Day 271-280

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DAY 271

This morning wasn't refreshing at all
It was cloudy, and by afternoon, it seemed to be on the verge of raining
Whether it will rain or not, we can't be so sure , but judging from my experience, it is better to act on the assumption that it will.
To execute previously signed contracts, from today, to shift some of their concerns on the assistants, I'll seriously train and company, I had planned to give them a devilish training match. but somehow nothing strange happened.
Because is the [Hero of the World], in such cases, it should be clear sunny weather.
Oh, does this not mean that dreams do not come true Raider.
if It happened to me, it becomes a problem. By signing the contract, if in the end all else fails, the whole plan will come to nothing.
Because it did not happen , for their sake, I will kill myself in all human feelings and prepare their special menu.
In any case you need to prepare Avenger and the company, that all went smoothly. True, in fact once you do not know what might happen.
Due to the impending holy war, having much to prepare for the better to be prepared for unexpected situations.
Therefore, in order to achieve our goal, it is necessary to change the workout plan.

As I thought about it, in the dark clouds overhead, it appeared lumen through which to house the morning sun came out, the bay light house.
You would think that the [Sun God] thus decided to send me a message.
Naturally, great chance coincidence. Worldwide, this often happens without any reason. In addition, there would be okay [Supreme God], but the [Sun God] is unlikely to know about my thoughts and make a joke.
The blessing in this world, the [Gods] is not omnipotent.
Well, what would have been the truth, the mansion, only flooded with sunlight throughout the city, a pretty good show. Old landscape in a new light, I was a little touched.
Even the mood was better, enjoying the scene the most appropriate Raider and company, I decided to start the first phase of training.
After receiving such a gift, as expected "full speed ahead".
As I thought about it again, I delayed clearance clouds. But my resolve has not changed from that.
Thus, I shone the morning workout Avenger and companies.
In addition, I received a report from [the demons merchants], and the rain is going, because you first need to at least make sure of their abilities.
Make is not difficult. From early morning till noon without a break, they had military training with me.
I alone against five.
As usual, even melee with me could become fatal, because we have done without it.
Armed with a cursed spear, red spear, halberd improved Blacksmith san and created with the [supreme materialization equipment] guerrillas. With four spear style will be all right.
As expected, because of the severity and urgency [hisperiora] I returned the Avengers repulsing something other than red spears, was likely to damage the weapon, which is why trying to avoid it, I just took a couple of body blow.
Take a hit, I had certainly felt, but because the living armor, which absorbed most of the impact I have not received serious damage. With an extremely strong body Overlord, you do not even need to use the ability.
The attack was not at full strength, but on the face of the Raider appeared pained expression, then he started to attack me even more. In response, I drove it in the red mud with a spear.
To sum up the purpose of the training. Avenger has become much stronger, as it should [hero], absorbing everything he taught.
But I, too, became much stronger. Because the result is pretty obvious.

Having finished with his red spear attack, I almost unilaterally showered him with blows, covering his entire body a variety of serious wounds.
Although the fight was one-sided, but if I was distracted by someone other than the Avenger may have beaten me, so he became strong.
But this time, all the attacks of his four companions, they because of all the forces trying to hurt me, easily reflected by three spears.

Each of them is hard and fast, but not enough to distract me, throwing flares and explosions, with my level, what they are, that they are not, there is no difference.

As I released yesterday abilities, they received substantial overall gain, plus a huge racing opportunities in a particular area related to their specialization.

At this level, they are far superior local monsters or royal elite. But with all this, this is not enough even for something to leave me only a scratch.
Still not hatched chicks. And anyway, I mercilessly hammered them into the dirt.

At the moment because of the rain i had stopped the training, the four exhausted, lying on the ground, bathed in sweat.
, although moving much more still on his feet, but lost nearly all his power and speed, and is a pretty pathetic. They showed strength, dignity [the main character stories] and [supporting characters].
I think they are very gifted with talent and tenacity.
So deal with it, you need to deal with cases, because of which I was contacted by a demon trader. The capital we have left a few days ago, for a time the normal, big changes should not be.
Maximum "This product is necessary to raise the price" for example, or "invent a new outfit, whether to put up for sale?".
I thought so ...
But perhaps I underestimated the ability of trade demons.
Looking at the report that appeared on my face satisfied smile.
Shopping demon in such a short time managed to conclude an agreement with one extremely wealthy merchant and fully absorb his company and thanks to the work behind the scenes, was able to significantly expand our customer network, extending her right up to the neighboring countries.
As a result, profit increased store once in five times that well reflected in the state "Parabellum". And besides, its scope is still expanding.
There is a slight confusion as a result of the many changes, but thanks to the pre-written manual, chaos arose.
That was the report.
To begin with, the project for which a couple of years, thanks to the manipulation behind the scenes, all trade in the capital will go into our hands "The idea of ​​trading a demon. The plan to seize the cash flows of the capital of the kingdom" was stopped.
Unfortunately it would not be very good in relation to the current owner (Princess tomboy). If you perform it, it is not necessary here, you can do it on someone else's territory. Why not antagonize friendly forces.
However, trapped in our possession, as a result of non-payment of debts, suicides owners or selling stores, I plan to use as the rest.
Returning to the theme "What is it? The horror! So an excellent worker, just terrible!".
Of course, this played a big part of me received by clones information about some fraudulent fees from the merchant, whose state has been absorbed, but the right to use such information without the noise plots, and more, and contrive, with all of these effectively driving after absorption, it's just terrible.
The shock was such as if a small company office suddenly became a huge corporation.
If the stamp of an industrial scale, the subjugation of the continent's economy would be possible. That's just their life, compared with ordinary people, rather small. Well, in that case it will be enough just to create new ones.
No, heredity still exists because it is necessary to think about many things.
Considering the changes in the plans, I looked at the pouring rain outside the window. Something he broke. Until tomorrow,it probably will not pass.
Falling into a sentimental mood, I took up the plan for the mass production of commercial demons.
I think a lot of things happening, and I can only pray for their victims ...

