "Residential land" the we have, has become essential.
Thanks to this, various companies are to be found not only different in the material home, (wood, brick, stone, and even from the dense tissue), but even to be found at home, the living style of the kingdom, or empire, or demonic empire or the kingdom of animals, a wide variety of design features were in the neighborhood.
And then if the style is the same, depending on the size of occupants of houses sizes were very different.
Here live the representatives of various races, comparable in size with the Minotaur, respectively, and at home they were huge. But what is passing away, you could see a relatively small houses belonging to such kettoshi.
Despite the apparent chaos, there were all pretty well sorted, and the general atmosphere in the "Residential land" has been very harmonious, and what it looked like a medium-sized city.
It's a major change.
Located around the mountain, which has become the center of our database, external areas were completely surrounded by huge solid, magic fortified walls, similar to the improved version of the one that was up before.
More from minor innovations, we have a "shopping street", where they sold food and necessary items and products that are useful for training. Well, it's not very important, because I'm covering the details.
So I walked around the base, it suddenly became a city.
Independently walking up here, I was really touched.
In addition, it took only a few months and everything is grown here. Honestly, I did not expect.
In normalilty, it is an impossible growth rate, because nothing to do with such thoughts. But gathered here, lived selected representatives of different races, with a maximum useful skills with abilities, even more intensified due to my influence, the result came out this way.
Using black skeletons in the labor force, our homebase has become the fortress of the city. In the words of understanding, but in fact, it seems very illogical. Maybe I only think so.
Oh well. The company, runs here and there, I spent the whole day with my lovely kids. That in itself makes this very day, not bad.

DAY 264

Our comrades still haven't returned from their hike so we couldn't arrange a banquet.
Since graduating with a morning workout, reassign the care of the former "Wedding Crashers," which became the "invited guests" who were with her in a good relationship and the company I was locked with the sisters in the kitchen.
"It's not and it's not" discussing different ways.
The ingredients we had in truth a whole bunch because we were experimenting on what to do in order to get the best dishes from the dragon meat.
But that in itself was a very difficult thing.
What is the most delicious part of the dragon? what is the best method to cook it with? What are the missing ingredients? What this requires utensils and tools? You need to know a whole lot of things.
We did not have too much, because we couldn't give a better recipe.
But we we're not going to stop our efforts in trying to make the best meat of the dragon, even tastier.
Food is love. Food is life. To live means to have.
Since this is a necessary condition, it is clear that there is nothing better than something tasty.
Thus, we are able to invest their strength in this case.
That's when I could not spend time only with the sister, forgetting , , and san.
Because in the break, I went to visit them.
For a start, .
Then, using a large variety of magical metal, my halberd intensified incomparable to its former state. A hand in Blacksmith-san, currently studying gnomes made armor.

At first glance, it was clear that her skills certainly increased, so much so that just are not comparable with the previous stage. Surprised by her unexpected growth, we started inspection equipment comrades, as well as inspected the mass production of equipment for sale in stores. After the inspection, I asked whether there are any problems.
In response, I have learned that before there was a problem with the delivery of a variety of metal magic, but thanks to the work of the service supply, at the moment it has been solved.
Personally, I wish that they, along with gnomes and then continued to develop, because they need to ensure good.
In addition, ('s son), is also interested in blacksmithing and during lessons made knife.
It was his first time, so we can not say that he was good, but you still need to learn from it, I also praised the knife.
But was not so pleased with his work, because he found it a crappy hidden knife.
As a result, our faces were smiling.
Then I went to .
She was engaged in preparing magic potions that couldn't be made by the black skeletons on the "Factory".
Blending and other processes, training materials, actions that can be performed by anyone, having some knowledge, were to entrust to others, and she was engaged in the most important processes.
Among our products, comparatively expensive potions Alchemist-san popular. As expected, they conceded as a [divine heritage (artifact)] potions, but still became one of the best-selling products.
Where could I have helped, for the rest I could only watch.
Her technique is undergoing extraordinary changes, and I'm never tired of admiring her making gently an magic items.
We can say that the woman at work has her own charm.
Next I went to the trainees and .
As a result, we spent a little sparring, this was two woman against me.
Becoming a member [18 demonic warlords] received the title of [Brilliant mercy righteous knight] and [red deadly fury], they are now able to fight with me, when I hold back.
Unlike , received a significant increase in capacity, Female knight, by the mental and physical gain, gain the ability to manage [the light of mercy].
[Light of Mercy], steals the mental and physical strength, all the creatures that regard, hanging negative effects.
Try it on itself, it was found, depending on the time of exposure, the effect has to accumulate. More and more, I destroyed the morale, and I felt as a force leaves the body.
It looks like a noble golden aura that covers the entire body. From the first time, it is difficult to determine that it has a bad effect.
Deceived by this kind of light the enemy will only lose more power the longer they fight.
In this battle, when the slightest difference in the state can decide the outcome, so i find this capacity(i prefer calling it abilities) is very strong.
True as it copes poorly with the control, but can cover your body and arms. So it will be possible to extend the range and its ability.