DAY 272

Today the rain is pouring in the morning.
Well, if it happened, we, along with the Avenger and the company went to a trained ground where I used the [Lord of all], increased the force of gravity to 3 times, to prepare it for the exercise.
Sinking in the mud to his knees, under the piercing, like spears rain Avenger will fight new created my monsters.
Opponents I created as a result of combining [Lesser Summoning: undead] and [Lesser Summoning: Giants] were [black giant skeleton soldiers] and [black giant skeleton guard] as well as a [black giant skeleton archer].
They look like giants, made of black bone, about 4 meters in size.
I could create more, but in a residential area, use should be restrained.
That's just awful thick black bones from which they are made, not the least inferior in strength to steel, and not even a few dozen ordinary attacks will leave a sratch on them.
The [black giant skeleton soldiers] are armed with huge swords and shields. Then clad in armor there is the [black bone skeleton guard] weilding a huge shield and heavy armor. Finally there is an archer with leather armor and a bow, similar in size to a ballista.
This time, I'll manage them personally since their movement has slowed slightly, but in return, thanks to the excellent interaction they have come to represent a significant threat and will attack the and company.
The result was a victory for the and company.
Quite an expected result, but considering the hostile environment, their losses were considerable in this case.
Terms were not one of those who should meet the body unprotected, because the Avenger and the company suffered a lot in the fight.
fought in the forefront; [Witch fire field] gathered interfering rain, sent him to bomb the enemy; [Cavalier Keeper] using their high mobility and protection, covered comrades; [Usurper] with their abilities weakened defense, taking the armor; [Merciful Deva] treated wounded comrades.
But with all this, their coordination was still weak. After all, they only met a few days ago, so it's better not to expect much yet.
With the experience of their interaction will be better by increasing efficiency, increasing their combat capability, because I vobyu feeling in them using combat training.
In the wake of the Giants' defeat, I used [Greater Summoning: Demonkin].
Starting with [Black Ogres] , [Black Orcs] before [Black Blue Orcs], and [Black Minotaurs], amounting to about a hundred.
Thanks to [Greater Summoning: Demonkin], except for a powerful body, summoned monsters are endowed with a sharp mind and armed with a magical artifact.
They have the ability to act independently, driving the Avenger and the company, but apart from that, when they die they give experience points, and leave behind Orbs that you can sell for a high price, bringing us even greater profits.
In addition, using the job [magician], I have strengthened some of them, so the battle became too monotonous.
After a few hours of fierce battle over the arena, in pouring rain, there was a victorious battle cry. Naturally it came from and company.
Members initially distant to each other became real comrades.
Practice, practice it, if you relax here you die.
Thanks to well-chosen conditions, their actions were now harmoniously, as if they were together for many years.
lost his beloved and remained alone, but now finding true mates has taken another step towards becoming [the hero of the sun], thus becoming stronger.
Lightly touched, thinking of them opened the gates of hell, I could not endow them with warm applause.
To begin with, the initial level of training with this is over, tomorrow we will have activities outside the capital.
[tn: his drill seargent nasty routine is about to enter Hellish Training mode]
Satisfied, I went to sleep.

[ awakened to [18 Demon Warlords]]
[Title "Annihilate the Body" will be sent]
[ awakened to [18 Demonic Warlords] ]
[Title "Sakura Samurai Trader, Royal Samurai" will be sent]
Falling asleep, I heard another announcement.
To begin with, Scarface I get, you can say that he does not lack ability, but what is this? is one of them, quite unexpected.

DAY 273

As expected, continue training and more companies in the capital will come.
It was clear from the outset, because today we went outside the city. When finished with the preparations before sending I decided to come to work in a shop Woman warrior to talk to her in person.
Yesterday she received the title of [Sakura Samurai Trader, Royal Samurai], because it is really hard fighting abilities increased. How Samurai Sakura, now she can summon a kind of cherry blossoms, which can be used to attack as well as to blind the enemy. Quite unexpectedly useful ability.
Dance of a large number of cherry blossoms quite a beautiful sight, but on request, they acquire a magical metal hardness and is easily cut even steel.
At the same time, they form attacking a stream from a few hundred to tens of thousands petals, like an avalanche, wrapping the victim.
In the face of this overwhelming mass of the attack to defend, you need to have a sufficiently strong common defense, otherwise avoid it would be very difficult.
At the same time, become accustomed, it will be possible to attach their flight path rather complicated. If properly take advantage of this, it becomes a solid combat capability in the future.
In addition [Sakura Samurai Trader, Royal Samurai] is also a "trader", because of its ability to trade also increased significantly.
Something like the possibility of easier to gain the trust of customers, or in any way to understand exactly what the customer wants, well, in general, a lot of things, but it is precisely now, in all matters relating to trade, it has become quite useful.
Of course, while the demons traders still better, but I am thinking about the future, promising a warrior woman.
In fact, just recently, "Change me, please, the trade domain. I can no longer continue like this" warrior woman cried to me. But I pin great hopes on it on this front, because she would have to try.
Naturally in bringing excellent results shopping demon, I appointed a deputy, as a reward, as well as to support the woman warrior, until his life expired term, albeit in full will work.
Honestly, [Swordswoman from Foreign Lands], being [a visitor from other lands] rather surprised me that got into my [History].
At the same time, I began to admit the fact that the aliens may be tightened in the [History] [characters stories / characters awakened], as well as the woman warrior, has been tightened in mine.
[Aliens from other lands], by default stronger than ordinary creatures of this world.
Of course, if you search well, you can find a bunch of creatures and stronger ...
But almost all aliens without exception strong.
Although, maybe not. Caught by a Female warrior alien can and was strong, but he just let himself be killed, that I did anything good about him I can not remember.
Oh well.
For a start, except that the aliens are strong and they are still quite tasty. Of course knowing the taste [Dragon Empress] one will not be happy with it, but it does not change the fact that they are delicious.
With regard to [Fellow], everyone there [Characters], I have ascertained the fact that they have an incredibly fast rate of growth. That is, the aliens have become [mates], should be even tastier than usual [Aliens].
A very joyful discovery, but most of all I am glad that before approaching a holy war, have increased combat capability.
As for , he got hold of a title [annihilate the body] has changed more than during the [evolution], finding a pretty brutal appearance. Well, with regard to it, I'll talk about that later.
After spending some time on cooking, I, along with -chan, , and now, six of them left the capital.
As for , she still has to look after , but does not pass a lot of time, as a and company, and this is no longer necessary. Because later haired join us.
, because of her profession, which allows it to enhance the ability eaten by monsters grows quite easily. In the place where we were going, according to my calculations, its growth should go even faster.
-kun already trained, and the rest of the squad have something to do, because of problems with it will not.
After leaving the capital for some time, traveling to [Skeleton Centipede] of the highlands, we headed to a nearby forest.
Making his way among the overgrown trees, making sure that we were not being followed, I called [TaytsuYonRo]. He appeared rather quickly, the good was nearby, and together we flew toward the city maze "Aquarium".
If you ask where the city maze "Aquarium", I will say that this is the city in which is located, I conquered dungeon kumashiro "Cauldron waterfall spirits. Foruria Aquarium."
Currently, the city is controlled by "Demonic Empire mirudionkaiz?" and stay on its territory. This town is our goal, but in addition I have something what matters in nearby kingdoms.
Due to high speed flight TaytsuYonRo in Labyrinth City we arrived by lunchtime.
As usual, the noisy atmosphere of the city was pretty good, which is why I felt a certain nostalgia.
And yet, perhaps because of the fact that I [evolved], this time I drew even more attention. Because I just ignored everything and went about his business.
Why is it now fell to his knees, not only representatives of the [Demonic] races, but even here and there, I noticed the silhouette of praying people. Communicate with them was very troublesome, because I just ignored them.
Walking through the streets filled with the voices of merchants smiling, sometimes I looked into some stores, buying things please me, I went to the "Banjo But," in which stayed earlier.
Although they take a huge fee for a simple, but behind it there offer one of the most high-quality service throughout the Labyrinth City , because among the elite dungeon explorers, this place was popular.
At first I thought, what do I do if there will be crowded, but luck was on my side, and I got a decent room.
To start paying for one day, had dinner outside, we immediately went to the [Boiling Waterfall Spirits].
Although I did say the conquest of the first floor, will be engaged in only six, not including me. -chan will be in the role of an observer, the conquest of the default and the company will . Until they are about to die, -chan will not interfere.
Well, with them was the [Light Hero], so how something so right.
If not, then we will understand. Well, I think that everything will turn out.
For starters, if they do not win on the fifth floor before dinner, I told them not to come back. Before dinner, an additional 8 hours, and the shortest way through the floors, I explained to them, this too the right. Without knowing the details, it would be very not easy, but even if so they will not work, will have to switch to a more stringent training.
But the Avenger, the Witch fire field, merciful maiden currently quite have sufficient powers for such a reckless assault dungeon.
Of course there are some concerns about surprise attacks and traps, but I warned them about it.
And besides, yet immature Cavalier keeper and usurper who could cause problems, may receive magic items.
Cavalier keeper got so high gain and protection, and Usurper item allows you to temporarily take away the ability of the enemy.
In the worst case, before they would die, -chan will help them, so just have to wait for results.
Sending all the way to today, before the results will be, I have decided to end their cases that needed to be done.
Alone, he went into the dungeon "Cauldron waterfall spirits", reaching the point where I was sure that I was not being followed, activated a television reporter who was available to those who had already won the dungeon.