Obviously, this it is necessary to be cautious to not hit under the lights allies, but if it is to learn to control it, it will be able to cope even with the characters.
Personally, I have ways to counter it, but without it, the knight woman to become very troublesome opponent.
Continue for some time at the end to Akaka and women joined as a knight become members [18 demonic combatant commanders] [dog samurai] Akitainu [demonic King bears] Kumadzhiro [imerator Black Wolf] KuroSanro.
Like Kumadzhiro and Kurosanro, Akitainu evolved from [Samurai kobold] in the [Shogun kobold].
(was some weird text here so i believe there used to be a picture here, probaly of the shogun kobold but it is now text indicating that it has probally been deleted)
In the days of [Samurai kobold] Akitainu was like zverocheloveka the upper part of the body, middle-aged man. Becoming [Shogun Kobold], he had a vivid scarlet armor of black color in the old Japanese style, covering the entire body. His main weapon was the spear with a live cross, crescent-shaped tip.
However, his body resembles a much larger version of a conventional kobold.
Now his brutal appearance, was more impressive then a average ogre.
Characteristic for predators, sharp look scoured in search of prey, sharp claws ripped the ground. If he howl, only by the sound, weaklings lose any fighting spirit.
But not strong enough to induce fear.
Possessing not only animal instincts, but high intelligence, and military equipment, subordinates kobaldami he ran like his own hands.

With personal and command abilities Kobold shogun, he could easily tear in the death of Lords and dragonidov.
The stories were records about how much Kobold shogun, leading the tens of thousands of fellow representatives races Kobold destroyed not a big country.

He could not only cause huge losses, depleting the army of neighboring countries, but also depriving [the hero] (i have no idea if in this context he it meant that he killed a hero or just fought with one), contracts for the destruction of his hands, and his three companions, but before he dies he is still here walking around cracking jokes ( he is wanted now in some places, the shogun)

In some cases, representatives of this race, even becoming dungeon, for example in one of the dungeons "A couple De Rama" a very high level.

That's just this very Akitainu in front of me, happily wagging tails and bright eyes glistened. bigger than me in size, but still, Akitainu for me it looked like a friendly puppy.

His every action is simply luchilos affection to me. It was so touching.

In the days of the samurai kobold, it looked a little strange, but now it looks very similar to what it was, even ashigaru kobaldom hugging and patting does not cause strange moral contradictions.

Like a pet, Akitainu [faithful dog samurai] until the Lord is faithful (in this case me) all his abilities significantly increased.

Before training, as a reward for his efforts in the service, I gave him a magic item, such as a long sword [cosmic microwave background (ancient)] class [War Wolf celestial moon], because this training, participating in training, it was perhaps the strongest.

In a short time, he may well achieve power equal to a [legendary hero]. many were quick and his punches are heavy.
Looking at the growth Akitainu, my face broke into a smile in anticipation of [holy war]. ( In all honestly i can only see Rou and Kichi killing the whole country by themselfs, he is a GOD now a GOD!)

Upon completion of training, I went to Dorian san.
Today, I have come to dip in a hot spring, but I caught the elf's father, who is now taking oil massage.
I even thought that all his greatness was an illusion, because as his face was very relaxed.

Well it is better not to dig too deep.
Everyone has one or two weaknesses.

Having a circle again, I sat down to study cooking, and then went to the hot springs again. At this time, in order not to repeat the shameful mistakes, I just got into swimming.
Hot Springs are the best!

DAY 265

Some of the comrades who were out of the forest, returned to base today.
But some still remains missing. Because of the distance, or because of the convenience they have taken missions. In general, the reasons were different.
I'm all tied up, and the latest group, with some error, will arrive in a few days.
Because knowing the details, it was easy to make a plan, and we started training, so any time you can start a feast.
At this time, the participants have to order more, but the workforce in excess, because the preparation was without delay.
So I decided to finish first with the case, which was no less important than the banquet.
Put simply, a fighting festival championship.
As expected, the strength of our business - that's it! These thoughts still remained, because to determine the position of a fight is inevitable.
So far, the spread of forces was quite high, but the right was simply no chance.
Since deciding not to miss the opportunity, when gathered together as comrades,
because in the international arena, the tournament was held.
This time, the fighting involved only members of all significantly increased, thanks to this show was truly spectacular.

The result of the tournament:
2nd - name of Kobold Leader (Shiba-inu)
7th -kun
12th -san (first Lightning dragonid)
13th Isuha-san (Lightning armored insectoid)
15th Rinbo-san ()
16th -san
and others. Such are the results.
Depending on the combinations of opponents, perhaps they would have been completely different, but still very reasonable result.
This time, I -kun as well as other [8 demonic generals], from the obvious difference in strength, did not participate, and the and have not returned because the result came out that way.
I did not think Akaki win, but she really has become strong.
Of course there were other changes in the ranking of power, but still, it's all good will to increase our combat capability.
Due to the fact that there were a lot of participants, the festival battles lasted until late.

DAY 266

Yesterday we had the individual battles. For today, for the sake of improving teamwork and leadership skills, matches will be formed in groups of 4, 9 and 49 with a commander.
(matches will be groups of commander plus 4, 9 and 49 individual.)
The biggest was a battle of top 99 commanders of subordinates. In itself, this show was different from yesterday, a show of force.
In each of these battles, weapons and armor was made of wood, which grows in the great forest.
But with only one material, it surpassed mediocre steel strength.
All particles of clones in the ear barrette, were replaced by clones [violent god] that automatically blocked a deadly type of strokes, while if remained the slightest sign of life, SeyOsama-kun and the company will be cured, because the battle would likely be very fierce.
Even in the battles 5 vs 5, at stake was the pride of the group and the more they fought, the more this same pride was at stake.
The last battle carried 100 vs 100. Here the most numerous goblins and goblins COB mixed together, to fight head-on with ogres and the insectoid.
Riding the black wolves and , riders and COB Goblin riders, using their agility, loaded fast attack and thanks to the elves' skirmisher training, just sending a shooting on the move, right in the opponent's vulnerabilities.
Frontal attack, heavily armed dragotaurusov and centaurs, forehead smashed the enemy system.
And secure the front line, at the forefront of fighting mages, arranging air sea flares appearing collision battle magic.
At the forefront of the fractures were common. Broken teeth quite natural under the heavy blows easily torn internal organs, unless you are lucky, you can easily lose your eyes from flying stones or fragments, was great chance to be crushed by the blast from the terrible spell in the air collisions.
It would not be surprising if they were dead. Moreover, normal, certainly it had to be several tens of corpses. But thanks to the strengthening of my clones, and excellent team work -kun, despite the huge number of wounded, anyone weren't killed.
Maybe this method was too cruel, but even without weapons, the result would have been exactly the same. For the leaders of 5 and 10, yesterday received its increase, it was the last test.
Has the ability to reach this position, at first clumsily gave the team, but in the end, having gained combat experience, their management took proper shape.
But as expected, most of the leaders, groups of 5 and 10, were commanders in the day.
Which have reached their limit, are not able to understand what a [evolve], there were many among the commanders of 5 and 10. They shone himself honing their skills, rather than increasing its level.
Go through this obstacle, I hope that they can get the skills worthy of their rank.
Incidentally, the present today and daughter elf was very shocked and and just lost rchei gift from such a spectacle.
Well, nothing to do.
Although it is on the barbaric, but such training are essential.