Thanks to him, within the dungeon "Cauldron waterfall spirits," I can instantly move to any place in my will. At the time of use, under my feet shone circle of light, and then a moment the world was gone.
This time I went to the last floor.

That is the arena in which a huge amount of water falls from a giant waterfall, where I was waiting dungeon [akulogolovy bolt Wyrm].

But I have not moved under the water, and the only one rising above the surface of a small island, which is some distance from the waterfall.

Straight ahead was the kind of eating a staircase leading to the 49 to 50 floors.
But to her, without flying, it was impossible to reach. Since the island beneath my feet was the only piece of land in this area, especially appeared at my teleportation.
Thinking how much it's convenient, I dived into the furiously raging water boiler. At the moment when I plunged into the water, my body was seized complex streams of water, which ruthlessly tried to blow me away. By moving the hands and feet, I regained freedom of movement. I myself will decide where I go.
This time, I did not use the ability of [underwater inhabitants], only one force of the body, I fought for a terrible, which once again proves just how incredible physical strength fierce god. It felt more like a swim in the pool with waves ...
Water resistance, of course, has not disappeared, but the more I move the limbs, the easier I would go ahead. If I go with the flow, I can easily impress his speed even fish.
I thought it was funny, because for a while I was so amused, but my fun was interrupted by an attack Akulogolovogo. The first attack, a battle cry, he pulled me into a frontal.

This attack I've seen, because it is quite easy to avoid, just by the movement of your own body.

And not only that, out of curiosity, I swam at the moment close to him and looked at him. Provoked by the enemy fell into a rage.

As expected, the fight furious Akulogolovym Wyrm very difficult without the ability, but this time I activated significantly less capacity than before. And only with this, I was able to calmly watch his movements.

Then for fun, using the creation of suckers, I clung to his back, and for a while I let him shabby. It felt like a roller coaster.
Now I'm more like a sucker fish.

And yet, here and so have fun with the enemy, with whom I once spent a hard battle, I begin to understand what is the difference between my old and new body.

While these thoughts raced through my head, I began to disassemble it alive, absorbing domestic direct underwater. In return I ask the Sisters to cook, and yet enjoyed the underwater meal, which by itself is very entertaining experience.
The taste of the meat was a bit raw, but under the water, so it's even better.
Slightly playing with Akulogolovym I took, I usually serving belt, [shark rope].
Woven in black, blue and yellow ropes on contact she beat lightning, this artifact [legendary] class can be used instead of the thunder whip.
Although she became a powerful melee weapons, but its real value comes when giving it a huge amount of mana, as I did this time was made possible appeal [Akulogolovogo bolt Wyrm].
The minimum amount of mana to summon was very large, but it is now, it will not give problems.
Since then, I decided to make an experiment. This time, I put it in the belt 10 times more manna than necessary. Absorb it [shark rope] threw a huge lightning that started emitting a fierce light. Judging by the mind, it is definitely not the most common response. There are signs that soon an explosion, but halfway through I could not stop, so I poured more mana. It explodes, well, to hell with it, heating their determination. However, this phenomenon came under drifting near Akulogolovy apparently was unable to sustain.

In the place where his body was hit by lightning, dragon scales was torn breaking his body down to the guts, but because of the electrical discharge his body violently beat in convulsions, then it is even more furiously raged.

At a time when the dragon scales was broken, I fell behind on his body.

It was enough for Akulogolovogo to break the distance between us. Just a moment, he had sailed far enough.

That's just called [shark rope] phenomenon has ended.

[Magical items [legendary] Class [calling lightning shark rope] conditions for exemption [use living god], [demonic hammer living god] [Transcendental Shipping] made]
[[Calling lightning shark rope] becomes [calling lightning black dragon [Demonic shark rope Thunder Dragon]]

Such is the announcement sounded in my head.
Let's see what did happen, I looked at the rope shark, shark became demonic rope, seemingly its shape is not particularly changed, only now it has intertwined red, silver and gold rope, and now it does not consist of 3, and from 6.

As it became softer and more pleasant to the touch. Covers her lightning was black, and the strength of its much higher.
Until I saw the changes made me call finally ended.

At present, out of a huge black crack that seemed ripped space, there was a huge black head demonic dragon shark.

Head of black demonic dragon akulogolovogo was crowned with sharp horns and a dragon covered with durable black dragon scales. She looked much more brutal than usual akulogolovogo Wyrm. His glowing red eyes reflect your thirst production.
At the moment when his head began to move, the space around the black hole, from which it appeared, covered with cracks, and then the huge jaws bit into it, even wider tearing a hole in space. Until such time as the whole body seemed to have passed a few tens of seconds.
This period of time in combat could be fatal, but Akulogolovy Wyrm, hitch did not take advantage.
His entire body ached greatly, it forged an animal fear. Well, there's nothing you can do about it. The fact that [Mortal akulogolovy bolt black dragon] was the superior form akulogolovogo.
Most likely due to the fact that it originally came from the kind of akulogolovyh, the structure of their bodies were quite similar. That's just because of the various changes to strengthen, now he looks like a completely different creature.
The mere difference in size is more than 2 times.
Since I called akulogolovogo black dragon, that he now fights.
In the end, absolutely terrified akulogolovy Wyrm, from despair attacked frontally, who push for it, in all respects superior to his black dragon shark.
But against such an opponent, Akulogolovy Wyrm naturally could not resist and was killed almost instantly.
Unfortunately, akulogolovy dragon after the mutilated body of the Wyrm, he swallowed it whole, because the body I have not been able to collect.

[Dungeon boss [akulagolovy Wyrm] successfully eliminated]
[Artist [child of the night sky], passes a second time, because the divine power will not be played, as a reward for passing will be sent to [large box spring water maze]
[Activated the unique ability to [Thief labyrinths (crying demons of other worlds)], it became possible abduction [Cauldron waterfall spirits]]
[Would you like to steal?]
"Yes No"
Hearing the warning in mind, I chose without hesitation, "Yes"

[Special ability has been activated [Thief labyrinths (crying demons of other worlds)]. Ownership [Cauldron waterfall spirits] owned by [the divine spirit of spring water] go [child of the night sky]]
[Continue management maze entrusted to you]

With this goal successfully achieved today.
Preparing for a holy war has only just begun, but you can call this result a good sign.
To begin rename dungeon "Funeral boiler Falls" (* in fact he is not crying the boiler falls repose of the souls, but let it be as a mountain and buried *).
The structure of the dungeons, I particularly did not change. But it has significantly strengthened the bosses, as well as adding a new kind of squaloid Fishman and added all sorts of obstacles to the conquerors.
The journey was a moment, but when I got outside, it was evening already.
All it took longer than I thought, because contact KanaMi-chan and company, I went to meet them.
Dinner was late a little. While we enjoyed it, I decided to learn the details of their campaign.

In fact, it turned out that they had stopped safely [Warpidron]. With a smile on his face showed me a box with treasures.
However, the campaign was very cruel. Driven by a kick in the butt from KanaMi chan, they fought all the time at all without a break.
In gratitude for the hard work, thinking about tomorrow's even more hard training, I did a simple massage and companies. At such moments, especially good at helping manufactured -san, massage oil. Tomorrow weariness will evaporate.
Then we -chan much what to do, and then fast asleep.

DAY 274

​After a delicious breakfast, with some regret, we left the citymaze of "Aquarium".
As usual, after passing some time in the [hundred bones], having driven into the woods, we move on TaytsuYonRo.

This time, the purpose of an appointment within the territory of the empire the demonic-dungeon kumashiro class [Divine Spirit], "Stone Museum.

"Stone Museum", Belongs to an underground type and located in the citymaze "Storiorhedzh", although it is located are on the territory of the demonic empire, but it's rather closer to the Kingdom of animals (beastman?).if we move along the ground, getting there is problematic because of the difficult terrain.

In addition to the approximate areas located 2 outcome dungeon monsters have very troublesome abilities.

I myself was not yet here, but because of the clones Scouts, a mentalmap of the area is already deposited in my head. Because of that the shortest way to get there was made possible.
Moreover, we do not have to go on the ground, feeling all the troubles associated with the landscape.

So I thought, but as expected from a demonic empire.
Residents are mainly representatives of the demonic races and races of fairies. Riding the TaytsuYonRo flying straight across the border, pretty soon there was a chase for/after us.

We were chased by an organized group of several dozen of people that sit on birds and people with wings that belong to the race of ptitselyudey.
Since the national border, they always followed us, probably guards of the demonic empire. They were armed with equipment designed to capture, because they belong to, I'm pretty sure. (?)

Built in the building, the most effective for the chase, they are due to all the forces trying to catch up with us.

Of course TaytsuYonRo [Ancient Dragon flame] not as fast as [dragons wind] and [dragons storm], specializing in flight speed, but because of its high initial settings and add effects here from my protection, it can not be called slow.

Spruce-fir, but still keep up with him when he is flying at cruising speed, so skills they have something to eat.(what???)

But this pursuit is still small. To fly at full speed, you don't do that so easy, fatigue accumulates instantly. Even from a distance, you could see their views desperate.
Even for the elite, just follow us were aisles.
But just because I do not understand them.

Well, they will catch up with us in a tired state, in a battle with TaytsuYonRo they instantly die. they Themselves should understand this as well. Still, trying to follow us, That's the spirit!
Trying to think about their suicidal tendencies, the reason has emerged quite quickly.
The reason was me.

they Actually sent me a message, or rather to deliver my message I created [great appeal Dragons] black dragons.

Infected them with [parasites], after they successfully fulfilled their mission, as a warning, I made them a little pobuyanit.

this was necessary in order to scout the combat potential of the other countries that I have completely failed to estimate. Then, in the demonic empire and neighboring animal kingdom, they were killed relatively quickly, and they have caused damage to the minimum.
For other kingdoms, it was perhaps hard, because once they're a little pobuyanili, I stopped them.
As expected, even I do not need meaningless genocide.

Thus, from the moment of the day and not passed. So it is quite natural that the neighboring countries have strengthened security at the borders more than ever.

And I've been wedged carelessly. And the fact that it happened, nothing to do. If we stopped at a high speed limit, this would not be, even if they have found. Frankly, I underestimated them lightly, so you need to rethink it.
That is, they didn't persecuted us for battle, but in order to know where we're going.

Chances are, if we will attack them, they will scatter in different directions, and when flying further, they will take up the chase again.
This is certainly a good thing that they are so serious about this business, but for me an unnecessary hassle. I threatened them because They were starting to get annoying, using [the lord of all] I dropped them.

Although so they are not broken by using wind and gravity, I have created on their way to a zone of turbulence, having flown into which they hung in the air. But with all this, there was one, a chur liability which could still break through. Well, I pressed him a little harder and he also fell.

All of them remained intact, almost immediately return to embed, but to follow us on such a distance is imposible
Despite this incident, just after noon, we arrived safely in the vicinity of "Storiorhedzh."
Deciding that this position TaytsuYonRo better not show too close, we got off the dragon and hopped on the ground and took out the [hundred bones], thanks to this we were able to see good scenery.

A Valley surrounded by mountains. On which scattered boulders and overgrown with greenery in the middle, where on a wide plateau, towering walls of the city maze "Storiorhedzh."

We immediately went to the huge stone gate and stood in line to get inside. Since the queue was not as big compared to other places, we pretty quickly got inside.

Check the gate was pretty strict, but most of our stuff was in my glove box, because we are not faced with special problems such as the confiscation of our luggage. If you would have problems, I could just fly into the city at night. But fortunately I did not have to.

And the first thing that I realized, after i came into the city,was the fact that it was the first city of those that I have seen in this world,
a city where all the houses were built entirely of stone.

There were buildings, made from a boulder, and the structure assembled from many small stones, but there was not one made of wood.

All this is because of the special situation of "Storiorhedzh" because of the surrounding landscape, build a wooden house was too luxurious, even for the nobility, and the stone, in turn, has been around in excess.

Well, let us leave aside these reasons, in general, all the houses in the city were built entirely of stone.
The second distinguishing feature was that all the people were very muscular.