DAY 267

Before the morning workout. Only the sun rose, I went alone for a walk in the great forest.
Even doing nothing, from one of my presence, all the living fled in fear like cockroaches. So I freely visited many different places.
All the great forest was already on the mental map, because it was easy to find a place where I was hunting.
The place where I first killed rogokrolya, the place where I met Dorian-san, the place where the kidnapped daughter of an elf, and we saved it until I went to memorable places at different memories flooded me.
At the same time I felt a kind of nostalgia, but it was something new.
All this is because at the moment the great forest has grown considerably.
Thanks to our exudes a natural hot spring magical power, the rate of growth of the great forests throughout its territory has increased significantly.
As a result, there appeared a race that was not there before, as well as senior representatives of the races were formerly lived here.
Increased not only the number but also the quality, compared to the same time greatly increased, there is no doubt.
Because here you can now get the best materials, and is much easier to raise your level. Because for us it is not a bad innovation.
Moreover, due to this it decreased probability that our base is detected.
Of course you need to watch who came to explore for adventurers, but will not have to pay this much time.
For a while, walking through the great change the landscape of the forest, I was curious and I looked into the cave in which we were born.
Arriving at the place, I'm quite silently crept to the entrance. I noticed almost no different from the constitution of goblins, orcs small.
Apparently, after we moved to a new location, this place is left without owners, and was inhabited by roving Orcs.
Watching them for a while, I realized that this tribe come here from the outside of the great loss.
In their conversation he slipped met in the area of ​​expression. Besides small orcs, very weak subspecies of the race, but rather skillful and head them in order.
Conventional orcs prefer meat, and small orcs, eat fruits and berries, as well as with appetite ate soup from the roots and meat. That is, at least they are skillful enough to cook tasty (at least for small Orok) food.
Prepare a meal on the fire, in itself quite shocking ability, but in addition they made their own clothes and armor made of cloth and skins, produced with monsters, so they could hunt, as well as they used spears made of [steel rose hips] long wooden sticks tied to sticks rusty daggers serving their peaks covered with purple paralyzing venom.
After some observation, I noticed that their leader, belongs to the type of magic, and was slightly unusual. Maybe even not a representative of the [sub species].
Becoming furious god, for the sake of the orc version, I did not lift a finger, but by itself it looks quite interesting.
It is not known what will be on, because I left them with spying.
Also, I found some newborns COB goblins, because watching them can be quite interesting.
Perhaps we appear here and other neighbors, with whom you can trade, and by the elves. Course, I decided to look for other residents of the great forest.
On the base, I returned quite late, and almost immediately went to sleep.

[History of the legendary brave [shining path of the brave fighting] are [supporting characters] [Cavalier defender] [usurper]
which [awakened character / main character] Ace Sven Sigurd been encountered]
[[Child of the night sky] activate abilities [absorption destinies]]
[This fate [Cavalier Defender] and [Usurper] fall under the power of [a child of the night sky]]
[Being in the awakened state [Cavalier Defender] confirmed]
[Being in the awakened state [Usurper] confirmed]
[Right to an awakening for both, owned by [a child of the night sky]]
[Would awaken them now?]
"Yes No"
This is ...
Well for starters I chose "No".

DAY 268

As usual, immediately after I went for a morning workout, expend some energy, and had breakfast from cooking sister.
Finally, all of the missing group returned to base.
The last group arrived was Avenger, Rusty old knight, and Scarface. The reason for their delay, was the mission to eliminate the bandits and dangerous monsters.
During their return, they traveled through the small villages and towns, with the result that they destroyed 4 large gang of robbers, two medium-sized clan robbers, and killed 6 boss-level monsters and countless little things among their retinue.
And not only that, on the way, they found a new dungeon, and completely we through it, bringing a large number of magical items.
It's all good, but I had little doubt about what to do with the detected message yesterday relating to its subsidiary characters.
Both of them are still children in their teens.
The [Cavalier defender], was a blue-eyed blonde beautiful girl, and the [Usurper] was a unnecessary pale, emaciated ordinary boy, but his eyes were full of bright light.
In the words of the , where they were on the border, during the regular raids to destroy the monsters, they accidentally rescued them from the den of monsters.
This zameshenny variety of reasons, and it would be necessary to deal with them.
At the moment, the pair, less trusted, who were saved by Avenger and the company, but in relation to the rest, they were very hostile. Brawler then they were not, but are constantly on the lookout.
Well, maybe they're just afraid of us. Well, leave it.
The kids may be worth something and send them to the group, so that they could become useful. Well for now, in order to prevent their betrayal, I put the ear clips on both of them, and like the [Flame Witch] and [Merciful Maiden], put them as 's subordinates.
Once dealt with the troublesome talk, everyone finally came together, and we immediately started preparing for the banquet.
Although by large, almost everything has been done, there was only a mere trifle.
Before the evening we finished with this, and successfully started the holiday.
The food here was from the sea and all such, that even the nobles cannot always afford, the barrels are from a variety of well-known manufacturers stood in a row.
And some time after the beginning, our homebase fell into chaos.
Accidentally, newcomers came were the (Elf Father and Elf Daughter, and some leaders of the elves), in which they did not have time to escape, and were involved in this festive commotion.
As a result, the feast lasted til morning.
DAY 269

Once again, we drank the night away.
The surrounding scene was very similar, it has been a family house in the capital, except for the group from the capital, the gained experience from the drinking, I knew how we should behave.
We cannot say that they got used to it, but the rate they already knew, was because we could easily instruct them to clean after the banquet, we also made our way through a field strewn with dead bodies, we went to a [Hot Bath Fierce God].
At this time we went and -chan, who goes with us.
Specially reserved for management [Hot Bath Fierce God], here it was impossible to get there without authorization, or not being a special guest host (me) was divided by gender, in spite of this, we decided to enjoy a dip smezhennym.
[Hot tub fierce god], not only can easily remove fatigue, but also had the effect of slightly increasing the magical force stored within the body
During its use, it opened a superb view of the mountain morning that shows even more splendor.
While we enjoyed a morning bath, one of the special guests came which was the Boy Knight.
The , had a towel around his waist. Although he is still young (though when you consider that since my rebirth still less than a year), he had a trained body of a warrior, arms covered with rigid muscles, and there was not useless fat on the boy.
His broad shoulders show all the effort that he has put in their own development, and his sharp eyes were full of truth will.
He was still in the transition to adulthood, but felt that the boy knight will definitely become very strong.
Maybe he felt tightness, due to the fact that I had so carefully considered, or noticed the presence -chan (8 of 9 that this is the reason), he blushed and quickly plunged almost entirely in [Hot Bath Fierce God].
Almost immediately, his face took on a blissful expression on his face. For a while enjoying this paradise on earth, he turned to me and started talking.
In his words, the tomboy princess, wanted to talk to me face to face. The boy knight came here in order to convey this message. Having come as a messenger of the court, while enjoying the hot springs, could suspect him of carelessness, but that's not important
It is highly probable that this secret conversation will be related to the imminent [holy war]. I thought it was time, but wasn't surprised.
Pulling out of the glove box [sort of demonic alcohol [lunar cherry drop]], pouring it into glasses, we drank with -chan.
Thinking about how all this will turn back, we have enjoyed an excellent drink.
After the boy knight left, we have some time to enjoy the hot springs, and then went to the meeting place tempted with Princess tomboy.
The venue was the large building located in the "Residential land". The size and luxury, one might think that here lives the royal family. It was my personal residence.
Although I personally like small cozy house suited for a family of medium size, rather than huge ornate mansions.
But standing at the head, I have to be worthy of the residence.
Place of residence at a glance can tell you about the power and wealth of the owner.
Every than submit to a neighbor living as they are, will likely serve as living in a huge mansion.
So my house has become so.
At the moment, I live here with Kanami-chan, Akaki, Tanyashi-san and the company of children.
Households engaged with maids and black skeleton, well leave it.
In this mansion, Tomboy Princess came exactly at the designated time.
Her hair was beautifully cleaned and her face has a little makeup. On her dress has design work, covered with precious stones, each the size of a finger. This outfit I've seen her a few times.
Radiating morale, Tomboy princess enjoyed tea, made a high elf and ate sweets, successfully produced on the industrial scale, based from honey, fruits and berries collected in the great forest.
At the same time her face was no different from the usual, she smiled broadly, enjoying the sweets.
Then she changed completely unexpected. Not only her posture, her eyes became completely different. Now it was not like a niece.
Before me sat a representative of the royal family in the future, which had the biggest chance to become full-fledged queen, princess Eisu Faure Shuterunberto. The conversation was long, but from the sum of it. From the Holy Kingdom, the request came to help in the removal of Obara global enemy.
For just survived a civil war Kingdom, dismiss it almost impossible. Besides eliminating the request concerns the creation of the class [divine disaster], to think of normal, just can not stay away. But resist the Equi and the company, in truth impossible.
In this vein, the battle against the Holy kingdom looks much more realistic. But to do so it is impossible, given the number to.
The call of the of the custom set [Heroes], and I would like to have at least the royal [Heroes] safely returned. In exchange, they promise to inside information, and adequate remuneration. "
Maybe the conversation was long, but considering that it was necessary to discuss ethnic relations, the economic situation, combat capabilities, personal conflicts, it was still quite short.
Although radiating royal aura, the tomboy princess, with her sour smile, because there was no discussion of the details so difficult, and quickly adopted the treaty.
Discussion of details and awards took only about an hour.
After that, the was exhausted more than usual.
Because we had together went to the [hot bath fierce god]
Along the way we not only joined up with -chan and , but left the arena with Minokichi-kun, along with and company.
At the hot springs, we had a small continuation of the banquet, and on its completion, each went about his business.
I also have my duties, so I went to "Airport"
Then I sent envoys to various countries, and then engaged in routine work and finally got to bed.