Of course, the conquerors of dungeons it was quite normal, and sellers in shops were mostly machomen type had a very muscular body.

In the city there were many representatives of different races. I came across animal-gnomes, giants and demons, and the vast majority of them were huge.

One reason for this was the fact that most of the monsters in 3 cities located in the labyrinths ("Stone Museum" and 2 underground outcome) had stone bodies.

A stone monsters was very resistant against thrusting and cutting weapon, such as swords and spears, because the main weapon used here were heavy weapons like a mace or hammer.

Besides, a lot of people here are working at the quarry, because in order to move the heavy stone slabs just need to train your body.

Thus, the locals were very athletic lifestyle, which is why my first impression was, "such a sweaty town."

Well, whatever it was, quickly doing away with the preparations, we immediately went to the "Museum of Stone." because we have very little time.

"Stone Museum" on the inside resembles huge ancient ruins.

The width of the corridor can easily disperse a few people, the ceiling was also quite high. The ceiling had grown minerals, emitting a dim light illuminating the corridors.

According to him the Avenger and the company with the battle progressed deeper.
At this time, the head of the Avenger, we're back with KanaMi chan support them from the rear.

After a few tens of meters, we come a fork in the road. Avenger unhesitatingly turned to the right and after a while we met the first monsters
[Rigidly built stone wolf], the living stone statue that looks like a wolf.

About the size of [black wolf], it is normal for the size of a wolf.

The body is made of gray stone, because of the move rather slowly, but instead it weighs quite a lot, because of that he gets a breakthrough very powerful.

Even if completely block his shield, just relax, and it will break easily.
And there are just 30 pieces. But since now still have our support, to deal with them was no problems.
From the back rows of the [alpha male wolf royal stone].

Well, anyway, they were almost immediately emptied.
Indeed, made of stone, choping is them very difficult. But having enough agility and skill, they are just slow opponents.

As expected, the Avenger, and the company is not so weak to get into difficulty with such an adversary.
After that we've got [bats clattering stones] flying through the corridors, [wild boar crushing stones] partition off walkways, deftly holding the sword [the stone statue of the Knights] and other stone monsters preying on which we truly move forward.

Incidentally, there are quite a few different types of monsters, and all because they are all creations [divine spirit stone statues], which have been repeatedly copied.
And all the "Museum of stone statues" is more like a place where [the divine spirit stone statues] decided to boast the strongest of them to be created. In this I am almost certain.

According to my information, "The Museum of stone statues" underground type, has a total of 20 floors, which is very small, and if it is fair to say, among the dungeons of the class [Divine Spirit] complexity is considered quite low.

This place, even in comparison does not go with the "Cauldron waterfall spirits" which I first conquered alone, since the underground closer to the class [God] than to the class of [Divine Spirit].

Because, even though there really are very annoying monsters, but to deal with them is not so difficult, and there aren't alot oftraps.
Bosses are on floors 5, 10 and 15 floors, but the structure of stories does not change alot, and usually, the structure of the dungeon is rarely so complicated, in this dungeon, even quite experienced explorers may well get very deeply lost.
Because of this, a few hours later we were able to get to the boss on the 5th floor.

the Boss of the fifth floor [majestic statue Tahiti] was waiting for us in the middle of the room before we entered it.
[The majestic statue of Tahiti] made out of white stone, without a single dirty spot, a statue of a man with curly soft facial features.

The clothes are not made for him, his body was like a living organism, it exudes strength and at the same time, beauty.

This is the most [majestic statue Tahiti] was at the height of 5 meters, and his weapon was a sling. Its solid body was invulnerable to conventional attacks and at the same time has a high speed, and with the help of a sling, he was able to use ranged attacks, which made it quite troublesome opponent.

[Boss floors [majestic statue Tahiti] successfully removed]
[For performers it recognized the right of further progress, continue to the boss floor [majestic statue Tahiti] will be available with a choice of promotion without a fight]
[Performers as a bonus for the first elimination of the boss will be sent a box of treasure [agatemiya giant statue]]

Well, Avenger and companies to its elimination took ten-something minutes.

Many have suffered it. You could say that [majestic statue Tahiti] tried to be nice.
So, in a normal, after the battle with the boss make a break.
Before you fight other monsters, are typically reduced mana, strength, rest. And though no one not hurt, there is still need to relax a little bit yes.

Here only this time, taking the corpse [majestic statue Tahiti], along with a box of treasures received a reward for the elimination and sent it all in his duffel box, restoring strength and mana potions and using their abilities, just like that sent them on hold slaughter all monsters fall on the road.

Still young [usurper] quietly began to resent, I just ignored it.
The only problem is, there is almost no monsters to eat meat ...
Well, yes, because the statue of stone ...

DAY 275

yesterday we fought without sleep and so we were able to get to the boss 10th floor [Magnificent Verberas].
In contrast to the 5th floor where the boss was [Majestic Statue Tahiti], who represented the statue of a naked man [Gorgeous Verberas] was made in the image of the [Heroine] and the beauty of the past Verberas Anbasugortsedo.
Equip it with a garment like a toga worn in ancient Rome, in her right hand she held a rapier - estoque, decorated with ornaments in the form of a rose in her left hand she held a weapon like an ax or machete, a butcher knife, decorated with ornaments in the form of a snake.
With beauty, she devoured the people, like a poisonous snake.
On both sides of the [Glorious Verberas] were its defenders [Golden Lion] and [Mercury tiger], fully obeying her commands.
Despite everything, the same snowy white stone from which it was made, expensive ornaments on the arms and the defense force it was pretty bleak. But defenders of [Golden Lion] and [Mercury Tiger] are just huge statues, although they are stronger and faster, but have a special talent.
Well, according to the normal, it was already quite enough.
Several times faster than conventional a lion and a tiger, with a few tens of times heavier, besides ordinary attack is not something that a scratch on them will not leave, so more and the weapon can break them, because easy to imagine how much they are difficult opponents .
In addition, while the [Great Verberas] alive [Golden Lion] and [Mercury Tiger] is constantly being restored, and she can use magic to 4 stage magic stones.
The owner plus two animals - a well-balanced team, be a difficult opponent. Among the winners [majestic statue Tahiti] explorers most of the time stop in their tracks at this boss.
But still, and company successfully won from her.

[Dungeon boss [Gorgeous Verberas] successfully eliminated]
[For performers recognized the right of further progress, continue to the boss floor [Gorgeous Verberas] will be available with a choice of promotion without a fight]
[Performers, as a bonus for the first elimination of the boss, will be sent a box of treasure [Booty Battle of the Virgin]]

Collecting fragments [Magnificent Verberas] appeared treasure box again, without rest, and went forward, jammed the road dried entrails Akulogolovogo again joined the battle.
And in the evening we got to the waiting room before the boss 15 floors [Real estate Moay].
Here are just a result of such reckless march for equipment, Avenger and company became apparent significant damage. ( it became apparent that they deal alot more dmg with new equipment?) (Here becomes the result of such a reckless march apparent, Avenger and companies equipment is significantly damaged.)
As expected the [Sacred Treasure] [hisperior] was as good as new, but the rest of the equipment was covered with mud and various scratches. Among them were those with the continued operation of this could come into a state not suitable for repair. Staff of the Witch and the mace of the Virgin were still fit for battle, and others things in the middle of the campaign have been replaced by Dropped equipment.
Because the monsters are basically a work of art here, a weapon that you can get is pretty valuable. Because even a [rare] magic item possess enough high performance it is suited for use.
Having dealt with the preparations, we entered the room the boss.
In the center of the huge room, with a ceiling at a height of 100 meters, towered a huge stone head.
Made of silver mineral [Real estate Moay] looked like elongated vertical head height by 6 meters. Also head supported something like the neck, but there was no trace of the arms or shoulders.
Despite such a grotesque appearance, the battle with him was unexpectedly difficult.
The major attacks [Real Moay] were rays that it emits from the eyes; mouth, he spit stone bullets, fire beams and sound waves; besides being using magic stones, or trying to hit his opponent as well as the emitted high-frequency vibration, blowing through the land like a wave.
Although, as expected of real estate, he stood on the site, but to compensate for blind spots [Real estate Moay], quickly spun. Because for the "Real", he was pretty smart.
Whatever it was, trying to distract him on the forehead, and sneak up on him from behind, almost instantly received from him on the counter attack.
Silver mineral, was the most durable of those that we have met here, and also had a strong resistance to magic, because of that the battle is quite long.

[Dungeon boss [Real Estate Moay] successfully eliminated]
[For performers it recognized the right of further progress, continue to the boss floor [Real estate Moay] will be available with a choice of promotion without a fight]
[Performers as a bonus for the first elimination of the boss will be sent a box of treasure [the person of the living stone]]

The battle lasted until night was well won. But the condition of the Avenger and the company was already in the aisle, as expected just so they will not be able to continue.
Still hard to fight 2 bosses floor in one day. Considering not only the boss, but also the way the floors, there is nothing to be done about it.
Having reached this far, thanks to the typing experience their level has increased significantly, resulting in the Avenger, and the company has become much stronger than before. Because, if they had made herself the ability to continue they would have sufficed.
But still, there is a limit. Because right now in front on the 16th floor, the best moment to relax.
To fill the stomach delicious food and lay down to sleep.
To recover your power I gave them enough food, and for the treatment of pain in the muscles using massage oil. Because I'm waiting for them to have even greater success tomorrow.

DAY 276
Translator Google NEEDS EDITING

Early in the morning today we resumed our dungeon conquest.
However, as expected, the complexity of the past five floors are on a different level.
After all, if conquerors dungeons hog portion [Divine Power], here and [Divine Spirit Stone Statues] will be a problem. Because here he seriously intends to kill intruders.
Here live rolling at high speed, recovering explosive bomb [Torn-vozraschayushiesya stone balls]; roamed the tunnels that look like a trained boxers heavyweights, striking stone hands [cruel master boxer stone]; Made of moving huge boulders interconnected [snake connected stones], and other powerful monsters.
And also, here we are faced with the monsters in power competing with the boss floor. He looked like a giant lizard with a mouth capable of swallowing a man whole. With huge overgrown hind legs and tail topped with spikes [Strong Lizard Huge Rocks "great tireksus"]. Not only the increased strength of emerging monsters, but also the strength of minerals from which they are made, and as they now have a variety of abilities.
More and more the impression that the previous part of the labyrinth has been weakened especially to owner could show off their favorite statues and the rest of it put all the strongest that he had.
Immediately there were instant death traps, which did not exist before, with a lot of them were. So I think my guess is correct.
But still, we moved on.
One can see the lecture that I read at regular intervals, have had the result.
In addition [Heroes] have a fairly fast pace of growth, as I have said before.
Besides receiving the correction of growth ability from me, Avenger and company had a very interesting potential.
And to implement it were necessary many battles, one after the other.
In a place where you can relax for a moment it was easy to die fighting experience significantly affects the purpose of training, increasing their growth rate, and absorbed quickly increases the level of experience, doing what was previously impossible, possible.
Despite the fact that we -chan supported them, they already had sufficient forces to immediately and independently to fight.
Because of this, a little past noon, we got to the room dungeon [female demon with hair of snakes and stone shield "Gorgon"]. Boss "of the Museum of Stone Sculpture" [Gorgon] an incredibly attractive woman with snakes for hair, female celebrity demon "Gorgon". The snow-white statue of spotless, was performed so thin that it seemed she was about to start moving. On the beautiful face was a smile full of kindness, but the snake bared its fangs like a craving production, they hissed. The height of 170 centimeters, wearing it as [Gorgeous Verberas] clothes on the similarity of the ancient Roman toga, her legs protruding from under the clothes looked so smooth that it was hard to look away.
Despite the fact that she was a statue, it felt kind of vulgarity.
Looking at her beauty, suddenly priznaёsh "As expected from the masterpiece [Divine Spirit]."
Slightly enchanted, I got a kick from -chan, who did not like it. Well, yes it is also in its own right.
So, even though it was a room for the battle with the boss, she looked like space extending to 200 meters plus meters, similar to what that temple, filled with lots of huge columns, forming a room with a lot of blind spots, which is why it was difficult to aim.
Thinking about what is in this sense, I temporarily entrusted battle the Avengers and company.
During the battle with the and company initially unarmed [Gorgon], as stated in its name, called on several two-meter stone shields. Called boards did not obey gravity, hovering in the air, obeying the will of ["Gorgon"]. Mistress defended from attack, and sometimes picking up speed, attacked the enemy, using its own weight.
And in those moments, especially complicated situation battlefield, with many blind spots.
Just for a moment losing sight of them, suddenly out of the blind spot followed an attack that in itself was extremely hard.
Because of this Avenger and the company got significantly more injuries than all the conquest. Because of this, the attack began to reach us -chan, are in the back rows. If the Avenger and the company will lose, I can not reach their true goal, to seize [Museum of stone statues], because I have to be serious.
Activate [Overwhelming Power of the Black Demon], [Divine Destruction of the Black Demon], [Fiery Dragon's Blood], [Vibrating Crystal Wave], and [Frontal Breakthrough] at the same time. In addition, the ability of shocking multi-attacks [Three Steps of Destruction].
All that can be used, I used, then immediately came and hit the [Gorgon] in the stomach. At this point, flash burst, blinding the eyes and the space around swept shock wave due to the power of that, it seemed that all the air is gone.
[Dungeon boss [Gorgon] successfully eliminated]
[Performers, as a bonus for the first elimination of the boss, will be sent a box of treasure [the queen stone statues]]
[After the conquest, will activate the gate movement]
[Please be careful when using the system movement]
[Awakened hero / main character for the implementation of the history of God's divine power receives a portion of [stone statues of a deity]]
[Owner of the collection of the divine power is the supreme god, because will be played, is inferior in quality, the divine power of [the Divine Spirit]]
[Declarer divine power for the issue to be materialized]
[Night Sky's Child gets on your hands [instruments of the divine spirit stone] !!!]
[Activated the unique ability to [Thief Labyrinths (crying demons of other worlds)], it became possible abduction [Museum of Stone Statues]]
[Would you like to steal?]
"Yes No"