[Currently the fate of [Mystic Flames Witch] [Cavalier Defender] [Usurper] [Merciful Maiden] belong to [Night Sky's Child]]
[Being in the awakened state [Mystical Flames Witch] confirmed]
[Being in the Awake state [Merciful Maiden] confirmed]
[Being in the awakened state [Cavalier Defender] confirmed]
[Being in the awakened state [Usurper] confirmed]
[The right to release the special abilities of all belongs to [child of the night sky]]
[Would release them right now?]
"Yes No"

Before I usually choose "No". But this time, I probably will choose "Yes".
Although all four, I do not know for a long time, but my observation was not formed a bad impression.
Especially, if they arise, I can quickly suppress them, but in the future we will come in handy once the combat potential.

["Yes" has been selected]
[Awakening [Usurper] confirmed]
[Awakening [Cavalier Defender] confirmed]
[History of the legendary brave [shining path of the brave fighting] the awakening of all the auxiliary characters confirmed]
[This [Mystical Flame Witch], [Merciful Saint], [Cavalier Defender], and [Usurper] all abilities will be released]
[History of the legendary brave [shining path of the brave fighting] enters the next stage]

DAY 270

Yesterday I sent out messengers, safely reached the Kingdom and Empire, and the Beast Kingdom, as well as a variety of smaller countries on the other side. As a result, the response was dramatic.
Because of the slightly bright content of this letter, small country fell into chaos, and large countries like the Kingdom of the Holy and demonic empire reacted very calmly.
As expected, the majority of messengers had been killed on the orders of the Heads of State.
They were killed for the sake of a simple prank, but they are quite suitable for the analysis of the enemy's combat potential. I think needs to be repeated.
Well, I'll explain how neither one the other day.
Now is the time to prepare for the [holy war].
Therefore, in order to achieve our goals, we all left the base and went in different directions.
Some went to the Kingdom, who in the maze of who's in other countries.
Those who are gaining experience to a new level, those who have honed their skills in combat, those who are entrusted with shops, trying to lift sales goals were very different, but the overall objective was to prepare for [holy war].
Gathering for [Holy War], it threatened to become very fierce.
Because I tried as much as possible to raise our chances of winning.
Because, although regretting parting with [hot tub fierce god], I, along with Kanami chan and the kids returned to the house in the kingdom.
We returned to flying Tatsu Jon Roe, because almost immediately got back.
His first flight in the sky tomboy princess enjoyed heartily and boy knight turned blue and shook the whole. Apparently the poor man a fear of heights.
This Princess force dragged him to the window, which makes me a sour smile, and I prayed silently to myself that it's not sick.
Incidentally, in the capital of the kingdom rejoiced almost the same team, but this time with us was the Raider 4 and its auxiliary character.
From now on, I will personally engage in training Avenger.
Before, I was quite busy because Avenger traveled to many places, gain experience by fighting with different monsters, but this came to an end.

Generalized Raider day is not so far.

Because I intend to carry out enhanced training, so he has become strong in a short time.

Well, all this starting from tomorrow.
Today, I have to deal with the affairs of Skopje during my vacation.

The Princess and the boy knight, I went to the palace, along with souvenirs for the first queen. Then head buried in routine work, but as darkness fell, crawled into bed.

Tomorrow again there will be a lot of things. But there is a chance that a new snack and drink, this meeting I look forward to.

[History of the world [dark legends] fourth chapter [the coming of the divine scourge gluttony], the conditions of release executed by more than 1/3.

In fulfillment of the conditions of release, it was possible to promote
the first paragraph of [the aura of thunder demon (ba.roido)], second paragraph [saving presence (seba.foru)], third paragraph [next word dragon (burai.duran)], fourth paragraph [of the earth beginning (sukuri.voru)].

Currently the world's history [dark legends] fourth chapter [coming divine scourge of binge eating] was possible osvobazhdenie.
Do you want to release?
"Well No"

This is ...
Well for starters I chose "No".

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