Thus, it was over in an instant. The resulting [Divine Power] become [instruments of the divine spirit stone statues] looked like a hammer with chisels bonding conductor chain, taking it together with the treasure box that appears by clicking on "Yes".
[Special ability has been activated [Thief labyrinths (crying demons of other worlds)], the right of ownership [of the Museum of stone statues] owned by [the divine spirit stone statues] goes to [Night Sky's Child]].
[Continue management maze entrusted to you]
Thus, we have reached our goal here, because you need to start, everything is easy to inspect.
Making sure that my punch destroyed [demon woman with hair of snakes and stone shield "Gorgon"]. Most likely, from her not even a dust. So collect the carcass fail. In addition, the explosion hit hard enough room boss. From former beauty was gone, now it resembles a dusty ruins. Moreover, the room was much wider. In the wall of the maze, made of a material that is usually difficult to even scratch, it formed a huge hole. In addition, the and company were covered with ice magic -chan (which certainly saved them from an explosion), because they are temporarily unable to move.
Kanami-chan was the only unscathed, except for me. Her expression was a little angry, "Well, here again overdone it," but she remained still as beautiful, in fact, it even makes it even sweeter.
Despite the fact that this is a closed space, so that's pretty cruel bombing their comrades. Well, that time to protect them. Things to time it is not, I would have killed not only the enemy, but also friends.
You should not blindly reduce our military capability.
So you need a lot about what to think.
Well, her case we handled, collecting everything that can be collected, cure Avenger and the company, we went outside. Time was already in the evening, because we have found a suitable quality hotel and settled there for the night.
That's just, unfortunately, in this maze of little monsters that can eat.
And those that can, the taste is quite strange.
Therefore, to get rid of their taste, I decided to make a small banquet in his room. In addition, the most delicious in the end I took, so I decided to cook something delicious as an apology. I have today become generous dishes made from the innards Akulogolovogo.
Crispy and delicious taste of them came just an excellent appetizer. The truth is if you only compare the taste, dragon meat is much better, but if you eat only them, sooner or later it will get bored.
I found it a little vain, because this time, a snack will be enough. After that they will stop complaining about the previous incident.
And yet, after work drink more delicious ...

DAY 277

Finished business in the city-maze "Sutoriorudzhi" before leaving, I changed the name of the maze with the "Museum of Stone Sculpture" at the "Gallery of funerary statues." The structure of the maze was too lazy to change, so I increased the overall complexity, is now below the 15th floor, new monsters statue [Black Minotaur] and [Black Ogre]. In addition, I added a lot of different traps, and bosses floors slightly strengthened. Like, slightly reinforced armor or add extra circuitry attack.
That's only if the cave will win, for me it would be a problem, because instead of one [female demon with hair of snakes and stone shield "Gorgon"], there are now 3 and is now the name of [the three Gorgon sisters, stone shields].
The elder sister [Strong woman demon "Sidsenna"], the middle sister [wandering woman demon "Eruaru"], the youngest [imperious woman demon "Medusa"]. Three black stone statue, made of material similar to obsidian, had a special charm.
Not only the amount they manage boards has risen to 18, but also the accuracy of their movements, strength and speed has increased significantly. Besides, I'm slightly reworked boss room now blind spot can be used much more efficiently.
Thus, to get here conquerors will undoubtedly killed right here. Looking forward to new achievements, we finally hit the road.
Our goal this time, became situated on the territory of Demonic Empire, a city-storey labyrinth of "Gurorirozu"
From our current position it is quite far away, and travel by Thais Jon Roe now, perhaps, not worth it.
So we set off on [a great bone centipede], the ability to move without stopping. Thus, we can some time to enjoy the journey for other countries. Well, moving all day non-stop, we arrive quite quickly into place.

DAY 278

Traveling in [great bone centipede] on the rocky road, coaching on the way Avenger and the company, admiring the scenery, we truly move forward.
Thanks clones, most demonic empire was already on the map in my head, because we were moving directly toward the goal.
And yet, when you change the place and mood changes.
In addition, on a large path, we met a girl zhukocheloveka, ehavshey on a cart drawn by two large caterpillars or, for example, insectoid Man riding on a giant grasshopper, which flew past at high speed, a group of women vegetable races, like Doria san traveling on [ demonic tree Trent].
In the kingdom of such a scene is not exactly see. There are even ways of movement are radically different.
As expected from the demonic empire, in which most of the representatives belong to the inhuman monsters, here you can find quite unique things.
Also as we drove into the city maze "Gurorirozu" I started to notice that among the demonic races, mostly there are more common representatives of plant and insect races than animals and Midian.
City maze "Gurorirozu" itself is fundamentally different from the previous towns of labyrinths.
Although to map, I sent a lot of clones in different countries and spent a great deal of work to gather information, but details on this city I have not yet explored.
Because drooling in anticipation, I made the train and the company Avenger up a sweat.
At this time, due to lack of space, the training was fairly simple, it was necessary to cope with our KanaMi chan attacks.
Here are just a [great bone centipede] moving fast enough, and although, as we drove down the road, everything was fine, but sometimes we had to cut cross country, and then I give them a rest. The rest of the time, the training continued, strengthening their body and spirit. Previously, they had already had to break out of power, but after improving in the maze of their efforts the body got enough talent to go through this exercise. Fatigue each time all accumulated, but they did not give up, training continues.
Moving so since yesterday morning, this evening, we arrived safely in place.
Typically, such a journey was to take several weeks, and we were able to get here in an incredibly short period of time. As expected from [the great bone skolopendry], the ability to move off the road and rest.
That's just on arrival gates that came into the wall, made from plants like a huge rose, were locked. Time was getting late, because the big gates were closed. Although still have a gate through which people could pass, but with a cart inside today is no longer there.
Because I have to wait until tomorrow.
Nothing to do, I removed the [great bone centipede] in the glove box and we tried to go through the gate. On the question of custody, about where I Affairs wagon showed them a prepared me artifact of the [storage] roomy enough to store [great bone centipede].
Warden, of course, surprised by this fact, but it is strange they did not seem to.
So, instead, they have to have a fairly high fee for passage and a tax on goods, but there is nothing to be done.
But the night city-maze "Gurorirozu" I was very surprised.
Briefly describe the "Gurorirozu" I would call it the capital of roses.
The first thing that surprised me at the entrance to the city, located in the center of the city, a huge blue rose, larger than the average house.
Bathed in moonlight, it emits a blue glow that flooded the entire city.
By the way all the houses in the town were made of stone, for some unknown reason, because the city is enough, and wooden houses, probably should be a reason.
Moving up from the gates, I examined the local architecture, and noticed that the stone walls of almost every house, were covered with a variety of plants, including roses of various colors were visible.
Apart from the huge blue roses were still many smaller, most of them located along the road, but other than that they were almost everywhere. Do not even look for them specifically, it was easy to find them everywhere.
Because of this vast number of roses, the night air was filled with a pleasant aroma.
And besides, to illuminate the city at night probably also use a rose. "Pyroxene Rose", a special kind of plant, which emit a rather glowing gas, an environmentally friendly fuel, which is used for the benefit of the city.
Although they are only a little help to the blue rose, emitting a blue glow, but without them alone, some parts of the city would be plunged into darkness.
Due to this, roses strewn night city, is a beautiful illusory spectacle.
Incredibly unique in its kind city maze, but the main reason is its structure is that there is a maze of class [Divine Spirit], owned by [the divine spirit of roses], [Park Zoo blue roses "buraur? Ze.garuvahe"].
The city labyrinth settles most of the items produced inside, because that is all it happened, there is nothing strange.
Chances are growing here and there rose sprouted here because of the maze.
Enjoy the view, we came to the hotel.
Conquest zaymёmsya tomorrow.

DAY 279

The morning was covering.
Probably, the reason for it was the scent of roses in the air.
Well, whatever it was, I ordered breakfast in the "Via Rosetta", upscale hotel where we spent the night. For breakfast we had meals prepared with the use of roses as ingredients. There were rose petals of edible flowers "Ebidaru"; jam made from roses, which was well spread on bread and flower drinks. Everything was quite tasty. I particularly liked the flower tea. A refreshing aroma and strong taste, a clear sign of a high quality product.
The breakfast we were able to spend in an elegant atmosphere.
So, finished with breakfast, it is time, as we had planned to get into "Park Zoo blue roses."
The entrance was located at the roots of the very huge blue roses in the center of the city.
Gathered together, we went to the blue rose, we saw off the road gazes.
It seems that due to the fact that there are basically plant and insect races, we are very much isolated.
Well, until they stretch their hands, they can simply be ignored.
As usual, we just passed. Having come to the roots, despite the earlier time, there was quite a long queue. I had some time to spend waiting. When it was our time, the roots of the rose went ahead of us and opened the way to a spiral made from plants, leading down.
"Park Zoo blue roses" - classified as a type of underground maze.
That's just it does not mean that there are a lot of stories, only 2 of them here, with the second floor - the whole room the boss, and the conquest of the ordinary is just on one floor. Here's a slightly strange structure.
Just do not underestimate this very just one floor.
This is the floor - an incredibly huge.
Blue like the sky ceiling, towering at a height of more than one kilometer and a width greater than a few tens of kilometers. Trying to jump higher, I end he did not see. In addition, the natural vegetation is located around the world, there is a fairly easy way to lose and stay here forever wandering, and you can not just relax here - in the forest, there are many natural traps.
Inside the "Park Preserve blue roses" fairly strong magnetic anomaly, because there compasses behave strangely.
Because if you do not prepare in advance, have to somehow survive, trying to find a way out. In this case, the death rate is 90%, because most beginners do not depart far from the exit.
Well, considering the map in my head, I do not threaten.
Because we, as before, is moving ahead with the Raider and now headed.
Monsters encountered mainly belong to insects and plants.
Collected from a variety of roses, in the likeness of a human figure, the defender rose as a shield, the attacking spikes [Knight Rose].
Attractive ambushed its prey scent, carnivorous plant, resembling in form and habits of wolves [Wolves Rose].
Pretend to be flowers in the meadow, biting everyone who comes near [the fake snake rose].
When [fake snake rose] grows to a size where it is no longer necessary to hide, [fake rose python].
Fly freely through the maze with a speed exceeding the speed of sound, creating aerial bombings here and there, moving from flower to flower, collecting nectar [supersonic bees].
Although there are many monsters to plant roses, but also a lot of insects and masquerading as a rose. Due to the small number of floors, the monsters are strong and their number is great, because then you need to move carefully.
Despite this, I sent the Avenger and the company ahead.
There are many monsters herbivorous origin, because they fall with the items associated with roses and if you kill the insects, they also fall with the related items.
Because you need to collect a little more, then a lot of things I wanted to try.
For example, the larvae of bees and honey first class, better just does not come up.
Just today we have not met the boss's floor or in relation to this point, it should be a field boss.
Poor course, but maybe this place is so huge. I even searched for them with his clones, but to find and could not. We see someone killed him, and he was still recovering.
For dinner we had the larvae. Why then I remember a time when I had just been reborn, and I was attacked by nostalgia.
Let's talk about the future, as the guards called at night, with the help of the [supreme appeal demonic races] [black orcs Blvd.], I enjoyed a leisurely bedtime.

DAY 280

Today we again cheerfully went ahead.
On the way to cutting all those caught monsters, crossing the sea rose, running free in the woods. Several hours collecting box with treasures and various ingredients, we took a little late for breakfast.
Then I sigh over unnecessary hassle.
In fact, the whole "Park Zoo blue roses" has been explored my clones, and I had a complete map of the place. Slightly crooked reception, which can not rotate along with many floors. Because I used it here for our mutual benefit.
And thanks to the intelligence of these clones, a way of conquering this place was already known to me. In different corners of the place, scattered large stones, there had to bring special flowers or items from some monsters and other different conditions. Many jobs, but only by doing everything should appear staircase leading to the second floor.
That is, the activated events.
Such stones, I found 200 pieces among conditions, a lot of very intricate.
And that is very troublesome, for example, if the desired monster was killed by someone, will have to wait until he reappeared.
Perform all of these conditions are troublesome, but even more troublesome is that implementation of these conditions prevents the huge size of this zone is comparable to the size of the former "Fleymus mountains fiery dragons" (now "Funeral Volcano").
As far as I know, "Park Zoo blue roses" from the labyrinths of the class [Divine Spirit] is the most overwhelming.
In this area are not only forests, but also small mountains, valleys and other landscapes. And depending on the location, monsters vary considerably, which greatly complicates the conquest of space.
Before I met the maze of this type. There simply are not enough forces to conquer.
It is anticipated complexity, but at a pace we vybemsya schedule.
Thinking about it, this afternoon we will cheerfully began the conquest of the labyrinth.
Razzhёvyvaya falling roses here, today we are engaged in a daily conquest of the place.
[Fiery demon [18 demonic warlords] awakened]
[Title [Fiery Sword] will be sent]
[The emperor gladiator sword [18 demonic warlords] awakened] [title [Forsaken Emperor gladiator sword] will be sent]
[Detachment 5 demons [18 demonic warlords] awakened]
[Title [Five happy demons] will be sent]

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